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RE: No More Milk... Sadly not even Goat, Sheep or Buffalo, it seems :(

in #diet7 years ago

I forget now... I might be thinking of something else. The thing is a hybrid with Peony, which is a nightshade flower, maybe not rapeseed... Or something... It's slipped my mind completely.

I'm starting to get really irritated about all this shit. I can see why people will just go to the doctors and get steroids for this shit. I'm starting to wonder whether this rash on my skin is actually something to do with excessive sunlight, since it also happens to have flared up worst where there is a lot of light coming in. And even, maybe this rash IS from eggs!

I'm starting to become paranoid about everything that passes my lips now. I don't like this at all, not one bit.

The thing about dairy though, now, I can say one thing. Even 3 days after not eating any, I still get a smell and a taste here and there from inside my mouth and from my skin that makes me think there is still milky stuff coming out of me. It could still be the cause of the rash. I know it definitely was causing the bronchoconstriction, it has done this before, for certain.

Which leads me right back to what is probably the root of it: leaky gut. I keep forgetting there is one really simple way to deal with that: Glutamine. And other stuff... I remember reading a really good paper that showed that this was associated with a lot of autoimmune problems, notably the paper I read this in was talking about autism. It is not a coincidence that autistic people often also have allergy issues. One of my mother's neighbours son was autistic, and had a genetic defect, apparently, in his gamma globulin, and required routine infusions, and his mother was on all kinds of nasty steroids and had rashes like I have, all the time. She also was always drinking coffee, which I'm sure didn't help.

Anyway, so I need to look at this leaky gut stuff. I found this, which might be a good start:

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