My Downhill Slide to 50: Useful Tips That Could Help You Slim Down

in #diet7 years ago (edited)

Progress Report

As anyone that has been following me will be aware, in November I embarked on a 'improve my health/weight loss journey.'

If you'd like to know how it began, click the links below for Part 1 and 2 of my blog

How it Began
The Plan

Since November, I have been working really hard to make healthy changes so that I have the best chance to live long and prosper.
I've analyzed my eating habits and counted a huge amount of calories.

I know I promised tips but first I'll give you a progress report on how I've been doing.

Week 10

Today is the 10 week point in my downhill slide to 50, so I'd like to share my results with you.

I'm really excited to tell you that in 10 weeks I've lost 11.6 kg which equals 25.5 pounds

Now, I realise I still have a long way to go, 38.4kg to be exact BUT I am going to celebrate this amazing achievement ...... but certainly not with cake ...... mmmmm cake

Wait ...... where was I??? oh that's right ...... Progress!

I'm going to pat myself on the back and congratulate myself on staying strong and fighting the sugar addiction. I haven't added sugar or eaten sweet things for 10 weeks! Yay me!
And I have to say that I don't really miss it.

I'm feeling stronger and more able. I sleep more soundly (except last night when I had a kitten foot in either my eye or my mouth) and generally feel better.

To See Said Kitten

As I've said in earlier posts - I came on Steemit to record this journey and see if I could help people along the way. Over the next few Downhill Slide to 50 posts, I will be giving tips on how I have got this far.

Todays Tip

Make a plan! If you want to lose weight, how much do you want to lose? Think about why you want to lose it, maybe you have a wedding or an event to go to or perhaps you just want to feel better. Put your eye on the prize and stick to it!

If you want to lose weight, leave me a comment below, maybe we can go on a journey together. Maybe you have lost weight and would like to share that with me. If not, feel free to comment and leave any helpful tips you have, so that I can share them.

weight-loss-goals-to-be-able-to-clip-my-toenails-28862775 (2).jpg

I look forward to and welcome all comments.

If you'd like to know more about me, click the link below 🙂

My Introduction Post

Join @markrmorrisjr and the rest of the students at @dolphinschool


Congrats on the weight loss. Thanks for the motivating others to do the same. I am a skinny person so weight loss is not the problem. Fatty and greasy food I am addicted to even though I know it is bad for my health. Will try to focus on eating healthier. Thanks!

Yip I guess even thin people have eating problems lol - Oh how I envy you!!!

Great tip to make a plan.
Just finished writing a post about weight loss and diets.
Did you know there are 20,000 books on weight loss in Amazon?
Here is a link to read my post

Congrats on those 10kgs! .. And thanks for making me laugh ;P From the kitten in the eye to the "mmm cake", I smiled all the way through this post. Which I believe is the lesson for part 4 of our course ;) Seems you're learning way ahead of the rest, hehehe...

I actually have the opposite problem... I'm 194 centimetres and weigh a mere 68kg. I've been this way all my life, no matter how much I eat, lol. I do eat healthily though! Also don't eat sugar, and am a semi-vegetarian. (I eat chicken maybe once a month or so...). I'm aware of the work it would take for me to pick up weight (in muscle) but it's too much, hehe. Maybe one day.

Thank you sometimes I'm quite hilarious lol Other times I lose it along the way somehow. I'm glad it made you smile that was my intention - I find when you're talking about something serious, humour helps!
I know what you mean about being too thin bahahahahaha (in my wildest dreams) I sure wish I had your problem though. I have a friend that has your problem and we were having dinner one and chatting about goals - he said he wished he could reach 70kg one day - I looked at him seriously and said "Ohhh me too" :D we sure did laugh!

That's a really big part of it - knowing why it's important. Some airy fairy thing like I "should" be thinner isn't going to motivate anybody. Knowing what you will gain by being slimmer will. Great tip.

Yes looking at where you start and figuring out where you want to go is a huge start - I'm not saying it's easy after that but once you have a firm plan it's something to focus on :)

25 pounds! Wow! Has it been a pretty steady loss?

I’m also trying to loose some weight. Well, I’m trying to be healthier. But I don’t have a scale, so I’m not really counting pounds. But when I had to start wearing a belt I knew I was doing something right.

I’m definately going to follow your progress. I became emotionally involved when you mentioned what I like to call ‘foot-care-asphyxia’. The amount of air I can get while bent over will be the standard my which I measure my progress from now on!

Haha I laughed when I saw that meme - lol at foot care asphyxia. My organs will thank me when I stop squashing them lol Well done on your belt wearing - new clothes will be next :D

You know, I’ve thought of the new clothes thing... I don’t care what size I am, I hate shopping for jeans!

I feel ya! I hate clothes shopping full stop.

I can clip my finger nails and breathe at the same time some days...

lol from that position you could chew your toenails :P

Many thanks for the good sharing and tips.

Wow, awesome job on the 25.5 lb weight loss! That's incredible! Keep up the great work. I'm glad I'm following you now so that I can see your progress and take advantage of your motivation.

Thank you for your words of encouragement, the upvote and the follow :) it's not an easy road but I'm doing great so far! I would really like to help others down the same path :)

Yay you! 25 pounds! That's amazing. I've been working out several times a week for the past year (I've done similar things in the past, but it's been awhile) I gave up my Dr. Pepper a week ago and my body is crying, LOL. But, I've shed 5 pounds, something I was struggling to do. Congrats on a great post, and way to engage the audience! Critique, the tip and challenge felt a bit anticlimactic. Especially the join me part. Don't hesitate to ask, beg, cajole, implore. Be passionate, it's contagious, look at me, I got 20 people to follow me around steemit for 10 days by being passionate, LOL! It's a great post, good formatting, nice images, incorporating the bucket brigade, bonus points! resteeming this one.

Thank you on the re-steem and useful advice. I will get there eventually :) Oh and Dr pepper was never your friend - ditch that bugger - find new friends, like Evian and Aquafina :)


"Be able to clip my toenails and breathe at the same time"

I'm only laughing because I UNDERSTAND! I've lost 60ish pounds since last April and I remember when I was able to put my shoes on without having to hold my breath! It is a great goal. I wish you lots of luck on your continuing journey!


Wow that's awesome!! 60 pounds is on my wish list!!! Being able to laugh at oneself makes life more bearable..... I found a lot of weight loss memes but with this one I actually laughed out loud :D Thank you very much :)

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