Living Life Moment By Moment

in #depression6 years ago (edited)

I love the power of a good conversation because it always leaves me with a new perspective or a pearl of wisdom that I hadn’t thought of before.

I dropped into the PAL Discord chat this morning and found a wonderful woman that is struggling with her depression at the moment.

We had never conversed before today but she told me of her troubles and her struggles like we were old friends.

That’s the power of Discord and of a good conversation!

Photo by Greg Raines on Unsplash


A Pearl of Wisdom

Something that this woman said to me has been on my mind ever since, I can’t stop thinking about it.

She told us in the chat that she chooses to live moment by moment because that helps her to survive without feeling the need to end her life.

If this scares you for her, it isn’t meant to. I can relate to where she is coming from because I live with daily suicidal thoughts too.

I was inspired by what she said because I have always lived my life day by day and sometimes struggle with that.

The beauty of life is that we have a life made up of moments. How blessed are we?


A Lesson Learned

I used to look at depression as something that defined my entire life, a ball and chain that I toted around. No one could see that ball and chain but me.

I felt separated from those around me as if an ocean divided me from them.

They couldn’t possibly understand how alone and isolated I felt, could they?

I was embarrassed by how I felt so I never reached out to anyone and just suffered in silence.

What I have learned is that having depression has helped me to recognize so much more about myself than I did before.

And I have learned to love and appreciate myself more than I ever thought possible.

The awareness that I have now is unlike anything that I could have ever dreamed possible.

Photo by Tiago Bandeira on Unsplash

Do I still have depression?

Oh, hell yes, I do!

Do I still have days where I can’t force myself to shower or even get out of bed?

You betcha!

But, the difference is that now I accept that I will have those days and I am prepared for them mentally and physically.


Preparing for the Rough Patches

I know that I will have days where I will wake up crying and feel like I want to die but not understand why.

I know that some days I will fall apart at the drop of a hat without having a reason.

And I know that I can get through it as I have every single day for the past twelve years.

Let me tell you how I have prepared:

I have reframed the way that I look at it, first of all.

I look at my bad days as a way to show compassion for myself and to take a mental health day to rest and recharge.

I have a fridge in my room with feel good snacks in it but only enough for one day. If I kept more than one day of snacks in there then I may stay in bed longer than I need to.

I have structured my life in such a way that I don’t have to answer to a boss necessarily.

I freelance write for a living and work from home.

If I need a day off then I take a day off because I have enough posts in my queue that I can skip a day if needed.

I have my support network on speed dial if I need someone to talk to and they listen to me without judging me. That alone is worth all the riches in the world to me.

This self-awareness has taken me years to find and so much anguish that I can’t even begin to describe it. When I started on this journey, I hated myself and everything that I had become.

I was a scared girl inside that loathed every single thing about myself and about my life.

And I trust myself now to make decisions for myself and for my own well being.


I am grateful to that woman for her words and her kindness in sharing her story with those of us in the Discord chat at the time. I have not mentioned her name out of respect for her and her privacy but I pray that she reads this and feels the positive vibes that I am sending her!

I would love to hear your thoughts and how you choose to cope with depression. And feel free to share inspiring messages for others in the comments if you would like to do so.


The @helpie community is growing! If you are a community-centered person and want to be part of a great community dedicated to helping others grow then follow @helpie for more information, leave a comment on this post, or reach out to me on Discord at socent#3214.

Are you a military veteran that believes in community and in the Steemit platform? We have an awesome community of vets on Discord. If interested, send me a message on Discord at socent#3214.

I recently became a mentor for Promo Mentors every Tuesday at 11am EST if anyone needs some posts checked out! I really enjoy the community and how helpful everyone is :)


I love this post!
There's so much compassion, wisdom, honesty and perals-of-wisdom keys for people to keep surviving and thriving.
Things like this and everything after this is wisdom gold:

I look at my bad days as a way to show compassion for myself and to take a mental health day to rest and recharge.

Thank you!

If you ever come across someone like that, please feel free direct them over to our Prevent-Suicide-discord-logo-2.jpg,
so they can get ongoing connections and help with like-minded people.

I'd be keen to use this piece for the @preventsuicide curation.

Blissful blessings and smiles
in joy

Thank you @nathankaye. You are so sweet and supportive. I had mentioned it to her but I think she was so distracted at the time that it might not have registered. I may need to start including a link to the Discord at the bottom of my mental health posts, good idea. You can use any of my posts that you wish.

Oh, I totally understand if she was distracted.

I think it could be helpful to share the discord link on mental health posts. Feel free to save that pic to use.
It’d be great if Prevent Suicide could become Steemit’s safe zone for people in our communities.

I took a screenshot of the photo and saved it for future posts, I appreciate that you offered that. It would be nice to have a safe space community!

Hey, Nathan. Maybe check out this one too. I hope @corpsvalues doesn't mind me sharing it. It's good stuff. We who were living are now dying (20 veterans a day)You two may have some common ground in that you want to help people that are struggling.

I really appreciated your honesty. I have never contemplated suicide, but I experienced deep depression for the first time about 1 year ago. We all need help at one time or another. We all need outlets to share what is happening in our lives and in our minds. We all can be help for others.

Again thanks for sharing.

Thank you for sharing part of your journey. Depression can come when we least expect it. Mine came at a point in time when I thought life was absolutely perfect and couldn't get any better. But, life had something better in store for me and depression may have been the tool used to get me there. If something is taken from us it's because something better is on the way.

I agree, we all need help from time to time and someone that will listen. @nathankaye put his Discord server up in the comment above and its a really great space for anyone needing to just talk, even if its not suicide related. Feel free to check it out :)

You have a wonderful spirit for wanting to help others!


Routine is a great way to overcome depressive cycles. If you have a routine that you force yourself to stick to, such as taking your dog out for a walk, and watering flowers, then you may end up breaking the depression with these activities.
Having close family and friends that you stay in touch with is very important!
Try to recognize depression when it starts and start reaching out to family and being proactive before it gets severe!
And if you know that suicide is a thought that is in your mind frequently, please seek professional help and never ignore it! There are free suicide hotlines that you can call 24/7 and sometimes talking to another human being might be all that you need to snap out of a fugue!
Great post @socent!

These are all really great tips and should be read by everyone. I am so grateful that you have taken the time to share them here. You are such a kind and giving soul. I really liked your post on depression recently and could relate to so many points that you shared. Maybe you and @nathankaye could collab on something because you fellas may find a lot of common ground in mental health challenges and how to help others. Just a thought.

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