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RE: Depression Can Creep up on the Best of Us!

in #depression8 years ago (edited)

I think this is great advice, and I work via a similar method. The only thing different is that I sometimes see the importance of just letting go and not trying to be in control of everything (not even the minor things) as useful as well.

As humans we often have a tendency to always be in control of everything, but I have learned that sometimes it is better to save my energy and to sit back and wait till the clouds blow over and the storm disappears. This is of course not the main attitude someone should take with every little thing which happens.

My point is that one should try one small step at a time, but also recognize it and learn to accept it when it's better to take a couple of deep breaths for a day or two (or longer when neccessary, in case of a "heavy storm") so that one can save ones energy and arise afresh out of the darkness when the storm has passed.

Mindfulness has really thought me that we can't control everything all the time and that learning to accept ones current situation and letting go of the idea that we have to always be in control of one thing or another can lead to a great step forward.

This is not a critique of your article, and of course I'm talking about what is only a temporary acceptance of the situation and this doesn't in any way mean that one should just give up trying for good, or that one has to accept ones situation in the long run.

Essentially it's a warrior's attitude I'm advocating. Sometimes as warriors we get beaten (comes with the "job"), so we have to learn to accept our defeat, rest, heal, and then emotionally and physically prepare for the next fight.


Yes to mindfulness practice - not just meditation but all that it entails - especially with acceptance and letting go of trying to fix or control our environment. The more we fight to get our selves out of a depressed state, the more we panic and can't think clearly. If we let go of this control, we accept the mood or episode and can allow ourselves to find ways to distract, challenge our thoughts - or check the facts as I call it, exercise, eat well etc. - self care.

It's a great point. Even though I'm not religious myself, I frequently refer to the serenity prayer,
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference."

I completely agree that it's important to focus on those things that are in our control while being able to let go of things that are not (and don't go our way.) For me those baby steps/little wins are those things fully within my power, and I'll agree I should have made that explicit in here, cause it's an important aspect of it.

In the end, each person has to find what method works for them in those more bleak moments. I'm all for having other approaches like yours included here. :)

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