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RE: Depression Can Creep up on the Best of Us!

in #depression8 years ago

You put a lot of work into this post and have compiled good information that can be helpful to people who go through depression. Sounds like you've learned cognitive behavior therapy and some mindfulness practice.
I don't agree with the quote however because it puts "blame" on the person suffering. I believe though that it can be deconstructed with help.


Yes that quote looked weird to me too. No one intentionally gave me a mental disorder but I definitely didn't construct it myself either. Nature can just be a bitch sometimes, which is probably the main reason. And yes in other cases it can be other peoples anti-social behavior, or injust practices within society which either targets me personally or people I care about, in which case it is someone else's fault. It's normal for people to get angry in such a case but at the same time I think that it's important that we don't see ourselves as victims when this happens, but rather to transform this anger into a beneficial fuel to make ourselves stronger and to make this world a better place so that those people of our ilk who come after us don't have to deal with such problems any more, or less at least.

I'm less optimistic and don't believe that depression can always be deconstructed. Depression can just get too horrible sometimes and depending on the strenght of a person some people may just never get out of it (which we see happen with people now and then). It is those people we who are stronger need to protect I think, because it's hard for people to be in that situation and protect themselves. The only hope is probably again to shape a better world for them, and all of us. But I could be wrong and maybe all depression can be deconstructed. Let's hope that I'm wrong, but it doesn't look that way from my perspective.

I thought the advice in the article is very sound though, apart from that quote.

I swapped out that quote, cause I can see how it could interpreted as 'blaming' the person suffering. It wasn't my intention for it to come across that way, wanting it more as a personal empowerment aspect of things.

Personally, I've been able to deconstruct my depressed moments, but this isn't by any means the same for everybody. To a large degree it depends on the person, the situation, the longevity, support networks, and this list can go on. I readily admit what works for me doesn't apply to everyone.

I've always tended to split those things in and out of my control. Rarely (imo) do people fall into depressed states when they don't win on a lottery ticket or slot machine, as well as when something less gambling oriented doesn't go their way such as getting a job, date, etc. These usually get chalked up to 'crap happens' or 'I didn't get lucky'...the big shift occurs when these begin the thoughts of "I'm not good enough" or not worthy.

Still all great points, not arguing. Just my personal take on things.

aw, you didn't have to swap out your quote - that was your quote.....I have to go out but wanted to let you know I've read your two replies and would like to read the rest in the chain and get back to you - I have a few thoughts to add. I know what depression is like too....and I like how you are handling it. Just wanted to tell you that for now.

It's no worries. I didn't feel I was forced to change the quote, the points made were quite valid. I prefer to have things interpreted the way I had in mind and in that case it could have been taken in both positive and negative the change was worthwhile in my mind. :)

TY! Looking forward to your thoughts. :)

Yes I agree very much with you there, and also believe you didn't have to swap out your quote. I like the one you replaced it with though.

It's all good. In the discussion I could see how it could have been taken negatively, so it was worth the edit in my eyes. I definitely didn't feel like anyone was forcing that on me...just good valid points and my preference in having things interpreted in the way I wanted/meant. :)

I don't believe depression as a mood disorder can be desconstructed in that sense but I think a depressive episode can be a bit to relieve suffering. There are tools to help with depressed thoughts, which are different than an episode. @sykochica gave some great ideas - not that it isn't hard to do while depressed, it is but some of these things can help change the way you are feeling even if for a while. Some believe we can retrain or rewire the brain with some of what is mentioned in this post.
Depression is horrible and painful. I believe it is genetic so that the person is more sensitive than others to their emotions.

That I can understand, with the episodes being more acute/short-term, which is more common during the potential onset of the mood disorder itself as well as the genetic side of things.

For me, in the 'on-set' stages of things is more where these methods have been what's worked for me. Personally I don't like the idea of the prescribed medications (just for me, not generalizing this to what others should or shouldn't do) but I did do some 'green partaking' back then which did help me in moments. Some day I may find that something else may be necessary, but luckily so far I've just needed to break the cycle of negative thoughts. Logically I still knew I had friends, support, etc but emotionally I took everything in those moments in the worst way possible.

I can believe there are genetic aspects to it, providing the pre-disposition increasing likelihood of episodes being triggered. I've just found things that work for me. I'm always careful on stuff like this to not extend 'methods that have worked for me' to everybody. I will admit that to a large degree I view depression as a 'mindset' in the sense that I took the same 'data' either in a positive vs negative light. It's also worth mentioning that I've often felt empathic, in the sense of being sensitive to emotions, which I could be being a factor. (if this isn't just something in my own head, lol)

Either way, I do agree. Depression sucks all around and is a difficult experience to go through. In the end it's all about finding some way to get out of that state whether through methods I mentioned, medication, talking with people/professionals, or other ways that I've not even thought of.

While not a fix in itself, things like this at least help me to smile...


Sometimes funny things help, sometimes not right? You must be nearing the end of your episode. I like how you self soothe and take care of your symptoms by doing the opposite of what you are feeling. That's super important.

Great post - too bad you didn't make more $$ on was worth more. Hate it when that happens. But also, sometimes $$ don't matter when you've helped so many on here.


So true! Depending on where I'm at the funny things truly help and make me smile...other times it just kinda flows right by without much effect. At least I haven't had a negative reaction to cute/funny which is part of why I find use in them.

Eh, while on an upswing, I'm still having to get various major 'life' things dealt with (still on the job search.) But I do find 'little wins' by putting things like this out there. While a better payout on it would have been nice, it's definitely generated great conversations out of it, which was uber helpful and felt great.

I learned on here a long time ago that a low payout just means a low payout (maybe bad timing, bigger SP holders didn't see it, topic not on their current interest radar, even things I could have tweaked to effect it (tags, title, etc.) I really don't let the lower payouts get to me for long, so many of my shorter posts have done quite all balances out pretty well for me.

This was one of those "Wrote it because I wanted to write it" sort of thing. :)

TY! Yea, I've had a lot of 'mental practice' and self reflection over the years.

I can see the concern on that quote upon rereading it. It definitely wasn't my intention of laying blame on the person suffering, more just that it's something that is personal and the mindset (while not easy to chance quickly) is within their control. For some it may take something more external, whether therapy or even medicine (which personally I'm not a fan of, but each person chooses that for their self,) but in the end it's our way of viewing the situation/world in a positive/negative way. When 'blame' is applied outside the self, we face the caveat that it's not within our power.

Still it's a good point, I'm sure there's a better quote I can toss in there.

I replied to you in the wrong spot of course :) There are a couple of replies. This was a really good post. I promoted it for you in Hope you don't mind.

No worries. I very much appreciate that! :D

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