#DeleteFacebook - Some Poems and a Song to Share (on Facebook)

Good morning, Steemers! How does it feel to be on the best social networking platform? Gosh you're lucky!

John (1).jpg

Facebook is just the worst. They're a supremely shady, data-mining, agenda-pushing pile of globalist garbage. Sure, the convenience of their Messenger has kept most of us hanging around, but not for very much longer...

#deletefacebook Limerick #1

I Wish I could Play Violin (21).jpg

I know. Facebook started before blockchain and tokenization, but that doesn't mean that they haven't been reaping the benefits of our valuable content for years.

There's nothing good on Facebook anymore.

This is a song I wrote back at the beginning of my Steem career. It may be clever and slightly amusing, but my words are dead serious. Playing on Facebook anymore is just drinking the koolaid.

Here's another #dailylimerick

I Wish I could Play Violin (22).jpg

If you haven't yet made the leap of deleting your Facebook account, go ahead and share my stuff on Facebook. It probably won't really get shown to anyone, since we're all shadow-banned anyway, but go for it!

I've got one more #dailylimerick for you!

I Wish I could Play Violin (23).jpg

Spread the word! Feel free to resteem or share my limericks on Facebook!


Hi @chrisroberts, it never ceases to amaze me how easy you make limericks look to a struggling free-verse poet like me :D I humbly invite you to submit an entry for round 21 of the Information Finding Championship so that you can share your talent with a community of people looking to bring out the best in each other so that we can all learn and grow!


That looks pretty fun... I really like the grand prize of having digital art made of myself. :)

I might join in! I do lots of different things.

I know that the people at @ifc would definitely love to have you participate and show us the power of limericks (and other things) :D

The challenges and prizes are not too bad either :)

Yep come join in
There is no sin
To come and win
And become king

I think thats better😂😂

Thank you once again @plushzilla for working so hard in promoting the ifc! You truly are an amazing person!

Great limericks indeed! We would love to have you aboard! There are a few open rounds so feel free to enter any and all of them at your leisure! Until then steem on!!!

Thanks! I entered a poem in the current round :D
Looking forward to being part of the Information Finding Championship!

Awesome! Also, glad to see you made your entry! Looking forward to reading more!!


Yeah......! The Babylon, that great city (facebook) that deceives the whole is FALLING. Delete Babylon! Hahahahaha. Must Resteem this.

Ok sorry if im about to make people mad but
Facebook doesnt need to die
It is useful for privacy too?
Have you ever thought of that facebook and steem can live since both do different functions
Sure they have many similarities and differences i mean yeah steem rewards authors but steem is not the best in terms of privacy ok dont get mad yet but i mean look at it facebook gives you the option to post to friends only or only me or to everyone depending on who you want to see your post sure you all say that facebook gets information out of you but i mean what harm can it do? Give you more ads that may actually help you? What that ad actually helped you buy something you really needed sure if its bothering you its not that hard to simply... scroll down
Look at the differences
Lets look at this analogy
If you say that followers can be your friends sure ok but what about these bots that rome around steemit
steemit and facebook are not perfect
Facebook is convinient and for me i see more interactions i mean true interactions not like a guy in steem it saying great post! Like facebook brings people together so does steemit there s no need to hate on facebook its just a matter of what you perfer there are many great posts in facebook and if you say no one makes money there just ask a person like nasdaily who post videos that let him gain money for posting
Look im not hating on neither facebook nor steemit im just saying both can live in the same world one does not need to die the ups and downs make balance between facebook and steemit
And please dont hate on me if i disagree with you i have an opinion

No need to be nervous, I don't hate you for your opinion. I don't hate you at all ;) Thanks for commenting.

Though I'm not going to change my mind about Facebook. They got too big.

Yeah i understand with all these concerns anyways have a great day

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