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RE: An Analysis of 50% Curation Rewards in EIP and HF21 - All Delegators Should Read This

in #delegators5 years ago

... I have watched over the last three years and some (very few) of the larger voters have tried to stem abuse and virtually no support from their peers. I don't really see that ending and them finally realizing they have a role to play that is not all about their own profits.

The difference is this time that there is no cost for 2.5x for that downvote, up until now there always has been.

Until it starts at the big guys...

maybe it will, maybe it will be the most of the active voting stake on the platform of orcas and dolphins that do it. 1800 odd active dolphin or orcas and 6000 active minnows might make a difference, if they choose to.


I can't fault your optimism @tarazkp ..I hope I'm wrong and it's well placed. Time will tell.

If we aren't optimistic about being able to affect the future, why try?

well @tarazkp .. I don't consider the moves being taken as wise or needed. Does appear that like it or not they will be happening so while I'll be willing to see how things shake out ... optimism on my part is a stretch too far. I have other places to put my optimism energy. So, we'll just watch yours instead LOL.

A shake up is needed at the very least here.

agreed but I think we have different opinions how that should look and in what area :)

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