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RE: Delegations

Yep, I figured it out. And what is up with the cold, anyway? We're starting to get out of it a little here, but the cold has been hanging around. In fact, it feels like we've had colder weather in March than we had in February.

Funny thing is, Alexa kept telling us to expect dreary weather all day. All day, it was sunnier than it's been in several days. :)


Agreed... Everyone I talk to around here can't believe it.. Its never this cold this late.. and yes today was finally a good day...

I was born and raised in FL, so this whole cold weather thing is not in my blood as it is!

I've been considering Florida as a possible retirement spot, but bad things keep happening there that make national news. So, I don't know. No place is going to be perfect. I just like to have a little warmer weather year round with more sunshine and only rain at night, so there's still green things like trees!

Is that too much to ask?

haha.. yes those green things are sometimes a pleasant sight!

And I have lived all over FL and think it is a good retirement spot if you like "hot"... I do like the change of seasons here in NC, but the problem is this year it hasn't changed yet... I haven't decided where to retire yet, but I think I want to be near the ocean so I can get a boat again and fish a lot... I say that now of course, I also remember being happy to get rid of my last one 15 years ago... :P

As far as the national news... I try not to watch it... to me its all propaganda and I figure there's no way to protect against crazy anyways.

No, not really, other than what you can reasonably provide and plan for yourself.

Miami just had the overpass pedestrian bridge collapse, and the governor wanting to up the gun age limit to 21, so not just mass gun violence (of which there's been plenty, mind you).

I know that to some degree, that kind of crazy is going on everywhere.

We have seasons here in Oregon, too. After 4o-plus years of it, though, I'm ready for a change. Warmer would be nice. Don't need hot. Something like upper 70s to lower 80s with a breeze during the day, and mid-to upper 60s at night would be just fine. :)

Hey there @glenalbrethsen and @davemccoy! I read through your thread here and attempted to put in all in 3rd person, but it was becoming totally ridiculous (not that either of yours was !:) I stopped.

Suffice it to say that you are both superstars in my eyes and I appreciate what you both do here!

...and Mexico has lovely weather year round. Just saying...

So Lynn doesn't know how to talk about herself in the 3rd person? lol... Dave learned that a long time ago... He used to be shy so it was easier to refer to himself in this way so that it seemed like he was talking about someone else... Come on FarmGirl give it a try! :P

haha Lynn knows how to talk in 3rd person, she just prefers first person is all. It seems strange and awkward for someone like Lynn, who unlike @glenalbrethsen or @davemccoy, has never seemed to have a problem talking with or to others. Funny enough, Lynn never liked the theatre Glen, so perhaps she wasn't totally comfortable in her own skin. In high school, like most teenagers, Lynn wasn't hugely popular but did have a core group of friends that she was comfortable with. She has never been a fan of girls much, and truthfully, she doesn't know of any girls who might find this right now amusing...except herself of course. Lynn finds this terribly, terribly amusing and in fact, she may make a habit of this 3rd person thing!

How's that? :)

Dave thinks Lynn is fun! He said that she is super smart and fun... Dave doesn't understand why more people don't talk like this, so its good to find someone like Lynn that gets it!

Oh, I know all about not being comfortable with who I was. I used to love theater because I could e someone else for a while, someone with gusto and bravado that I could never pull off being me. I also preferred writing letters to communicate with people outside of my family and friends rather than talking to people face to face or on the phone. (no email back in the Stone Ages, you know).

That said, I don't think I've ever referred to myself as Glen, even when I was so introverted. It takes some technique to pull off. I've listened to politicians, celebrities and athletes refer to themselves in third person, and each time I wonder, "They do know they're talking about themselves, right?"

However, Glen can speak in third person if he wants to. He just chooses not to. :)

I should have dropped some thees and thous, that would have really made it ridiculous! Or spoken in the royal WE.

Well, thanks for the kind words. Superstardom isn't really my thing, but I do aspire to have more of a presence on here while also doing what I came here to do, which is write. So, if I can do that through comments or posts, and joining an Engagement League, then cool.

Mexico was on my radar for years, especially your lovely Mexican Riviera. I was even actively looking for land down there to build on, the last over in the Tulum area where they were supposed to build another international airport (did they ever manage to do that?).

Tulum is one of my favorite ruins over there, so it would be cool to at least have some place to winter, and I've even entertained having some kind of small hotel and tourist business. My wife wasn't so keen on the idea, though.

But then, the drug trade has expanded where it didn't use to be so prevalent, and then it got into areas where it never was before, and I haven't felt as safe as I used to. I think part of that is what I have to go through every time I fly because of the TSA, but unfortunately, you can't really trust a lot of the police or officials down there to help you out in the case something goes wrong.

So, I've kind of ruled Mexico out. We're probably at least 10 years from me retiring, and I have a lot of ground to make up in the meantime from going out of business over 5 years ago. Thus, Steemit and other endeavors I've tried.

Anyway, if I could feel safe and finance it, and my wife would get behind it more, Cancun area on down would be a definite place to retire to.

Lately, though, I'm actually wanting to be in Hawaii. If I'm going to dream, I might as well dream big, right? :)

Hey dream away @glenalbrethsen! That's what we are meant to do ;)

Mexico is getting a bad wrap in the media lately. I know there are parts of Mexico that aren't safe, but it's like me wondering, "hmmm, should I go to the United States, because I hear of a lot of murders and I don't feel safe there". There are places in any city where you probably shouldn't go, and yes, the police here have not been very helpful, but at least in this city, they are trying to clean that up. I have been out by myself so many times here, even walking at night, and I have never felt in danger. The worst that has happened to me is cat-calling circa 1970 USA ;) I'm learning more and more Spanish, so I'll soon be giving those guys the 'what-for' on that business haha

Lynn actually can't wait to learn more Spanish. Right now she feels that her inability to communicate is a very unnatural thing:)

I've always thought that Mexico got a bad wrap, even when things were better. I've been to different parts of Mexico at least four times, maybe five (it's hard to keep things straight because we would go to several different places each time).

However, now they've started to announce more and more travel warnings here, and the last time I was in the DF (probably 15 years ago now), things were changing there, too.

So, I'm sure that the parts of the country that are really bad are giving the rest of the country a bad name, just as it's easy to lump all of the U.S. into one category or Canada, or any other nation.

I'm sorry about the cat calls. Anyone who does that doesn't really have a clue about life, let alone gender relations, but they desperately need to get a clue. My guess is most of them are drunk, even if it's in the morning or early afternoon. No waiting for the evenings that I've ever seen. :)

I've always had great fun walking around in areas of high Hispanic populations, in the U.S. or in Mexico, especially with my wife, and then see the looks on people's faces when this here Gringo busts out some Español. Funny thing is, I've never heard anyone making fun of me before the knew I could speak Spanish, which I know can happen, just not as much as some people might believe.

I'd like to think it was my magnetic personality and natural charm that kept that bay, but it was more likely I wasn't of particular interest to them and they just kept to their own business. Either way is fine with me. :)

Florida is probably a little too hot for you then... I remember as a kid it being in the 90s and with the humidity it is sometime unbearable... The coastal areas get good breezes that help with that, but it is still pretty hot during the summer.

I've never been to Oregon, but I've heard it is nice... I picture a lot of those green things that grow really high and help to absorb the carbon dioxide and emit some oxygen. To me that would be a cool place to be (but if its really cold then maybe not) ... :)

Well, cold is relative. We do get our fair share of humidity, though I understand the East Coast gets more. Typical temperatures for us during the winter depends on if it's cloudy and/or raining. If it is, then highs can range between the upper 30s to the upper 40s. If it's sunny, then temperatures can drop below freezing into the mid-teens for a few days. That, however, doesn't happen very often. Normally, it hovers around freezing.

Lately, though, we've had a nicer January and February than most years, but March has been colder and blustery up until the last two days.

We live in the Willamette Valley, so west of the Cascades and roughly 50 miles from the ocean as the crow flies. So, things are more temperate here than they are points north or east. On the other side of the Cascades, it's all high desert, which pretty much sums up Southern Idaho, and most of Utah, so it just keeps going. And on that side, they get all kinds of snow and potentially sub zero temperatures.

My problem is, my bones aren't getting any younger, and they tend to knock together more when the temperature drops below 40. :)

haha.. yes I understand about the bones knocking together... I had cartilage damage in college and can definitely feel the temperature in my knee when its too cold. I think some people have the right idea, they have one home here in NC for the summer and then go to FL for the winter... I am not in a position to do that right now, but it does seem like a good way to escape the extremes.

And that sound like a cool place to be... in between the mountains and the ocean... Especially in the spring and summer! Its definitely on my bucket list of places to see. (I picture the movie Rambo when I think of OR eventhough I don't even know if that was the actual setting)

My grandparents (Dad's parents) use to Winter mainly in Southern California near Carlsbad, or somewhere in Arizona, and lived the rest of the year in a real small town called Bovill, Idaho. They owned a mobile home that sat at the Bovill site and then had a nice sized trailer that they would take to the wintering grounds. It worked out well for them.

I wouldn't mind doing something like that, but I can't seem to convince my wife. :)

Actually, there are deep forest areas and towns like the one in Rambo in Oregon, so you're good there. Unfortunately for Oregon, though (I looked it up), the first Rambo was filmed primarily in British Columbia, even though the story takes place in Washington. Both of those places have large forests, too. @lynncoyle1 would know about the BC side. :)

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