You are exactly where you are supposed to be

in #deepshit6 years ago (edited)

This is the lesson I keep coming back to. It is so easy to forget.

All the moments in my life have led me up to this one. I was guided here through both inspiration and impulse, a cocktail of the pure and the impure, a kind of yin and a yang. I spent much of my life feeling as a victim but now I know better.

I’ve been hurt and cheated and taken advantage of. I didn’t have to let any of it in. I’ve been loved and appreciated and assisted. I didn’t have to let any of it in. But I let in what I let in. So while I didn’t consciously have any choice over where I started, I’ve had choices every step of the way, even when they weren’t obvious to me. I am responsible for where I am right now.

When I get stuck, I can cry a little and find a new direction, a new focus.

The pain in my life has caused me to grow. The struggle has caused me to appreciate everything. It has all served it’s purpose. There is no need for guilt or regret in where I stand, no matter where it is. The contrast is allowing me to define and refine my desires and the feeling that I’m not there yet simply means I have some work to do, that’s it. Usually the real “work” is just to “chill out” and focus. And when I focus I can see how the outer world will always reflect the inner one.

All change comes from within.

All roads lead home.

oh yeah


Robert Anton Wilson has this great quote "You are precisely as big as what you love and precisely as small as what you allow to annoy you"

But back to "Usually the real “work” is just to “chill out” and focus." this always leads to this cosmic riddle/giggle, it's a matter of being BE. HERE. NOW. which is always seem a lil silly because how can you not? It's one thing to know it or think it, but it's something else to be it.

but thanks for this think piece, it's nice to ponder and dance with thoughts,

inner paths to outer truths

That's a really brilliant quote.

I wrote this one in bed when I was still waking up :-) I figure if it's hard to kick the habit of check my ipad as soon as i wake up, I might as well use those first few minutes to muster up some inspiration for the day :-D

Dude...totally love these words and I will cling on to them in the rough sea of life at the moment

:-D I should write when I am half sleeping more often!

Half sleeping often gives very honest stories you that right?? :D

Emotion takes over rationality while half sleeping

I had a relationship counselor once that I didn't think was very wise or helpful, but she said one thing which I realized was the whole reason we had gone to her for a month and paid all that $: In response to me saying how I had done all of this work for my SO, put all my energy into his dreams she said basically to remember that everything I did for him I did for myself because I wanted the kind of partner he could only be if these changes happened for him. I have been pretty aware that I bring people and situations into my life by choice for a while now (though we forget, of course), but I never realized so clearly that a lot of the things I did for others I did for myself - sort of that argument against altruism. The struggle I went through to heal others maybe because I can't bear to be around unhappy people. So interesting to keep looking at your life and saying "why am I doing this?"

You are right, and that kind of brings up the whole argument of "But then isn't everything selfish?" and I'd say not really because if you can see how connected we are, you realized that when you truly benefit yourself (and not simply in an egoic way, with love rather than fear, and with a belief in abundance rather than lack) you will be most capable of benefiting others as well and helping them along the way in ways you don't even realize at the time. Telling someone how you really feel, for example, will give them an opportunity to face their own truths.

I had just heard something like this when I was listening to Abraham Hicks yesterday. :-D

Love love love her !

truly spoken. the fight is everything while the end isn't. if we can internalize the past and externalize the future, then we have a way out

Yes ! And it's only a fight if we want it to be one :-D

Well said.
I learned a while back that things are exactly as they ought to be... and why? Because they are like they are, not like they aren't.

And so they couldn't be any different... because they simply aren't.^^

It really needs to be experienced in order to understand and believe. And most people don't believe until they experience, until eventually their experience leads them to experiment and eventually we all stumble upon this.

Experience brought me here, without it I see no way really.
Great idea man, you think everyone will come? I have my doubts but would certainly welcome it

everyone will make it in this life or the next. I don’t know how it works, I just know it works.

Reckless optimism. I dig it. Since nobody knows what's up on Earth I might as well take yours as the default assumption for now ;)

Well said as always. At least I know I am not the only one who's ever going through this.

When I get stuck, I can cry a little and find a new direction, a new focus.

Of course you aren't and you know where to find me if you ever need to talk.

yes a totally agree.
the biggest The challenge is not judge ourselves. when we stop it. then we can be what we are supost to be. not before.

Self love is hard cause we don't have too many good teachers who teach it.

Well said. I really like that you acknowledge the importance of "chilling out." A lot of people never understand that being too driven is just as harmful as not being driven at all. One can accomplish everything in the world but if they aren't happy with it, what is the point?

I like to let things flow. You need a firm intention and then you need to move so that things happen, but there is no need or benefit to forcing things. You might go further, but it's never comfortable in the end.

This seems the clear message coming at me today. Time to go deeper into the energy of life and let go of judgements:) Thanks for this wonderful reminder:)

How have I not followed you yet. Fixed.

No problem :-)

That's awesome:)

I've been wounded, swindled and taken advantage of. I didn't have to let anything in. I have been loved, appreciated and helped. I didn't have to let anything in. But I let in what I let in. So, although I consciously had no choice about where I started, I have had choices every step of the way, even when they were not obvious to me. I am responsible for where I am now.

  • life awareness* everything that surrounds us, makes us grow in wisdom, in consciousness, in spirit and in love, let us be aware that each step will make a change in our destiny that only we are masters, focusing on living without attachments is the best way to live in harmony, great reflection to end the night, excuse my English, use translator

Translated with

I'm glad we can understand each other even without speaking the same language! You have an amazing tanslator, and I love your ideas :-D

glad to have the opportunity to express myself freely in your publication! very good topics that I will follow closely, thank you very much for your kind words

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