What’s better than fame? (Part 1)

in #deepshit6 years ago (edited)

Back when I was performing more, I got a lot more attention than I do now. Everyone wanted to sit at my table, I never had to start a conversation to be at the center of one. It didn’t matter that my guitar skills were unimpressive, that I was a nobody in the music scene or that I was insecure as hell. I was the guy on the stage and people wanted a piece of that. People called me and sent me messages every day. I always had something going on.


all phones in hand

Sure, it was nice to be respected and acknowledged, but it wasn’t a very fulfilling kind of respect. I remember feeling distinctly that no one really understood my music, and that only a small fraction even appreciated it. The rest was a kind of empty going-through-the-motions. Nobody really knew what they were doing there, they just thought they wanted to see a performance. Most people would talk during the show, I didn’t sing any famous songs and my songs were not recorded yet. Some were messaging on their phones. Some would watch the show through their phone cameras. It was essentially just an excuse to be social. But I was always treated like a big deal, except by those who were a bigger deal. I was an object of social cred. It was essentially all a power game. People like to be next to someone who “matters” and because I spent time on the stage and posed for a few photos, I “mattered”.

Before a show I was asked to write attractive descriptions of my music that would draw people in, and present the organizers with pictures that would impress people. After most shows I felt as if I were a counterfeit product that drew people in with its fluffy advertising. When I spoke between songs, nobody really listened, they were lost in their thoughts, or thinking about who to go home with, or about work the next day, anywhere but the present moment.

Some of the problem was certainly my ability and my own self satisfaction and self condfidence, but I wasn’t looking for massive crowds. My whole motivation behind playing shows was to get over the fear of being on the stage as I worked my music into something I was happier with. Deep inside I was hoping that people would recognize me for what I was, even if that meant not being so special in their eyes. “You have potential, Iooking forward to hearing your album” is what I really wanted to hear, not empty words, just something true.

It was even worse for my friends who were truly famous and more talented musicians than myself. I watched people fawn over them, hang on their every words, beg for pictures and autographs and basically neglect any opportunity of a true human connection with them. Some loved being the star, some hated it, but they were all forced to play the part, and if they didn’t, the best they could hope for was awkward disappointment.

Fame is a symptom of our learned inability to see each other human beings as equals, of our addiction to a power structure. It’s a symbol of our collective disempowerment. It’s part of a myth that says you are capable of something that I am not or that I am capable of something that you are not. It’s an excuse to not level the fuck up, or a distraction that leads us to level up for the wrong reasons. It is centralized attention. It’s an imaginary line between me and you. It was put there by those who realize that dividing us makes us easier to manipulate, easier to sell products to.

Fame is simply a play on our desire for respect and acknowledgement. The pop star, the CEO, the politician, the doctor, the teacher, the leader, the guy on the stage, they often have a near monopoly on respect and acknowledgement and so we gravitate towards them and forfeit our power to them or we try to show off and outdo them. That respect and acknowledgement belongs to all of us, but we need to recognize that and continually strive to embody a better version of ourselves in order to reclaim that misplaced esteem.

Perhaps someone is more talented than you in a specific area or even in multiple areas. Recognize them as a self empowered individual, not as an idol. Recognize yourself in them, and your ability to achieve equally impressive feats. See them as a resource to learn from, rather than an idol to obsess over. Realize that you are capable of far more than you can currently imagine and find respect for yourself so that you can begin to see yourself as an equal.

Read Part 2


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by @skyleap


Love this post @whatamidoing, both the message and the peep into more of you story. Great share. 😍

It’s all a lie, I made up The Whole backstory. No hahha just kidding, I’m happy to share!

Well I enjoyed this particular story more than the fear one @whatamidoing! 😂 💙

Ah yes, the whole "validation by association" thing; we see that with artists, as well. Beginning artists hang out with established artists and somehow end up abdicating their individuality in service of what they believe it means to "be known." People are weird, sometimes.

I still get really nervous around one musician because he represents a lot of what I am trying to embody with my music. It has nothing to do with fame, and I don’t see myself as below him in any fundamental way. I just feel I have so much to learn from him and get a little nervous about how to go about interacting with him. But then again I have a good friend who I could say the same thing about. I love being associated with him because he is so awesome at what he does, but at the same time, I am able to speak to him as an equal even if he’s been much more successful at what he does. I think the desire to be around people you respect is natural, but it’s always so unbalanced without that self respect.

I’m not contradicting anything you said, just elaborating. And nice to see you! I like when we keep up with each other’s posts! I will make more of an effort :-)

sheeple, I wish I could say I have never been...
at least I don't need to be anymore...

Fame is a symptom of our learned inability to see each other human beings as equals, of our addiction to a power structure.

This is what I've been trying but unable to articulate for as long as I can remember.

Thank you.

No problem, I’m sure you will help me articulate some things as well. Part 2 has you in it. Just posted, check it out when you are free ;-) I hope I didn’t cross any lines.

I admittedly obsess over people. My teacher's teacher has totally changed my life. I think he's the smartest, most brilliant person on the planet. I'm obsessed with meeting him and working with him. Donny Epstein. I write about him all the time, listen to him all the time, talk about him all the time, think about him all the time. Soon I'm going to interview him on Dtube. The second I become enough of a somebody here.

My husband @inaliz is a streamer on Twitch. Last fall he had 9k viewers in his stream. This was really something to watch. Suddenly he was a god to these people. They were throwing money at him, complimenting him on his beard left and right, praising his stream up and down, calling him the next big thing on Twitch.... and then the hype for the game ended and they were gone. It was fascinating.

Yeah, people are crazy fickle , here one day then gone the next lol

Aww, don’t forget me when steemit is all AI.

Husband added.

And I’ve got to get on this Epstein, I’ve heard you mention him a ton least thrice.

Aww, don’t forget me when steemit is all AI.


Husband added.

Help me get him over here! He's resisting me and working his butt off on Twitch running round and running round.

Oh, I didn't realize you were famous... I must be nice to you now! (:

It reminds me of the time Lorde posted on Twitter about how her Uber-driver was raving about the famous celebrity he had in his car shortly before her. I suppose celebrity is relative, but I like to evaluate people on their own merits.

Thanks to @paradigmprospect, this post was resteemed and highlighted in today's edition of The Daily Sneak.

Thank you for your efforts to create quality content!

I claim no fame! And thanks for the resteem! Appreciated both of you!

You're welcome!

I read these in reverse order and upvoted both. Love it!

Like word for word in reverse? ;-P

When I was young I, like almost everyone, wanted to be famous. .When I got older and did some things I also realized the burden of fame and Tupac's perfect line "Give me the money, fuck the fame, I'm a simple man". I also skirt in and out of it, and see my friends that sought it more strongly either 1. deal with the burnout and isolation caused by spreading your energy over such a large space (the ones that care about others) or 2. Lose pretty much all sense of true human interaction as they are always gauging who they are interacting with with an eye for advancement and how it effects them. I don't see it bring very much happiness. It is also pretty disappointing when you realize that most of the fame you have is, as you said, not really from people recognizing the things you created and are so proud of. That is a pretty disheartening thing for artists . Whenever I met someone famous I was just interested in getting to the genius that separated them, just because I'm a curious person and love fascinating things and ideas. If there wasn't anything fascinating or just a real person that I could connect with, then it didn't matter if I thought they could advance me in some way, I know there are people out there that I will connect with that I can work with, and it makes it easier to not have to remember to be 'on' or feign excitement to see them haha. My middle school me would be soooo mad at myself for not being famous already though haha ;)

Balance is where it’s at but balance is already out of wack when people delegate their own empowerment and choose to see themselves as inferior whether it be to obsess over or to compete with.

I know what you mean, I want to know where my favorite work came from and so I love to pick their brains and see who they are. One thing that has helped me is discovering that some of the greatest geniuses are unrecognized by anyone. I learned more from a homeless friend than I might have been able to hanging out with some of the most renowned artists. I also have a group of friends that’s really diverse and has two celebrated artists and a bunch of “nobodies” and you kind of feel like any of us could have been the big names if that was our focus and we really focused. It’s an empowered group of individuals, at least relatively. I wish everyone could experience that.

I can’t find you in chat. I’m in pal too

Weird, I searched your name and it didn't come up either....

Welcome to click the link in my footer!

And you play music? I didn't know that. Have you shared any of your music on SteemIt? (dlive, etc.)

You commented on my last music post! I’ve only shared one song and you told me to share more haha. I will try!

Oh yeah. Sorry , I forgot. Long week and my brain is tired. Now I remember.

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