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RE: What’s better than fame? (Part 1)

in #deepshit6 years ago

When I was young I, like almost everyone, wanted to be famous. .When I got older and did some things I also realized the burden of fame and Tupac's perfect line "Give me the money, fuck the fame, I'm a simple man". I also skirt in and out of it, and see my friends that sought it more strongly either 1. deal with the burnout and isolation caused by spreading your energy over such a large space (the ones that care about others) or 2. Lose pretty much all sense of true human interaction as they are always gauging who they are interacting with with an eye for advancement and how it effects them. I don't see it bring very much happiness. It is also pretty disappointing when you realize that most of the fame you have is, as you said, not really from people recognizing the things you created and are so proud of. That is a pretty disheartening thing for artists . Whenever I met someone famous I was just interested in getting to the genius that separated them, just because I'm a curious person and love fascinating things and ideas. If there wasn't anything fascinating or just a real person that I could connect with, then it didn't matter if I thought they could advance me in some way, I know there are people out there that I will connect with that I can work with, and it makes it easier to not have to remember to be 'on' or feign excitement to see them haha. My middle school me would be soooo mad at myself for not being famous already though haha ;)


Balance is where it’s at but balance is already out of wack when people delegate their own empowerment and choose to see themselves as inferior whether it be to obsess over or to compete with.

I know what you mean, I want to know where my favorite work came from and so I love to pick their brains and see who they are. One thing that has helped me is discovering that some of the greatest geniuses are unrecognized by anyone. I learned more from a homeless friend than I might have been able to hanging out with some of the most renowned artists. I also have a group of friends that’s really diverse and has two celebrated artists and a bunch of “nobodies” and you kind of feel like any of us could have been the big names if that was our focus and we really focused. It’s an empowered group of individuals, at least relatively. I wish everyone could experience that.

I can’t find you in chat. I’m in pal too

Weird, I searched your name and it didn't come up either....

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