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RE: Frequency (Tuning your “Instrument” 2)

in #deepshit6 years ago (edited)

The point you raise is a valid one about vibration and frequency, and isn't helped that it is thrown around as a cheap way of validating claims.

I know what vibration means to me. It is a lightness in the body, mental clarity, speed of cognition, elevated mood, and high physical energy. The feeling, as well, of when you enter a room and can sense somebody is in a bad mood. I would say that is frequency in action right there. But it is so common place, it is just accepted as a 'thing'. We have developed normalcy bias surrounding it. That is how I have come to discern these 2 concepts over the years.

The issue arises when there is no context given to these words, and they used without any real intent other to claim a false sense validation. This is exacerbated when spoken to anyone of a skeptical mind.

The classic reaction of wanting double blinded scientific studies kills the argument, because it is something that isn't tangible enough to measure in that way. At least not by typical mainstream science, which, lets be fair in and of itself is just a belief system. The fact that it is in a constant state of revisionism only shows that you can never truly trust anything other than your own experience.

The latest studies have found that actually we were wrong before, but don't worry, NOW we've got it right!

Science is only as valid as the current models that is based upon. The way in which data is interpreted is just as important if not greater that the results itself.

This, I believe is why there is no definitive prove of these vibrations/frequencies that people speak of. There is no will to embrace it on a large enough scale to reach a mass audience.

Science is a money game. No one wants to fund studies into this kind of material because, ultimately, it may lead to realisations about human capacity that empower us just a little bit too much for their liking...

All these studies that skeptics pine for are so easily manipulated by the variables employed, studies can be made to prove just about anything given the right parameters are employed.

That said, there are actually machines out there that can photograph auras, although not that mainstream, understandably.

Lets see what the future holds eh?


I would up vote this, but my voting power is depleted, unfortunately. Good question, though!

A very informed reply. I, however, feel (note the word "feel") that there are certain conclusive studies that proves frequencies, vibrations, and ultimately resonating in harmony. I am now only replying from my own mind, and not from any light research. In my own life, there is nothing more satisfying than complete harmony - as you say,

lightness in the body, mental clarity, speed of cognition, elevated mood, and high physical energy.

I do believe that, as well. If you click through to my blog page the display name is actually Raising Vibration(s)! But I was merely trying to stick to what I'd consider more tangible - at least from my perspective - experiential 'evidence'

Those effects I mentioned, and you quoted are the resulting factors of having a high vibration, not the actually vibratory mechanism itself, in my opinion. The reason I didn't commit myself fully to the idea, as I have done in the past is I didn't have any reliable sources to reference.

I didn't want further muddy the waters of the discussion by talking about something I only had a faint whiff of. So I chose to balance the more esoteric with my practical experience. But, yeh, I totally agree, I think they're immensely measurable, and even visible with the naked eye, depending on your psychic prowess

The thing about words is that they are open source and so anyone is free to use them as they wish. That’s a great thing, but it means we need to constantly adjust how we communicate and try to spread a usage of words which is more in alignment with what we actually mean. This is why the strongest forms of communication are without words although music and body language can also be appropriated and eventually have a different meaning than originally intended.

The reason I am not very scientific (in the traditional sense) is that no process is perfect and most science is done with the assumption that there is objectives truth, an assumption, I don’t usually make. If everything is truly subjective, the whole scientific process can only measure trends.

Thoughtful reply :-)

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