Was a Secret Cancer Cure Hidden from Americans for Over Half a Century?

in #deepdives6 years ago (edited)

A CIA report on foreign broadcasts published in 1951 documented a cancer treatment invented by Dr. V. G. Gordeyev.

His solution which is used to treat skin cancer among other pathological skin conditions like eczema is fittingly called “Gordeyev’s liquid” for which he was awarded the Stalin Prize.

One of the reports below outlines the method by which the treatment is administered in multiple rounds (if needed) via subcutaneous injections 3-4 millimeters deep.

The treatment takes about twenty minutes to apply and is said to act immediately killing cancer cells on contact. Healing is said to take a couple of weeks, leaving only minimal scarring.

These reports say that the information is unevaluated. However, it was seemingly alarming enough to merit a ‘SECRET’ classification at the time.

Sixty years later the documents were scheduled for release, sanitized, declassified, and then published to CIA’s online library. You can read all about it at the links provided below.

Link takes you too CIA.gov

Link takes you too CIA.gov

"Gordeyev's liquid is an extremely effective remedy which, in addition to skin cancer, cures with equal speed and efficiency various other pathological skin conditions.."

Cancer and Its Prophylactics: Modern Theory of Malignant Tumours - by V.I. Kazansky
Gordeyev isn't talked about much on the internet. He is mentioned in the above book.
V. G. Gordeyev, however, is not listed on Wikipedia's Stalin Prize winners page?
Click above to access document metadata from CIA.gov.
Newspaper Image Courtesy of Pixabay. [˅]


Gosh, I thought I had made a comment here yesterday, but probably forgot to post it or something. But I do appreciate this article. I've had some problems with skin cancer. Have had several "pre-cancerous" spots removed, but am headed back to the doc in a couple of weeks for more spots that appear to be ... concerning at this point.

Many blessings.

My apologies @mistermercury, you are not losing your mind.
I had to scrap the other1 & republish to conform to a contest rule.
I've been listening 2the very interesting metaphysical conversation
that you and @lilttlescribe had a week or so back. Great show!

Sorry to hear about the medical problems. I personally eat bitter
apricot seeds daily, spaced apart appropriately of course. If you
don't space them apart or if you eat too many of them they could
actually prove to be fatal. I would not tinker with them unless or
until you've read about them extensively.

Some people with cancer are actually injecting a liquid form of
Amygdalin which is derived from bitter apricot kernels. That
same injection if consumed orally would in fact be fatal because
the injections are too high of a concentrate and is not meant to
pass through the digestive tract. This is just a theory, but I bet
if the injectable stuff was applied in the same way as Gordeyev's
liquid it would probably kill cancer cells on contact in a similar
fashion. This is just me waxing theoretical none of what I say
should be construed as medical advice. I'm just a crazy internet
person, not a doctor. Side note: I do not trust doctors. Laetrile,
B17, and Amygdalin are all the same thing. More information

Peace and blessings!

Hmnn... interesting about the apricot kernels. Did not know one could consume them as a preventative.. but certainly makes sense. Gosh, and don't worry about sharing ideas about healthy remedies with me. I'm all in. Blessings. And Thanks.

Either you or someone who valued your post shared this post on Pimp Your Post Thursday in the Steemit Ramble discord. Looking forward to you visiting us again.

Thanks for dropping by @shadowspub!

PYPT is the bomb and you are a wonderful host!

That's really interesting and I am not surprised at all. Too much money is made in traditionally treating cancer, it's a shame that things like this occur, but hopefully someday things change for the better! Our society doesn't focus enough on prevention, good habits and food choices can prevent many of the diseases that ail us as a society.

Very true @kennynneken. Another problem is the big pharmaceutical industry doesn't want to cure people they'd rather just treat'em in perpetuity. Or soft kill them with radiation and chemo while sucking every dollar out of them in the process. Any effective cancer remedies are a threat to their business model.

Thank you kindly my friend!

Nice to see you and I Upvoted you :) !
Bread is the staff of life.

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