The Top of the Pyramid: GCHQ- JTRIG and the Psyops of Re-Engineering Society

in #deepdives6 years ago

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In the early 1960's President John F. Kennedy uncovered a conspiracy- an attempt by a secret cabal to restructure societies around the world into a "global community" in which they would be in charge running it from one locus of power- what we have come to know as the Deep State. Not long after his speech threatening to splinter the CIA and secret societies and the repugnancy of secrecy in government he was murdered.

In America we tend to look at the Deep State as a shadow Government that operates in secrecy in the US alone. However, it is just a part of a much larger network of globalist elites that operate in every level of society- in government, the Crown heads of Europe, NGO's, Foundations, religions and multinational corporations. It would be almost impossible to include the cabal in its entirety- it is as vast as it is secret, but I'll attempt to provide a short history of the parts that lead to the GCHQ/JTRIG sphere of influence.

Shortly after WWI the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Tavistock Inst.) was founded in England to study the effects of "shell shock" (PTSD) on soldiers returning from the war. At about the same time the Council of Foreign Relations was established in America to study foreign affairs. These two would become two of the more prominent Round Table groups- their real purpose, global governance through social engineering. What the Round Table groups were attempting was a continuance of the British Empire on a global scale... "The Sun never sets on the British Empire."

Funded by a consortium of Rothschild central bankers and their allies such as the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Endowment, the Ford Foundation and others that began utilizing what Tavistock learned about trauma based mind control after the end of WWII. Coupled with the propaganda of Edward Bernays, the grand social engineering program began. Without getting into the entire sordid history- the goal was to keep the world in a state of perpetual war and profiting by financing both sides. Another benefit of perpetual war is fear... using studies on large scale trauma by Michael Maccoby and Erich Fromm throughout Central America (funded by the CIA) the plan for mass manipulation was born.

Jumping ahead to the 1960's JFK found this cabal wanting to use the Cold War hysteria to launch a preemptive nuclear strike against the USSR... they would have to settle for Vietnam. After the Bay of Pigs fiasco Kennedy's relationship with the Deep State went from bad to worse and deteriorated until the time of his assassination. His death provided the Deep State with two benefits: First, their primary adversary in the US was eliminated. Second; because of his popularity, the national trauma left America ripe for the picking. One key element in trauma based mind control is displacement... the subject (s) must be forced out of their "comfort zone."

One thing that makes this particularly difficult to explain is that we're not looking at a singular entity, but an entire network. Like a pyramid it begins at the top with "the few" and radiates downward through an entire support mechanism. Anyone that read my series on Tavistock would understand, but I'll try to consense it a bit... this should give you an idea of how vast and complex the Deep State is...

Not long after the Kennedy assassination America was invaded by England. The Beatles was the Deep State's first salvo in re-engineering American society. America is the biggest stumbling block to implementing the globalist Deep State agenda- not America itself of course, but American cultural values. The Beatles were the beginning of the American counterculture revolution. Their music was actually terrible- dissonant- written that way on purpose by social psychologist Theodor Adorno. Not long after, the CIA did almost the same with groups such as the Doors and others in what came to be known as the "Laurel Canyon scene," as uncovered by Dave McGowan. This was all a part of reshaping American society- getting it ready for globalism.

The CIA and their British counterparts MI-5 and MI-6 have been working in concert with other security agencies (NSA) and their NGO allies, think tanks, such as the Trilateral Commission, to reshape the world into a global technocratic empire not unlike the original British empire, only more so... This one incorporating a globalist worldview not unlike Germany under Hitler. Most everyone in the Truth Movement knows about MKUltra and the Monarch Program as well as using Hollywood and other mass media as a social engineering tool under Project Mockingbird... these programs are rapidly becoming archaic relics with the advent of high-speed internet which is where Wikileaks finally comes into this.

To make the transfer and sharing of information more efficient- not to mention sidestepping national laws- the security agencies within the Deep State developed Five Eyes (FVEY)- an information sharing program with the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. For example when the Deep State in America wanted to sabotage the Trump campaign they had their allies in the UK do the spying and create the fake dossier and then leak the information. This way the security agencies- the NSA, CIA, FBI- MI-5, MI-6- at least in theory, can share/leak intel without getting their own fingerprints on it. As they did in the 60's these security agencies are once again teaming up through GCHQ (the UK's computer security arm) and they've come up with a new tool for social manipulation using the internet- JTRIG.

JTRIG- the Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group- like most covert agencies is a misnomer... it is JTRIG itself that poses the threat. This creation of GCHQ is in and f itself one of the greatest threats to freedom and the truth movement that the Deep State has at its disposal. Their existence was first exposed by Edward Snowden. It's JTRIG that is likely behind much of the mass messaging we encounter on social media such as Facebook and Twitter.

 This is called Online Covert Actions (OCA's) and they are responsible for online "false flags" such as DDoS attacks, honeytraps- the sexually based photos used in blackmail, by changing the photographs of their targets.

There are two categories of JTRIG ops: The cyber attack, as just described; and propaganda- planting false information to discredit people. They typically infiltrate groups, use psychology to gain trust and attempt to co-opt them or destroy them from within. They gain access to social media accounts and change photographs in addition to getting people's contact lists- then email friends or colleagues of targeted people. JTRIG is also responsible for the Ambassador Reception virus that can encrypt itself, delete emails, encrypt files, etc..

 Among the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are two tactics: (1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable. To see how extremist these programs are, just consider the tactics they boast of using to achieve those ends: “false flag operations” (posting material to the internet and falsely attributing it to someone else), fake victim blog posts (pretending to be a victim of the individual whose reputation they want to destroy), and posting “negative information” on various forums. Here is one illustrative list of tactics from the latest GCHQ document we’re publishing today: 

They use these tactics to infiltrate movements on social media with the intent to either discredit or sow the seeds of discord and doubt among the membership. Divide and conquer is the goal...

They employ many of the psychological methods learned in the early days of Tavistock. Tavistock has been engaging in psychological warfare for decades and their methods have been honed and refined as they go... the methods may change, but human nature stays the same. It's likely that JTRIG is at least partly to blame for the Truth Movement's recent penchant for cannibalizing itself.

We are up against an adversary that is practiced, dedicated, ruthless and cunning. They will stop at nothing to see their worldview implemented and adopted. Stick with the truth and like Q warns... "Be careful who you follow."


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Wanted to let you know that @practicalthought featured your post in their entry for the Pay It Forward Curation Contest.

This is really interesting read. The intersects of information vs misinformation. Honestly unless something is there to entertain me I really don't want to read it, watch it, or hear it as there is just so much bullshit propaganda spewed at us on a daily basis.

Thanks for taking the time to put this together.

Thank you! He's been a good and supportive friend. I just did a follow up about the effect of the music industry.

"society' stubbornly resists being re-engineered.
oddly enough it wasn't engineered to begin with.
it's genetic.
the monkeysphere is a thing.

"..the monkeysphere is a thing." - the best comment I read today, thanks for that!

to fully understand what is happening, you need to substitute the word 'american' with the word 'christian.'
and not the churchianity cults, either, rather the pure biblical doctrine of God and His Son, the man Christ Jesus.

if you want to know how it all ends, read revelation 6-22. peace.

Divide and rule is at the basis of everything they do, keep the peasants fighting between each other and controlling them is an absolute doddle!

Yeah I know it's psychological warfare in the average Joe sheeple doesn't know what is going on. Very well written. You should do an article someday specifically on music and how they used different songs in different groups to advance their cause. Or even a series on that would be intriguing. Thanks.@richq11


pol 2.jpg

That's an intriguing idea... just the Vietnam war songs would be a good post- how they used music to co-opt a generation.

Excellent article as always! Very well laid out and presented. One of the ways I spot one of their operatives online ( and elsewhere) is their teeth. No average person can afford a mouth full of lumineers. They "prep" these folks if they are going to be visible. I guess a perfect smile makes them more appealing or whatever. Just something I've noticed.

I agree with you that even people like me get caught up in all the local BS and lose sight of the global forces we are dealing with. We will be forced to submit, even if that means bombing us. This is why we MUST get a federal government that serves the people......somehow.

We'll never get there if the truth movement keeps up the infighting!

Amen! We must stay united especially when we respectfully disagree on anything.

Good post with excellent links.
I used to write about truth and mentioned quite a bit of your info. Some listened, others pretended to listen, but laughed it off...and then piece by piece it began to unravel.
I became jaded. Why weren't people bothered? Why don't they care? But people are so easily manipulated.

Now I see it quite easily (almost all is in plain sight), it's like a jigsaw coming together. Like you I am older and I think wiser. I see through the cracks. When I was younger, I was a "conspiracy theorist" and just dismissed as a pot-head (OK, I may have smoked pot) and now I am older I'm just reading too much into next to nothing and scaremongering. Still many don't care, they don't want to care because that means acknowledging that there is something seriously wrong with our world. Something bigger than the world of gaming, fun, music, fashion and all the other shit that people are lured into.

The Rothschild's have been manipulating their wars way way longer...the name means red shields....does that ring any bells?

I understand and feel the same way... Maybe people aren't supposed to listen now- it's all on the blockchain and will stay there. I have great faith in the generation coming up now. God wants me to keep telling the truth... I'm on my way out now, don't have much time left- but my truth will outlive me.

Same here. At least in the last few years my sons and daughter are listening. The one in the army is of course still being drip-fed lies and bull-shit, but at least he is getting a better perspective on what goes on and from where the orders are issued. The only problem he now has is that he kinda shuts off when on duty or deployed, he has to as the truth is in direct conflict with the brainwashing they get.
Don't stop the big reveal. One day they'll get it, but whether it's too late.....

Well, the truth can't be kept down forever. In fact Patrick Wood of Technocracy News and some others are starting a new social media platform Citizens For Free Speech

It should be up and running in about a month, we had a meeting yesterday. We'd love to have you get involved... this is a meeting place for activists and if we don't get people involved, we're lost!

Sounds promising, just let me know when it's up and running.

Nice article, the sad part about it is when an organization like JTRIG plants false information well-intentioned people because they are so binary in their thinking will run with it because it feels like it could be true or seems plausible. When people think in binary, there's a 50/50 chance they will accept complex information as a whole truth or reject it as a whole lie.

There's little room for discernment or the recognition that there might be both some truths and some lies in canned information. The group's four D motto (destroy, deny, degrade, disrupt) has turned many a conspiracy theorist into useful idiots. When one doesn't know that they've accepted a false belief they will spread it as though it is the truth.

Amen, that's why the truthers are cannibalizing themselves. Maybe the left is on to something- pick a lie and stick to it!

I have said for years, who knows where the CIA ends and where the mob begins. Thanks for taking the time to research into this, and will need to read over it again later once my mind is sharper.

I featured you in the Pay It Forward Curation contest, as I feel you are part of the cream as far as posters here on Steemit.

Thank you my friend! I just see myself as a tired old man!

Understood my friend. I am not as old as you, but many days I too feel tired. And yet here you are, still plugging onward. Thank you.

Thanks Buddy... I'm afraid if I stop I won't get started again! I just did a follow up using the music industry- someone asked for it!

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