My Application as a Translator/Language Mod for DaVinci Witness project

in #davinci-application6 years ago (edited)

Introduction in English

Hello! I'm Tatiana, 31 years old steemian from Ukraine. @erikaflynn is my Steem username. I have a Bachelor's degree in Accounting and Auditing, worked in Ad agency few years ago, but for now I am a full-time mother for my little son.

I'm a member of Ukrainian Discord community and Ukrainian language is my native. But the last 10 years I'm leaving in Sumy. It's very close to the Russian border and people mostly speak Russian here, so it became my second language. You can see that many of my Steemit posts are bilingual (En/Ru) and my previous Crowdin contributions were also to both Russian and Ukrainian.

I'd like to be a part of Da Vinci project as a Translator to make the open-source products closer and more understandable for my compatriots. I'd like to participate also as a Language Moderator to help other Ukrainians and Russians contribute to the world of the Open Source, keeping the level of quality.

Introduction in Russian

Ukrainian and Russian are a bit similar, so I'm posting only one version of the translation here. If there is a need, I will easily add the Ukrainian text and voice too.

Привет. Я Татьяна, 31-летняя стимчанка из Украины. @erikaflynn - мой аккаунт на Стиме. У меня степень бакалавра по Учету и Аудиту, несколько лет назад работала в рекламном агентстве, а сейчас полностью занята уходом за маленьким сыном.
Я являюсь членом Украинского Discord-сообщества, а Украинский язык - мой родной. Последние 10 лет я живу в Сумах. Это очень близко к российской границе, и большинство здесь говорят на русском, так что российский стал моим вторым языком. Вы можете увидеть, что большинство моих Стимит постов написаны на двух языках (английском и русском), а мои предыдущие вклады через Crowdin были на обоих языках - украинском и русском.
Я хотела бы стать членом проекта Da Vinci как переводчик, чтобы сделать продукты с открытым кодом ближе и понятнее для своих соотечественников. Я хотела бы также участвовать как Модератор, чтобы помогать другим украинцам и россиянам внести свой вклад в мир открытого кода, соблюдая при этом уровень качества.

Links/Samples of a previous translation/profreading work:

  1. to Uk
  2. Utopian LandingPage to Ru
  3. Steem White Paper to Ru
  4. Byteball to Ru
  5. MineColonies to Uk
  6. CalcPvAutonome to Uk and Ru

My very first contribution was eSteem (translation into Ukrainian), and it was long before the creation of Utopian project. All the details about my work can be found on my Crowdin page

During the period when there was no Russian / Ukrainian moderators on Utopian, but a large influx of cheaters was noticed under #translation category (end of February - beginning of March), we created a small detective team together with @vezirbek and @piaristmonk and were helping no-Russian speaking Utopian Mods to identify abusers or fake Russian / Ukrainian translators.
We informed the moderators about them, pointing out obvious mistakes in the translation, reported them to the #report-abuse channel, contacted the project owners and asked them to remove the proofreading rights from such users.
We did not have any official authority and did not ask any rewards from Utopian for this work. So it's not just about financial interest, but also about a team work, keeping Utopian's reputation and taking care of the open source projects owners.

Identity verification

English voice record:

Russian Voice record:


Я мысленно держу кулаки за Вас. Верю, что у Вас получиться учавствовать в этом проэкте. Удачи Вам и Любви.

Да, спасибо!
Раньше у них как-то проще было, а сейчас приходится резюме писать, доказывать, что ты не бот, что ты знаешь язык, что у тебя есть опыт и все такое. Ну, надеюсь хоть не зря будет:)


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Hi Tatiania, nice to meet you. I'm Viorel 28 yo (as a quick introduction). I want to ask you what is the DaVinci project, and what is it about ?

Hello, Viorel!
Perhaps you have heard about, they are supervising the work on the improvement of open source products, including their development, searching and fixing bugs, creating of analytics and doing promo work for them.

Da Vinci is part of Utopian. They are responsible for organizing the work on translation the open source programs and applications, (including their interface and documentation) into different languages to make them understandable and more convenient to people from all over the world.

Now they are recruiting a team of the trusted translators. This post is a kind of CV, necessary to prove that I'm not a stupid bot, that I can write and speak English and my native language, and have some previous experience in such a work.
Isn't it cool to have Busy, eSteem, Dtube, Gimp, FreeCad, Minecraft, music players, other games and social apps on you native language?

Yes i've heard of it, and i've actually cast some votes on few projects in the past .

Oh i see.. Sounds interesting. And anyone can apply? I mean, my native language romanian; do you know if they need someone as such to translate ?

''Isn't it cool to have Busy, eSteem, Dtube, Gimp, FreeCad, Minecraft, music players, other games and social apps on you native language?'' -- yeah, that'd be so cool to be. It would encourage so much more adoption :^ ! Thank you for the explanation :^.

If you feel that you are competent enough in both, your native language and English, you can try to fill the application form and leave a link to it on their Discord channel.

I think that there will be several translators for each language in order to exclude potencial abuse and cheating. You late a little bit for the first vave (the deadline was yesterday), but it was announced that there will be a second vave soon.
This link can be useful for you Join their Discord, track their updates and good luck to you!

Thank you kindly for the help. I'll take a look on that link to see what's on about . If there's something that i can do for you as well, please let me know. Thanks

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