Daily Pet Photography Event - Day -180.

Hello my name is Latte i am a Scottish Fold cat and my owners are so kind and beautiful they named me Latte because as a little kitten i didn't like the taste of my mom's milk and i accidentally stumbled on my owners Latte coffee and starting drinking it so that's what they bought me up on as a kitten Latte coffee ...hence the name Latte....lol.


Contest : #dailypetphotography

Camera : Sony TX10


Congratulations! One of your previous entry last month to the Dailypetphotography was selected for the Month of Jun contest. The monthly contest closes on 8Jul. Hurry up and come and vote for your favourite three pets of the month here !!

Thank you for your contribution to the Photocircle tag!

@photocircle Team

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My cat once put her paw in the coffee cup, but she did not like it. LOL
Cute name for such cute cat. 😀

Thank you ...i think it's the extra sugar taste she liked i like my coffee sweet ....lol :))

Awesome Work!

I've verified that your photography is original, and that means it's so good that I had to check.

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