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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 09/20/18 > Now even my hotel is trying to get me…snacking healthy.

in #dailydose6 years ago (edited)

I am stubborn about some things and when I decide that enough is enough it means for good like the Beaver suing the Alligator, the Beaver will never see me again in their place, not even to use their restrooms.
Customer service is talked by many and practiced by few. The few that actually deliver when I find them I keep them. Like I always tell my customers, "I am going to do what is right for you and your needs, not mine. I want you as a customer for life, not just for this one sale."
I have turned down orders before that were in excess of $40,000 because I had information that plans had changed and a product was being discontinued that the customer had already bough some of and when they flooded he just called me up and said send 20 more units. It wasn't right to take his order knowing what his long range plan was and then tell him a year later that the development that was promised as coming had been scrapped. I helped him select from two other manufacturers and helped him know the "market" price so he could get his best deal.
That was over 20 years ago and his business still buys my products and has spend close to a million dollars buying product from me in those 20 years both when I was in distribution and now was a manufacturers representative.
So I practice what I preach and I look for those same things in businesses that I do business with.
I can't blame you for canning that hotel chain either.

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