Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 12/15/18> Double up time, “Will Eat BBQ 4 U” and SBI Saturday.

in #dailydose6 years ago (edited)

This is one…

This is one of these rare occasions where the 15th is a Saturday and that means double duty for me and I am up for the task today.

Before we get started though I do need to just mention a quick note I got the other the day from @cecicastor, “Just an update. Venezuela has two Russia long range nuclear bombers courtesy of Papa Putin (BBC). We have tanks being delivered from Papa too. Looks like someone needs to pay more attention...” and if she is correct on this something is clearly going on in the Latin America region that folks here in the USA need to be aware of.

Will Eat BBQ 4 U

This month we are eating a one of my favorite places over in Austin for BBQ. It isn’t one of the most highly rated places like people hear of when they visit Austin but it won’t break your bank account just to eat lunch.

The place is the County Line BBQ and there is more than just one location, today we are eating at the location on Ranch Road 2222. Three of us ate lunch together and the total bill with three teas and the meals was less than $50.

The only thing…

The only thing I don’t like about the County Line BBQ is that they don’t offer French fries, other than that, I have not one bad thing that I can say about this place. So, my meal might look familiar with the Lay’s chips and the brisket sandwich and honestly, that is how a BBQ lunch should be or at least in my opinion.

The brisket is…

The brisket is slowly smoked and very flavorful and they have been making it that way for over forty years so they do have the recipe down right. Speaking of recipes, if you go to their website you will find that they actually share their recipes for most of the side dishes they offer. Not many places will share their recipes so that should say something about the people who run this operation. Here is the hot links to their website, like that play on words? Hot links.

I might also mention they have a total of six locations in Austin, San Antonio and one in Albuquerque,NM so if you are in this neck of the woods, central Texas, you aren’t that far from one.

My lunch buddies…

My lunch buddies got the lunch platter with beans and potato salad and they reported them to be “excellent” and the service was great; but that is a given when you eat at the County Line BBQ. This place packs the people in at lunch time and we got there just as the 12 to 1 lunch folks were finishing up their meals so it wasn’t as crowded as I have seen this place on other visits.

The decor in…

The decor in this place is something as well and it is “interesting” so when you go there be sure to take a good look around. Even the front concrete entrance has some interesting stuff in the concrete if you happen to look, wrenches and dominoes are just a couple of the things you will spot in it.

Plus there is no mistaking where the restrooms are located as the big red fluorescent sign says “2 P” and an arrow pointing the way down the hall.

Normally I would…

Normally I would show you the sights of the city where we are eating but not today, since we are having to double up with SBI Saturday you can just Google “photos of Austin, TX.” and see them for yourself.

That is actually the best way to see Austin since the traffic in this town is absolutely horrible at anytime of the day. The city government has done a very poor job of managing the growth of the city and I would have to believe their planning department couldn’t engineer their way out of paper sack if their lives depended on it. So let’s move on now to SBI Saturday.

SBI Saturday and the…

SBI Saturday and the recipients this week are taken from the latest followers of @sultnpapper and I imagine they might have read a Daily Dose, or at least I hope they have. You just never know though, some people follow people for reasons unknown to me.

I followed an...

I followed an account named @dontfollow just to go against the grain, 156 other folks did the same thing. Normally any name mentioned in a SBI Saturday edition will get a share of SBI but that isn’t happening for @dontfollow.

That account hasn’t had any activity on it in eight months so I am not going to throw away one steem on it just to keep up with my unwritten rule. That is why my rules are unwritten; so I don’t have to keep going back and writing and changing them.

So I am...

So I am going to go take a peek at my most recent followers, and while I do you can just look at the BBQ pictures and listen to your stomach growl.

Okay, I am back with the names of the winners.

The folks receiving...

The folks receiving SBI today are @sdbhagat5181 , @debralee , and @biglipsmama .

This is the time now when I tell you about each of them and that is hard to do when I go grab names from the new followers list in some cases. I will do my best anyway and so here is what I know or don’t know as the case may be.


@sdbhagat5181 is not one I have crossed paths with before so I can only go by what I see on their blog. This person joined here in February 2018 and has been hit or miss when it comes to posting on their blog.

A couple posts a month for the most part is what I saw; and at first the REP of 27 they have had me thinking they might have got their REP nailed by some down votes. I don’t believe that to be the case now that I have looked closer.

I think it is just they haven’t learned the best way to grow on here or just didn’t want to invest the time and energy. They are currently active though and I just took a look at their (her) latest post from a couple days ago. It is an interesting post on what do when your husband is attracted to other women. Here is the link if you would like to check it out, hot links here .


Next up we have @debralee and I recognize this name as she has read and commented on the Daily Dose before and if memory serves me correctly she is friends with @cecicastor like many of us are.

She hales from the state of Indiana but we won’t hold that against her. She must be pretty damn talented because she has been known to rebuild her own computer so that is a "one up" she has on me. I have been known to take them apart but I haven’t mastered putting them back together and getting them to work. Here is her latest post from five days ago hot links here


Our final SBI recipient has a great name, @biglipsmama ,and a damn fine REP of 62 to go along with her big lips, if they really are big.

She is from New Zealand and she might be a member of the Jehovah’s Witnesses or I could be completely wrong on that guess. She likes to start her posts with “Hey Brothers and Sisters” and the only group I know of that uses that terminology is the brothers and sisters of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.

She also has her posts that relate to the bible and religion so I might be on the right track with my guess. Hopefully she can drop by and let us know if I am right or not.

I will say this...

I will say this about the JW’s, and this is from personal experience, a great group of people if you take the time to visit with them. I had some dealings with the JW’s folks down in Rosenberg, Texas sixteen years ago and I was a little leery of them because of my ignorance about various religions.

I was raised a Catholic and had it planted in my brain that it was the true or best religion. My dad wouldn’t even open the door to the JW’s when they would come around handing out their literature and little bible verses as they are known to do.

Looking back as I have done over the years on trying to figure things out I have more than once stopped and thought, “How Christian was that to do?” He wouldn’t even acknowledge them at the door.

I know I am...

I know I am getting a little off track right here but I am going to finish this thought.

That experience sixteen years ago was when the JW’s were building their Assembly Hall for the Houston area and I designed and sold them the irrigation equipment for that project. I told the member that brought me in on that project I was more than happy to work with them but I just didn’t want to be hounded to join the congregation. He communicated that back to the hierarchy of the group and not once did any member ever go against that wish of mine.

Even still to...

Even still to this day I have occasional times that I go out there to help them out when they have questions or problems and I have gotten to know several of them in that sixteen years. I have seen firsthand how they help people here and all around the world with things when people are in need.

Hurricane Harvey was a prime example as they had a large contingent of people from all parts of the United States there in Rosenberg and living in camping trailers on the property while here to work helping with the recovery efforts.

So my point...

So my point is; we all have people who influence us and who start on us at a young age. And while they might mean well and we trust them; it might be worth taking a second look at some things that we have never paid attention too.

Since we were brought up under the impression that it wasn’t for us or for whatever reason was behind it with the person doing the influencing we might just take a look without blinders on. This goes for things we consider good or bad, we need to examine things for ourselves now that we have the mental capacity to look these things. It may just surprise you on what you will discover, trust me, I know from experience.

Okay, I am done for now. No, I thought I was done; but I am not.

@biglipsmama has a neat name (yes, I know I said that once already) and she is also a member of @the-curator and she is very active on here posting and re-steeming so here is a link to her latest post for you to check her out hot links . Now I am done.

So congratulations...

So congratulations to these folks and now go and have a great day and if you get a chance; check these latest SBI recipients’ out.

Here is a parting shot from inside the County Line BBQ.

Until next time,

Note: Thanks for reading the Daily Dose.

Photo Credits : All photos are the property of @sultnpapper.


Well, sir. There'll be no Q for me today as I am headed for Sommerton, AZ and their Tamale festival. I'll no doubt eat a few on site and bring some home which means my diet is pretty nearly toasted for this weekend.

But it's a good looking BBQ per the norm. That's the sort of place I just love. I love the restroom sign. I wish I could write this the way it should be written but I just don't have the ability. There is a smallish ranch in E Wash that has their brand registered (many do. We still own the family brand) and it reads out 2 lazy 2 P.

Good to hear from Ceci. That whole section of the planet is roiling right now, I have a bad feeling about this. Quote courtesy of Hans Solo.

I actually know BigLipsMama sort of. I have the pleasure of being on a discord with her and get to interact with her pretty regularly. A high quality person indeed.

Isn't it funny how often our preconceived notions of groups tend to crumble when we start interacting with individuals in those groups? People are people in all groups it seems to me. The percentage of fine folks is about the same across the board as is the percentage of assholes. The secret, it seems is to hang with the ones you are most comfortable with and let the others be.

One last touch on the JWs. There were a pair of sisters in a little bitty town (under 200) near where I grew up that were just absolutely smoking hot. But their folks were JW and to even get close enough to touch you had to get by mama. She was OK, and I'm guessing she had been smoking hot in her time too, so had an Idea with those two girls.

I remember the first time I saw those two girls. I must have been maybe 15 and got a rare summer afternoon off so headed for the swimming hole to cool off and decide the next action. Those two were there with a few other kids and I forgot all about what was coming next...

Eat a couple of those tamales for me if you would, I love good home made tamales. That brand is a good one ,2lazy2P.
Hearing from Ceci always makes my day when it happens, even when it is disturbing news such as this. Why are we not hearing this on the 10 'o clock news?
You are a real dog , you know that right? Start us down that story of your youth and two smokin hot sisters and then , "I forgot all about what was coming next..."
I expect your memory to come around on this and so does everyone else who reads the comments so when you get back from Sommerton get your butt back here and finish the story.

Well, that looks like serious bbq...Mr. Bird would love this! We have a difficult time finding good food in SW Florida...I guess that's why I cook so much lol I haven't seen much in the way of bbq here at all. You are so kind to give away sbi on Saturdays, gives you a good reason to play that poker right? Hope you get a bit of rest this weekend @sultnpapper!

The sponsorship's over at the SPL are starting to fall off and that may put an end to SBI soon. If I can't earn the SBD over there I can't continue to do the SBI, the Daily Dose doesn't earn enough in a week to allow it to happen, so my kindness may be ending at the end this month.
I am surprised that you can't get good BBQ down there in FL, exactly what part of FL are you talking about when you say SW?

Venezuala... nukes... what a depressing thought. Moving swiftly on – BBQ isn't really for me, but I do I love that sign about the oats, haha! And on the subject of Jehovah's Witnesses – when I lived in Dundee years ago a couple of JWs used to knock on my door every few weeks, and I used to invite them in. Like @beautifulbullies, I'm not religious at all, and I had no intention of joining them, but I liked to get their take on things, and find out if it was true that they didn't believe in taking blood into the body. They were very pleasant and friendly too.

You know I heard that about the blood and I never have even thought to ask those of them I know. If I can remember next time I am around there I will ask so I can get it straight from the horse's mouth and not like used oats.
That sign is a good one, and a lot of truth to it.
Thanks for weighing in and if you aren't a full blown veggie person I may just convert you to BBQ if you don't watch yourself.

Haha - if there are any fish BBQs, I'm in! My meat-eating days are over though.
My mum recently bought some BBQ flavour almonds which were delicious! And totally veggie.

Smoke BBQ baked potatoes are great if you get a chance to try one and also the corn on the cob roasted in the shuck. So BBQ can be more than just meat.

A fantastic edition of the daily dose today sir! :D
The restaurant looks like a very homely friendly place to visit... just up my street!
As for JW's, I am not a religious person in the slightest, however I worked for a company that primarily employed witnesses and I have to say they are the friendliest, kindest most moral people I have ever met in my life! I still have visits from JW's even though I don't work with them anymore and they know that I am not going to be converted, but we chat about life and family values etc and I know that we have so much in common. It is just that final leap of faith that I do not have to be a 100% fully fledged JW :)

Well thanks for joining us today for BBQ, there is a lot to look at inside that place and it has great food.
JW's I have had dealings with really changed my thoughts, which were never really mine to begin with, more of my Dad's thoughts. Good moral people as you say and I always feel very welcome when I am around there and not a "fake" type welcome if you know what I mean.

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Looks like a good place to eat, its sad what is goign on in Venuezala and needs to be watched closely strange times in our world to say the least

It is a great place to eat and I looked a little further into those Russian bombers and it seems like they were there doing some "training" with the VZ air force for a couple days over Caribbean Sea.
I could see Russia making a deal with VZ to put a air base there in exchange for food supplies and that might have been the start to something like that.
Strange times indeed my friend, strange times in deed and worth keeping an eye on.

Yes I looked it up after my comment and saw the same thing,

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Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

The place looks very interesting and I am glad you had a nice time. That quote about oats is the best thing I have seen in a while :D

There is a lot of history in that place and that oats sign just happened to be on the inside side of the door of the men's restroom. There is a lot of truth in that sign though.
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