Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 10/29/18 > One last thing and then headed to Dallas…

in #dailydose6 years ago

Just a quick...

Just a quick follow up on yesterday’s Daily Dose where I suggested that when folks decide to give up here on steemit that they delegate their SBD out so it just doesn’t sit idle doing nothing.

I went through the...

I went through the list of people that I have that I follow and decided just to take a look there and see just how much SBD is sitting in accounts that haven’t posted in the last two months just to try and get an idea of some sort of number. I basically did some wallet snooping before Joel O’Steen came on the TV to preach to me.

One thing I didn't...

One thing I didn’t think about, and thanks to @amariespeaks who has been MIA here for a while for pointing out, is automatic voting.
She had to give up writing on here but she did have some curation accounts that she trailed with her votes so she upped her % of her votes so that her SBD she has would at least be utilized daily so kudos to her for having the good of the community in mind.
So that is another way to make sure when you are going to be gone is to at least set up an auto vote on a curation trail.

I noticed a couple...

The other thing and I noticed a couple of folks had done as well was to lease their SBD to a bot voting service. I am not a fan of bots per say and I am not big on the whole buying and selling votes for a price like those do; but it is surely a way to grow your account and it is your earnings or investment you put in; so that should surely be a consideration as well.

The whole point...

The whole point of yesterday’s Daily Dose was just don’t let your funds sit in your wallet doing nothing to help the community or yourself. Each day that it sits there doing nothing is a day wasted and no one wins in that situation.

I had cleaned...

I had cleaned up my list of accounts I follow back earlier in the year and had already deleted a bunch of accounts that had gone dormant so I only have 136 accounts I follow.

But even after having done that about six months ago I still had a pretty fair number of accounts that had been more than 60 days without any posts or comments so I counted those in my total of SBD for this exercise. I did look to see if they had any earnings coming in to their wallets from delegating their funds and if they did I didn’t include them in my count of SBD sitting idle.

The total I came...

The total I came up with that I could see was $10,506.42 in SBD that seems to be sitting idle. Some may have the auto-voting trails set up but I wasn’t going to take the time to try and investigate that, I have better things to do with my time. But even if half of those folks did and only say $5,000 SBD was sitting idle from these accounts that is still a waste.

So if there are...

So, if there are any folks out there who are really good at writing code or programming and have some extra time on their hands,(hint; maybe like @eonwarped) they could whip something up that would analyze the block chain and just see how much is really out there just sitting idle doing nothing but collecting dust.

Will it change...

Will it change anything? Probably not in the short term, but it may just get people to discuss with new folks on here that possible situation. So that if they find this place not quite to their liking or in the event something happens and they have to give up here for a while, that even the small amounts of SBD and steem they have can help make a difference to the platform.

Just put it to work...

So if they would; just put it to work before the door hits them in the ass on the way out. They can always come back and open the door and collect later or get back involved so it is a win / win situation instead of everybody losing.

In other news...

In other news …Sunday I was able to get out of having to go pass out candy at the church Trunk or Treat. The oldest boy had off from work on Sunday afternoon and so I was able to get him to take my spot. The less I have to do with anything with that church right now the better off I am.

Today I will be...

Today I will be heading off to Dallas, TX where I will be working up there thru Thursday so unfortunately that means I will be missing out on Halloween night and trick or treating with Shortie. She is the only one we have that is still young enough in our eyes to trick or treat. She isn’t even a big fan of candy so if it is hot or rainy she will more than likely pass on going but she has a really neat costume this year.

Her costume is...

Her costume is an inflatable sloth costume complete with its own battery operated air pump, I don’t know how much that cost me either. She and her mother picked that up somewhere and they never said the price. I can tell you one thing, if it is hot outside that costume will be miserable to be wearing; it will be like walking around inside a full bodied plastic bag.

I don't know...

I don’t know what it is with sloths and Shortie but she is accumulating a bunch of stuff with sloths on it or just sloths. She has sloth pajamas, sloth sock, a stuffed pet sloth, and now this sloth costume. Oh yea, I forgot to mention that big sloth head that she has the she wore as the summer vacation bible school mascot too, how did I forget that?

Dallas is where...

Anyway, Dallas is where I am heading and there just happens to be a couple good BBQ places along the way up to Dallas on I-45 so I will most likely be eating BBQ today at a place called Sam’s. It is located just about Mexia, Texas on the north bound side of the interstate so it is easy off and easy back on to the freeway. It also happens to be a buffet, which is a big plus in my book when it comes to BBQ joints.

For those of you...

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Mexia, TX and in your mind read it as “Mex ee uh” you really butchered the pronunciation of it. Phonetically it is pronounced “Meh hey uh” and there are probably only one of two reasons you might even have heard of Mexia, TX.

The two reasons...

One would be Sam’s restaurant and the other would be the name Anna Nicole Smith, she was the young Playboy Playmate who married some old oil tycoon named J. Howard Marshall when he was 89 and she was I think 25 or 26, somewhere in her mid twenties though.

Those would probably be the only two reasons, other than that; Mexia doesn’t have much going for it when it comes to reasons to remember it.

Ya’ll have a great Monday; and remember that I “will eat BBQ for U.”

Until next time,

Note: Thanks for reading the Daily Dose.
Photo Credits : All photos are the property of @sultnpapper.


Well, last things first today. Take a look at this and try to decide why Shortie might like sloths.

That wasn't the exact video I went looking for, but it'll do. Damn things are cute and no other way to say it.

Headed for Dallas via Mexia? I got the pronunciation right, but I didn't remember Anna Nichole Smith was from there. If I remember correctly she had a couple of things going for her...

Speaking of Dallas, one of my besties is from Fort Worth. Don't ever make the mistake of saying Dallas and her name in the same sentence. Even Stevie Ray Vaughn (who was also from Fort Worth) had a song called DFW (Dallas-Fort Worth). But my friend Sunny will correct you in a hurry. In language that you will remember.

She's a serious Texan. I can get her to full roast just by saying Tejas. She is a BBQ person with the typical Texas bias that BBQ doesn't include anything but beef. In her mind, if it's not cow it's not BBQ. That leaves some mighty tasty stuff on the table in my mind.

On a personal note, my eye is just fine. I mean as fine as it can be with some obvious deficiencies. All seems well in my world, just the way I like it.

Yes, they are some cute little things and as long as I don't come home to live one I don't see a problem with her attraction to them.
I am not surprised that you would get it right on the pronunciation, you probably have traveled that stretch of I-45 between Dallas and Houston. I would also so the Miss Anna did have a couple nice assets that she used to her advantage for sure. After the old man died though she spend the rest of her life trying to get at the old mans money in probate court, that was a real mess that ended up consuming her. Really tragic to be honest, she ended up all drugged out and just a mess.
Glad things are good with eye, last I had read you had an infection in it so good to know that is okay now.
Thanks man, I really appreciate your continued support of the Daily Dose.

Well I did exactly what you predicted mr Papper and butchered that pronunciation!
You're an excellent statistician!
I often find myself thinking on those lines, not just here on Steemit but stuff in general, hoping things could change for the better if more people looked around and realised what they are doing, just little changes, no more! I hate seeing waste in whatever form.
Have yourself a good week in Dallas, we're off to the Drakensberg today for some time off before the busy season :):)

You too, I am off to bed right now. Morning will be here before I know it.

Congratulations! This post has been chosen as one of the daily Whistle Stops for The STEEM Engine!

You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue 296 (10/29/18)

i need to do a proper cleanup too. I was investing in a bot , but had to stop because my current sps is too low. Things have change and I got lots to catch up for sure. I might do a clean sweep in my account very soon. There is no point following anyone that doesnt write anything for the past 2 years.

Yes, it makes no sense to keep following those that aren't here but also they are clogging up your feed with garbage to look at . So it is really just a matter of preference.

That is a huge amount unutilised $10k... It must have taken a lot to calculate each of them.. Pretty tough to keep visting and checking every account for sbd balance. But how sbd is affecting the voting...i belive it is the liquid money that are sitting idle.....
Any suggestion to maximise the profits..i mean through delegation

Posted using Partiko Android

That $10K was in Steem Power , so I may have said that wrong. I get that stuff confused all the time. It didn't take as long as you might think, I did it in less than 45 minutes. I pretty much know the active folks I follow so I didn't have to look at all 136 accounts I follow.
And clicking on the wallet and scrolling down doesn't take any time at all, so then it was just a matter of keeping the running total on the calculator.
Not much of a problem at all to be honest about it.
I don't have any suggestions to offer, I am not one who knows much about that. I just know that funds sitting idle in an account doesn't help anyone.

Yes thats true...any funds sitting idle is just a wsste untill it is not put into proper use.....thanks for the lovely post....steem on

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks, I intend too, but today's Daily Dose will end up being really late from my standards. It already is and will probably be another 12 hours before I can get it done. Having computer issues at the moment.

Yes thats true...any funds sitting idle is just a wsste untill it is not put into proper use.....thanks for the lovely post....steem on

Posted using Partiko Android

My youngest went through the sloth phase a couple years ago. He brought home one stray we named Sid, who quickly became a part of the family. He was in every holiday photo shoot, traveled with us, and even the rescue pets hung out with him.

Sadly, Sid the Sloth met with an untimely demise after being sloth napped by a disturbed predator.

RIP Sid the Sloth. You are missed.

He looked like a real charmer, so sad. Good to see you again.

Have fun in Dallas. As soon as I remember which auto vote thingy I'm using, I'll add you. My computer crashed right before I stopped posting and I lost a lot of links. Still rebuilding.

crazy lady sig.jpg

Also, I've been looking for the Steemengine on Discord and can't find it. Is it still out there somewhere?

Yes, we are still there I am not sure how you can get in right now or if you can, there have been a lot of changes recently, you might want to check the Daily Whistle Stops post by @thesteemengine and see if you can find an invite link there.
Good luck with computer rebuilding, that is always a nightmare.

Wonder would it be cheeky to ask the ghostys for a little delegation. If you get 10% you are laughing all the way to the upvote

I am interested in that number too, I have a feeling it is quite a big one. There are many people who just left and do nothing with their amounts. Oh and, that costume sure does sound like something I would never wear, not only because of the heat inside but I think it is too heavy for me to like it lol. Enjoy Dallas 💚

hey! thanks for mentioning me in your daily dose - I am honored :-D I don't know much about auto-voting or bots myself but a good friend of mine had encouraged me to utilize the curation trails to maintain my support of those friends I have on here while I am away. I do not have much voting power but every little bit counts. Sending some little bits of VP your way my friend - keep steeming :)

Well thank you @amariespeaks I look forward to the day you are back here with some regularity. You inspired a lot of that post and surely deserved being mentioned. Take care, and come back soon.

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