Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 09/18/19> Witnesses; If it ain’t fixed don’t break it…plus an update on “chemtrails”.

in #dailydose6 years ago

The chain is broken...

So it was Monday, and like any other Monday, what can go wrong will go wrong and that applies here to steemit.com and the steem block chain. I posted the Daily Dose for Monday in the early hours of the day shortly after midnight and evidently not to long after that the block chain went haywire and it ended up in a total shut down of the system for damn near the entire day and early evening.

The culprit is...

I have been told that HF20 was the culprit that caused the mess. To compound the issues, if that wasn’t enough already, attempts to revert back to an older version on the block chain system that runs it were also unsuccessful. The witnesses who run the block chain and verify everything were hard at work trying to figure out just what to do next, since their backup plan in the event of a problem was also a problem.

It seems to be...

How about this fellows, it seems to be working right now so leave it the guzbuck alone, even if it ain’t fixed; don’t break it. We pretty much have learned to live with it being a half ass piece of crap when it comes to doing things consistently so why screw with it? To bring us the infamous SMT “tokens” we have been told about?

Speaking of half asses...

Speaking of half asses; I got a reply back from my local state representative’s office about my inquiry about the massive amount of chemtrails that were over our area back on August 15th. The gentleman who replied to me wasn’t the young man who was in the office the day I went by and talked with him.

You might remember that I had a hard time finding the place and when the young fella answered the door and indeed told me I was at the right place he said something to the effect of, “Congratulations on findings us, most people can’t.”

The reply email came from a man named Dan, well I have some news for Dan; you haven’t heard the last from me.

He couldn't find...

Dan informed that his research didn’t turn up anything for me. In fact, Dan said ,” I could not find any well-substantiated evidence for the use of "chemtrails." “ I wonder what Mr. Dan considers as “well substantiated”? In fact, I wonder just what his research consisted of doing?

I was right...

He did tell me that I was correct about weather modification taking place here in Texas and that the pilot and company doing weather modification needs to be licensed by the State of Texas. Tell me something I don’t know Dan, please. I don’t need Dan telling what I already know, I can tell myself that stuff and I have even told you folks.

He went on to tell me, “The Texas Weather modification association appears to be a good resource for information on this. http://texasweathermodification.com "

Did he ... or did he not...

If it appears that way Dan did you contact them or how about the agency here in Texas that does the licensing? I think we all know the answer to those questions, most likely a big fat “no”.

Spraying apparatus shown...

I don’t know that Dan even bothered to look at the website of the group he suggested, if he had he would have seen a plane rigged up with spraying apparatus running down the trailing edge of the wing shown in a picture. Would that not be some “well substantiated evidence”, Mr. Dan?

I know damn well that plane isn’t used for crop dusting since it was white and blue in color and all crop dusting planes are required to be school bus yellow in color. Here is a link to a power point that contained the picture of the plane, the plane can be found on slide 9 of 36.

Another e-mail...

So I fired an email back to Mr. Dan asking him just what his research consisted of and what agencies he contacted, just so I don’t go down a path he has already gone down. I can’t wait for his reply. He thought he would dispatch me on to another local department with the county, the PCT 4 Community Assistance department. If that was such a good idea I wonder why he didn’t contact them.

Re-election time...

His boss is up for re-election in November and I hate to break the news to Dan but it looks like I will have to vote for the opposing candidate when it comes time to vote. Not because of Dan’s performance, I am not that petty; his performance was exactly as I expected it would be. No, I have to vote for the opposing candidate because he is not the incumbent in that representative’s seat in the legislature.

My rule this...

I have a hard and fast rule on voting this election cycle and that is; no incumbent will get my vote. Plain and simple, if a person has the office currently then they have had it too long. We aren’t going to get any changes in government by electing the same people election after election.

So if you think that things don’t seem to be going like you would like to see it go then think about adopting the same rule when you vote. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

I’ll keep you posted when and if I get a reply.

Until next time,

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"Throw the Bastards out." Lest you think I am cursing gratuitously that was a presidential campaign slogan in our past. I am merely quoting.

But I really like the sentiment :)

I won't blanket vote, my county commissioner does a fine job, so I'll vote for him. One of my state house members likewise does well, and will get my vote. Every body else is time for a change.

I wonder who got paid when Texas made ag planes mandatory school bus colors? That yellow and black has been the corporate colors of Thrush for a long, long time. So the guys with Cessna brand had to paint their planes into Thrush Colors? I'm thinking there was a payday someplace along the line. Damn lot of spray planes in Texas.

Here is my surprised face when you didn't get any help from your state representative.

Anybody that hides their local office so that nobody can find them isn't going to be real forthcoming in my guesstimation.

So, I just went and looked at that website. Very modern and fine looking. Or not. Looks to me like it was last updated in 2014, which must mean nothing has changed since then. That would make me feel way better.

Yes, 2014 looks like the last update on the website that jumps out but some of the data inside does show some 2016 dates.
There are couple people I would normally vote for but even those won't get it this year, they will still get re-elected most likely since the time for change and easiest place to get change done is in the primaries.
My vote for their opponent will just make the margin of victory a little less for them, but if enough people did it, it might give them a sort of message to pay attention to the constituents.
I am waiting for the reply and see what he says, and if he lists any agencies he contacted by email you can rest assured that I will do a FOIA request for those emails to be sure he isn't lying to me, I know how to play this game and I will make them go the distance. Their job is to represent the people and the concerns of the people, I am a people.

Congratulations! This post has been chosen as one of the daily Whistle Stops for The STEEM Engine!

You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue 261 (9/18/18)

I never get satisfactory answers from government types. Too busy covering their own derrieres to be worried about what you need. That and hiding what they are really up too. For sure they are doing something they don't want the citizens to know about...

Excellent work Mr Papper! Actually I'm astonished that you got a response at all, never mind in such a short time. My local MSP can't even be bothered to reply to my letters on political issues, except with a standard letter telling me he's too busy to reply. And an admission that weather modification has been taking place is quite something.
The Guardian recently published another feature on weather modification, but it was written as if it was all just a possibility under discussion. I think the fact that England has had headline-grabbing summer sunshine this year while Scotland has had three months of solid rain and unseasonably cold temperatures maybe suggests that something is being tampered with.
I like your policy of voting in new reps too. I've stopped voting in national elections, but I still vote in the local ones. Recently my policy has been to vote for independents, however they rarely get elected.
And thanks for explaining why I couldn't get onto Steemit last night.

I read the history on weather modification here in Texas and it actually dates back all the way to the late 1800's when one person noticed during some fierce battles that it seemed to always or very frequently start raining.
The reasoning was that the smoke from the guns being fired was having and effect and that set out experiments in later years. It has been taking place here is the drier parts of west and southwest Texas for years but where I live there is no need for it, so to see chentrails like we have been seeing makes me think something else is going on.
The guy might as well had send me a letter saying they didn't have time to investigate, because I am sure his investigation was nothing more than a google search for online information. He didn't contact any agency and make an inquire about it.
If I inquire, and I will, I will just be blown off by the agency, at least a sitting state rep might be able to get some answers and would not just be blown off, but hey, they are too busy representing me right?

That's fascinating, and a 30-second online search brought forth this post, which shows "rain-making guns" from 1902.

I read that link, interesting that he wouldn't sell or even consider it for use in another country and only wanted it used for his country.

I can't believe I haven't read more of your posts.

I can, nobody reads them. Thanks for stopping by and giving it a look and a reply.

Yep, the blockchain got guzbucked for a bit. lol! Oh that word. But the cool thing is how hard the witnesses worked to get it back on track. I think it's good to remember that this thing is still really in beta, and will have a few growing pains. As for the chem trails, that's so frustrating. Grrrrrr.... Yes to change in politics, too. Glad to hear you're voting.

I have a hard and fast rule on voting this election cycle and that is; no incumbent will get my vote.

Wow that’s a powerful rule! So does that mean you’ll be voting for Beto O’Rourke?

Yes it does. Ted got my vote before, but times change and lying Ted needs to be changed out, it probably won't happen but he won't be getting my vote.

Ted Cruz lost what little respect I had for him when I heard about the stuff his campaign was doing in 2016. I think his people severely damaged Ben Carson’s chances in particular through their misleading ads.

He and his office are another group that won't answer direct questions, he needs to go.

Good on you for contacting your local representative! If only more people would do that, the world would be a much better place. I often think about how to inspire people to get involved civically, most seem to want to blame it on someone else and not do anything about it.

'just leave it the guzbuck alone' sage words right there

Yep, I think so too.

Dying to hear his response now that you've gone back to him; talk about passing the buck, dare I say guzbuck Dan the man!!!...or is it mouse?
Don't mess with mr Papper!

Ha ha ha, your reply just makes me smile.

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