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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 09/09/18> “Seasoned with Sult N Papper”… yes there is.

in #dailydose6 years ago

Sounds interesting but I struggle to kepe up with Steemit, ad the other things I do offline, so I may pass on checking it out for now


I know exactly what you are saying, I am kind of in the same boat, but I just wanted to get the information out there for people to know about. I did set an account and look at it as possibly a "beat the rush" type thing in case it does really take off.
My primary home for what I do isn't moving from steemit but it could be some opportunities to experiment around with some things over there.
Trust me when I say it is a clone, if you ever go over there you won't have any issues figuring out how to do things that is for sure.

I do similar have accounts on many sites, but Steemit is my main focus :)

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