Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 09/07/18> What comes to mind when you hear Brenham, Texas?

in #dailydose6 years ago (edited)

The little creamery...

The first thing that comes to mind when people hear the name Brenham is the “little creamery” known as Blue Bell which is famous for their ice cream. There is more to Brenham, Texas though and since I had to be in Brenham on Thursday I thought I would just take some extra time and show you a place that you might haven’t heard about.

Just a quick look...

Don’t get worked up; I will show you a few shots of Blue Bell as well, but only the outside, if I had gone in and took the tour there would be some mad little Papper’s when they would find out, since you get free Blue Bell samples while you tour the creamery.

To give an idea of just Brenham is, it is about half way between Houston and Austin and Hwy 290 is the main highway that skirts the edge of the town. Blue Bell is proud of their heritage and is one of the main employers in the area. The little rolling hills in the area make for some nice scenery and great pasture land for the cows that provide the milk for that ice cream.

Proud heritage...

Here you will find some nice bronze full size sculptures that capture the history of Blue Bell, most notably the little girl leading her cow and the three founders who built the business from the ground up. Also that old Ford truck by the front door was one of their actually delivery trucks back in the day when they sold milk and had home delivery.

Sign me up...

There are signs pointing the way to all the different areas of the building and are in the style of an era long past, but read closely at the bottom of the sign, the company motto. You will surely like that, and it is true by the way.

Just so you know...

Okay, for the record you can’t miss the Blue Bell factory if you are anywhere in the area you need to stop and see the place. Also, if you have never had any Blue Bell ice cream then you really haven’t had the best ice cream on earth.

The real feature...

The thing that I most wanted to share today is a place called Fireman’s Park. It is a fourteen acre park located right in town, and it has quite a history itself. Way back in 1866 the Union soldiers were occupying Brenham and they didn’t take kindly to what the local newspaper at the time was printing about the soldiers.

The soldiers decided to teach the town a lesson and burned the town down. Not only did they burn it once, they also burned it a second time. So the local town people started their own fire department to fight fires and also to be able to meet and keep tabs on what the Union soldiers were up too.

In November of 1883 the fire department men pulled their money and bought the fourteen acres for the hefty price of $80 an acre and it was deeded over to the fire department in 1884 and then deeded over to the actual town in 1917 from the fire department. The park became the original site of the county fair and a popular German festival called Maifest.

So, that is the history; now I want to tell you what makes this park so special in my eyes.

The Flying Carousel Horses...

In 1932 the town had a sixteen sided pavilion built that became the home of the Flying Carousel Horses. The building has been redone over the years but it has maintained its original design and also the actual carousel that was installed back in ’32. You just don’t see these kinds of things in small towns and in fact big towns.

The town has maintained it well and it is really a hit with folks of all ages when it is open for rides. Unfortunately, being it was a weekday I wasn’t able to get all the photos of the carousel I would have liked to since it was closed and locked up. So the pictures I did get were taken through the glass windows that are open when the ride is in service. There is so much detail that I couldn’t capture so you will have to make this a destination so you can see it for yourself.

Like a step back in time...

The park features a lot of nice stone walls and wrought iron fencing and is also home to the baseball field that is used by the local high school as their home field. When you walk up to the field it gives you the feeling that you just stepped back in time, it has the stone walls around the outside of the stadium and it has the old steel bleachers with a tin roof over them.

Baseball Capitol of Texas...

Everyone knows that high school football is “king” in Texas, but baseball is big here too. Brenham is the hot bed of high school baseball and the town touts themselves as the “Baseball Capitol of Texas”. I am not going to count all the titles that the Brenham High School has won, you can look at the picture and do that yourself, but just for the record they have won seven state championships. That is pretty damn impressive for a little old farming community out in the middle of nowhere wouldn’t you say?

Times do change...

The park is still a main attraction in the town and the Flying Horses Carousel is definitely the big part of that attraction. I included a shot of one of the more recent additions to the park, the skate board area. Times change and so things get added and some things get taken away, I think it is safe to say that the skate board stuff will be long gone before the Flying Horses Carousel goes away.

When you do find...

So, if and when you do find yourself coming to Brenham for a tour of the home of the best ice cream in the land be sure and stop by Fireman’s Park and enjoy a trip back in time. The carousel operates on the weekend from March through October, but even if you come on a weekday it is worth the short drive from Blue Bell, even if it is just to peek in the windows and see the ride for yourself.

Coming tomorrow...

Tomorrow is SBI Saturday’ so be sure and stop back by and see who this week’s winners will be; it just might be you.

Until next time,

All photos are the property of @sultnpapper.

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I love visiting small towns like this, so much history and lots of really nice old things to admire. That carousel is something special. There aren't many left in the world and they are not making many today that would have the same craftsmanship. Sorry, but I think I make the best homemade ice cream. No artificial flavors or additives. And I don't need to travel far to get it. Just in my freezer.

The craftsmanship and detail just can't be picked up in the photo threw a window shot but it is there when you can get up close and really look at it. For sure they aren't making many any more and nowhere near like they did back in the early 1900's.
I won't argue ice cream, and yours might be the best in the world. The problem is most people don't have access to your freezer, lucky you.

I thought this was going to be about ice cream, but it's much more. It's a nice tour of a town in Texas. Your pictures give a sense of an quiet, idyllic place to be. A place to reflect on the dreams and hopes of the people who have come and gone.

And the park just yells "kids!". Very cool. I've given my kids a ride on a merry go round, and they loved it. Someday I will visit family in Texas. Hopefully, Brenham is along the way.

I hope that Brenham is on your way as well, it is a great little town for sure and if it happens you are around there in the spring time it is a big area for the Texas blue bonnet flowers that are just gorgeous along the roadsides.

Just out of curiosity, do they have any kind of political leanings that you can pick up on in and around town/their factory? I ask because Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream is similarly situated up here in New England (Vermont) but they are all about their progressive political alliances. Just curious if Blue Bell does the same in the conservative direction since they’re in Texas, or if they keep things purely non-partisan, as any good ice cream company should 😁

No you won't find anything of a political nature in and around their creamery. It has been a couple years since I have been inside but there wasn't any back then and I doubt anything has changed in that regard.
I have seen a Ben and Jerry's truck in Brenham before and the funny part is that some youths were giving the driver the finger as he was driving down the street.
It was like the devil had come to heaven to take a look around and the "little angels" didn't like them being around there.

Hah! That’s fantastic 😅

Nice post! This looks like a really cool place to visit. I have always wanted to make the trip down to Austin and this would maybe be worth taking the side trip to see it. I mean for the ice cream alone yeah I am there! Thanks for sharing!

Thanks Bozz, glad you enjoyed it. Brenham is a beautiful little place and really worth the visit. If you plan a trip be sure and do it in the spring time so you can see the blue bonnet wildflowers and the carousel will also be operating too, but only on the weekends.

I will make a note of that! Spring is usually when we take trips like this because we camp during the summer. Thanks again!

what a col place i love the old truck and the carousel especially

Brenham is a neat little town and the park is a hidden treasure for sure.

You sure gave it justice :)

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Wow, you find the coolest places to visit!!
I enjoyed this! ♥

I love this! Blue Bell ice cream is pretty special. Their slogan is great, lol. I didn't realize it was located in Brenham Texas. I love the nostalgia and history assocatiated with the town, really lends a sense of community. Lost in so many towns today.

I am glad you liked it. Blue Bell is special and so is Brenham, but Blue Bell is only a part of what makes Brenham special. It is a really good example of how small towns and small town people can make and keep a town a thriving and an enjoyable place to live.

OK. Let's get something out of the way right away. Blue Bunny is damn fine ice cream and it's probably my go to in the market. But by the time it travels to Arizona it isn't the best on earth. Coldstone Creamery out of Phoenix gets that title. They only sell through shops, though. Or the little Mennonite Restaurant in Black Canyon City. Not sure the connection but you can get Coldstone IC on your pie there. And those women make some mighty fine pies.

That said, that's the sort of place I like and like to see. I love the story about the park. It's not real well known but Arizona was the last Confederate Territory. The legislature voted to join because your General Hood promised a company of troops to help with the Comanches who took advantage of the fuss back east to raise some hell in Arizona. He did and we were.

That's the reason why we were the 48th state admitted to the Union. The Feds punished us until 1912 when the state sent an official delegation to Mexico. Yes, North Dakota was in front of us.

City of Spokane, Wa owns a vintage carousel of some reputation too. Built in the '30s at an amusement park down by the river, when the park folded up somebody bought the carousel and stored it (about 1966 or so). When the city hosted the World's Fair in 1974 their pavilion was a octagon that housed the refurbished carousel. It was a big hit then, and it still is. That park that the fair left behind is one of the best city parks in America. And the old carousel is a huge part of it.

Let the record show that Spokane is by far the smallest city to ever host a World's Fair. It was quite a deal. And being a broke newly wed we had season tickets that cost us $50 (for two) a year in advance. Best entertainment buy I ever made.

Thanks for a wonderful look at a pretty cool place and area.

Funny you should mention Blue Bunny, the ice cream that wanted to be named "Blue Belly Ice Cream" so that they could try and capitalize even more on the confusion of name and use of animals. I would almost bet you weren't aware of that, since I just made the "belly " part of the story up.
Even the name Blue Bunny does cause confusion in markets where Blue Bell isn't sold because Blue Bell is well known brand, It did suffer some damage to the reputation not that long ago when they had an issue with listeria that happened more than once.
With all the names available in the world, it is safe to say Blue Bunny is trying to ride on the name strength of Blue Bell.
It is a good thing the people who own Buc --Ee's don't own Blue Bell or this would be a big court battle too, and if the suit were filed in Texas we are pretty sure that we know the how that outcome would be since everyone knows and loves Blue Bell in Texas.
Did not know that about Spokane and the WF, I love learning little tid bits of information like that, thanks.
The Fireman's park never held the WF but the county fairs in Texas are a pretty big deal so the Washington County fair probably rivals the WF in attendance and at a lot less ticket price.
Hot pie with ice cream is the ticket for a great after meal treat, you won't get an argument from me on that, even mediocre pie can be transformed with one scoop into pie that tastes like a slice of heaven.
The old merry go rounds are harder and harder to come by and they aren't even making that many new ones anymore from what I see, not of the permanent type.

FOR TSE: Shhhh. Don't tell BigTom ... but Blue Bunny ice cream is truly awful. I have explicitly told The Weasel, "If that's the only brand you can find, forget it." He doesn't always shop in First World Stores out here. TBH, I miss them.

I never have tasted Blue Bunny, it would be a sin in my book for a Texan to eat Blue Bunny ice cream and even when Blue Bell wasn't available we just stopped eating ice cream and waited for them to get back as a show of support.

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