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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 09/07/18> What comes to mind when you hear Brenham, Texas?

in #dailydose6 years ago (edited)

OK. Let's get something out of the way right away. Blue Bunny is damn fine ice cream and it's probably my go to in the market. But by the time it travels to Arizona it isn't the best on earth. Coldstone Creamery out of Phoenix gets that title. They only sell through shops, though. Or the little Mennonite Restaurant in Black Canyon City. Not sure the connection but you can get Coldstone IC on your pie there. And those women make some mighty fine pies.

That said, that's the sort of place I like and like to see. I love the story about the park. It's not real well known but Arizona was the last Confederate Territory. The legislature voted to join because your General Hood promised a company of troops to help with the Comanches who took advantage of the fuss back east to raise some hell in Arizona. He did and we were.

That's the reason why we were the 48th state admitted to the Union. The Feds punished us until 1912 when the state sent an official delegation to Mexico. Yes, North Dakota was in front of us.

City of Spokane, Wa owns a vintage carousel of some reputation too. Built in the '30s at an amusement park down by the river, when the park folded up somebody bought the carousel and stored it (about 1966 or so). When the city hosted the World's Fair in 1974 their pavilion was a octagon that housed the refurbished carousel. It was a big hit then, and it still is. That park that the fair left behind is one of the best city parks in America. And the old carousel is a huge part of it.

Let the record show that Spokane is by far the smallest city to ever host a World's Fair. It was quite a deal. And being a broke newly wed we had season tickets that cost us $50 (for two) a year in advance. Best entertainment buy I ever made.

Thanks for a wonderful look at a pretty cool place and area.


Funny you should mention Blue Bunny, the ice cream that wanted to be named "Blue Belly Ice Cream" so that they could try and capitalize even more on the confusion of name and use of animals. I would almost bet you weren't aware of that, since I just made the "belly " part of the story up.
Even the name Blue Bunny does cause confusion in markets where Blue Bell isn't sold because Blue Bell is well known brand, It did suffer some damage to the reputation not that long ago when they had an issue with listeria that happened more than once.
With all the names available in the world, it is safe to say Blue Bunny is trying to ride on the name strength of Blue Bell.
It is a good thing the people who own Buc --Ee's don't own Blue Bell or this would be a big court battle too, and if the suit were filed in Texas we are pretty sure that we know the how that outcome would be since everyone knows and loves Blue Bell in Texas.
Did not know that about Spokane and the WF, I love learning little tid bits of information like that, thanks.
The Fireman's park never held the WF but the county fairs in Texas are a pretty big deal so the Washington County fair probably rivals the WF in attendance and at a lot less ticket price.
Hot pie with ice cream is the ticket for a great after meal treat, you won't get an argument from me on that, even mediocre pie can be transformed with one scoop into pie that tastes like a slice of heaven.
The old merry go rounds are harder and harder to come by and they aren't even making that many new ones anymore from what I see, not of the permanent type.

FOR TSE: Shhhh. Don't tell BigTom ... but Blue Bunny ice cream is truly awful. I have explicitly told The Weasel, "If that's the only brand you can find, forget it." He doesn't always shop in First World Stores out here. TBH, I miss them.

I never have tasted Blue Bunny, it would be a sin in my book for a Texan to eat Blue Bunny ice cream and even when Blue Bell wasn't available we just stopped eating ice cream and waited for them to get back as a show of support.

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