Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 01/04/19> Let me tell you about AH and why he is lucky.

in #dailydose6 years ago (edited)

I mentioned yesterday...

I mentioned yesterday that I work with some idiots and I still hold that out to be the truth. I also work in a place that has a lot of nepotism so that can make things even more difficult. Thank the Lord I am leaving in the not too distant future because there is one young man there that can just drive you up the wall. He also happens to be the son of one of the vice presidents of the company.

I would call him by his name or his nick name but since I am good guy, I will just refer to him as “AH” for the purposes of identification in this Daily Dose.

Say what...

Say what? No, no, … those aren’t his initials. Well they are his initials in a way, those initials stand for “ass hole”. Please pardon my French there. So he will be known as AH for today, and the rest of his life as far as I am concerned. AH writes work orders, does purchase orders and is responsible for invoicing for the service technicians so I have to work with him but at least not in the same location, he is in San Antonio and I am in Houston.

Back in the...

Back in the first week of December I gave him a customer name, location and customer PO# and told him to order a renewal of their subscription to the data services for the customer’s irrigation computer service. Clean simple deal, all neat and tidy. Thursday I get an email from the customer saying that they are “locked out” of the service.

The customer was...

The customer was not a happy camper, I had given AH all the information he needed in order to take care of it and he dropped the ball. That email I got was CC’d to people at the factory and other upper management inside our company. I picked up the phone and called AH and asked him what the hell happened. He told me hid the order and placed the PO with the vendor and he would have to look into it.

Before he got...

Before he got back to me one of the upper management got it figured out and got things rolling, so I texted AH back and told him to never mind and that Adam had taken care of it so there was no need to email the order again. AH had guzbucked up and sent the PO to the wrong division of the vendor and it never got forwarded to the correct division, even though I had given him explicit instructions on which division and the contact person to send it too.

I sent him...

I sent him that text at 11:09 AM and he never replied back, but at 11:25 AM I see an email he sent to the vendor acknowledging that he knew Adam had already sent the PO# but he just had to get involved and try and cover his rear end. This "AH" asked all kinds of ridiculous questions “about going forward” on how to handle things when ordering from them when he knows we are no longer representing the product and haven’t since December 15th. I made that point clear to him that it had be done before the end of business on 12/14/18 which was a Friday because we would no longer be able to order from that division.

That little fiasco...

That little fiasco is common with AH from what others have told and if I had decided to stay at this company I would have to work him daily over the phone and through email; no thanks. So far I have one interaction with him and it was a giant guzbucked deal.

The other service techs can’t stand the guy and I can see why, he can take the simplest thing and screw it up because what others have told me is he asks too many damn questions. So instead of just doing what is asked they think he confuses himself trying to be important by asking 20 questions when the reply should be “I’ll do it.”

AH should feel lucky...

AH should feel lucky that he is in San Antonio because if I were in the same office with him he would have gotten a taste of my anger on Thursday. I had my day all planned out and he guzbucked the whole day for me, well maybe not the whole day but at least half of it.

My plan was to go in early, open the blinds on the office and watch it rain until the skies cleared up and at the end of the day close the blinds and go home. I had a contingency plan to make a second pot of coffee in case others drank more than normal and I did have to implement that too. So I was already doing more than I wanted to do. The worst part was with all that crap going on I missed the 11:00 AM poker game on Scorumpoker.com .

They can't expect...

They can’t expect me to sit in that office all day and just do nothing but that is what they want me to do. I feel like the old Maytag repair man who never got calls for repairs, that was pre-computer appliances days, not now. Maytag appliances screw up as much as any other brand now from what I have been told.

So, AH really needs a good ass whipping but I will more than likely never make it to San Antonio before I quit so he is safe I guess. In my resignation letter though I will mention that one of the reasons I am electing to leave is because I can’t afford a life sentence for premeditated murder at this stage of my life and if I tried to stay and work with him it would only be a matter of time before a jury would have to decide my fate.

Being that today is Friday, this is when I would normally start about thinking who I would be selecting for the Saturday SBI give away but since I will no longer be doing those Saturdays I will have to find something else to think about. My apologies for getting this Daily Dose out later than usual, Microshit Word decided it needed to "repaginate" the Daily Dose last night just as I was getting ready to throw it on the blockchain and I'll be damned if I didn't fall asleep.
Until next time,

Note: Thanks for reading the Daily Dose. Be sure to check out this post by my good friend @bigtom13 and congratulate him on making it a year here on steemit,; https://steemit.com/personal/@bigtom13/one-year-in-the-hole


Ahahahaha It's always good to have a plan at work. It's just too bad you don't have a subordinate to delegate the actual work to...

Guys like AH make me completly guzbucking crazy. I have unfortunately dealt with enough of them to really appreciate the ones that go the other way. My friend in Ft. Worth comes right to mind. The FIRST time we worked together we took on a fairly complex project with a simply impossible time line. We had 72 hours to finish but our first decision was to have it out in 48. We had a really complex spread sheet to build (among other things) and spent the first few hours talking about what it needed. I set up the framework for her to edit and went to bed, thinking she would make whatever changes to it and I'd get at it first thing. First thing came around and I opened the damn thing to find it half way done. Plus she'd done almost all of her share for the day. In fact, she was still up when I got up and we worked out my marching orders for the day. Project was done in a smooth 48 hours and that original spreadsheet lasted for about 10 years with just minor modifications... It was an annual thing, and we did the project for about 5 years then gave our work to the next person up.

I'm not willing to say there is one of those for every AH, but it'd be nice to think that is the case.

Since you are a short timer I'm going to remind you to handle that full pot of water for the coffee carefully. Wouldn't want to start your new job on the disabled list.

Thanks for the shout out!

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Hehe!Good morning! It is always great to see you up and at'em. :)

I used to live in San Antonio before I moved to Washington, DC. I see that I moved just in time. That town is so nice, why can't AH find another to live in? I'm glad you are escaping to another place. I have never minded working or having a job, but, I have found it makes the day go better if I enjoy what I am doing and part of that is the people you interact with. One of the reasons that I have come to love Steemit so much was the people and their interactions.

I only ever quit one job in my life because of the people there. I was getting a headache before I even got to work, as I was becoming more agitated over the work situation and after a while, left the situation as it wasn't worth my health. Sorry about the AH in your life. I will bet he thinks he is all THAT and isn't even aware of it.

Have a great Friday! The weekend is upon us!


Thanks DS, San Antonio is a great town and really good folks for the most part. This guy has been through so many jobs from what I am told that his dad had to give him a job just to keep him from having to move back in with the mom and dad.
He isn't the main reason I am leaving, but had I decided stay I could see how he would have been in the future.
Thanks for dropping in and saying hello. I much appreciate the tip too.

Oh. my! I think I would rather have him live with me than to put him in everybody's way! I actually didn't believe he was the only reason you left, but, you have to admit, it makes a great story in my head. ;)

San Antonio was great and I do miss Texas and HEB! :)

Yes, there is more than just him and I am not quite out of there yet, but I am on the way out.
HEB is a great store to shop for sure, I bet you do miss it.

🎁 Hi @sultnpapper! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

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Hate nepotism in the work place . No matter how much they saw they will be professional they can’t be . Blood is thicker than water

Posted using Partiko iOS

If I ran the world I would make it illegal to employ anyone who is related to you by blood or marriage. I think lots of things would suddenly improve.

Yes, there are some cases where family members need to be involved in order to take over the business at some point in time but in this guy's case his dad is just a higher level employee and has no ownership in the business so that isn't the case with him.
The owner has a couple of his kids working in the business and I get that. The sad part will be when they take over and then sell it off right away like most kids do.
But in our main office there are at four cases of other folks in management who have a relative working in the company besides the owners kids and this guy , AH, so it reeks of nepotism for sure.
Not sure if I ran the world exactly what me position would be but I guarantee there would be something along the lines of what you suggest.

Goodness - your firm is rife with nepotism! I think some local government services would just collapse if this became law!

It is when you consider that there is only about a hundred people in the whole company.

Yes, yes!!
Better get out of there before you do anything irrational that won't give us a does of sultnpapper....
hmmmm..... i wonder if you get to steem from prison ...

I have had my fair share of these egoistic idiots and sometimes they are just not worth the trouble
Hope you are feeling better
Do enjoy the weekend :D

I do not want to know with first hand knowledge if you can steemit blog from prison, I'll be happy to take someone else's word on it for sure.
We all experience idiots like this I am sure, it was just one of those "days" for me and decided it was a good enough topic for the Daily Dose last night when I wrote it.
Enjoy the weekend as well my friend.

Stay strong @sultnpapper! Lol I've dealt with a few folks like AH in my corporate days. They cause a wake of inefficiency and frustration wherever they go. You might appreciate this....


Glad to hear you got a job Sult! Happy new year btw! I'm so sorry to hear that you're working with some jerks.. It happens to me too, but what I do is besides ignoring them lol is too make everything comfortable for me, even if it requires some "extra work".

Thanks Sweetie. Happy New Year to you as well. Have you looked into your dental license requirements yet in Argentina? It would be great if they had some type of reciprocation with VZ, and that you would just have to take a basic exam or interview before a review board.
I had been able to ignore a lot of these people at the company because there was only me and one other guy doing what we were doing and we really had very, very little interaction with our company and worked mainly with the manufacturer's sales department.
But with the change I would have to work day in and day out with these idiots now and I was just not up to that task, so I have lined up another place to work and it is just a small company the two owners, a secretary and me when I join them this month.
Thanks for stopping by, are you getting settled well done there now?

I'll start the process of getting the license here very soon Sult, it's one of the goals for this year. I'm almost ready with the paperwork in Venezuela, so I can start here in Argentina :). Things are going well, has been a couple of good months thankfully, the only thing that bothers me now is the summer lol it's waaaay hotter than Venezuela, but I'll get used to.

About your work, I'm glad to hear you're changing to another office, that will make you more comfortable, which is so important!

haha! howdy sir sultnpapper! man you guys have a real winner there! one that can't be fired either it sounds like! That will make the move that much sweeter. Hey what in the world is "repaginate" ? Is that a real word or one you made up? I know I could google it but since you might have made it up I'll just wait for your description. lol.

No, I didn't make that word up. Evidently it is what Micorshit Word does to format a word document when you save it to print. That was the first time I ever noticed it do that but I don't save the document often enough and it is over 70 pages long.

howdy tonight sir sultnpapper! wow I learned a real word that I will never use. lol. Those Word things get all wonky on me, I'm glad I don't have to use them.

Yes, it was new to me too, I had never seen the word before then.

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