Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 01/03/19> Deal ‘em up…and the idiots I work with.

in #dailydose6 years ago (edited)

Where do I...

Where do I start? Don’t tell me, ”in the beginning”, if I go that route I will have your head spinning. So, pretend I didn’t even ask that question and I’ll do the same.

We are into the new year and on New Year’s day I got into a couple poker games over at Scorumpoker.com, and yes, you are going to hear about it. The first game that was played by me and around fifty other folks and had over $2,100 SCR in the prize pool.

The damn internet...

The damn internet was acting up for me and wouldn’t you know it; right about the time the game started. So it was very frustrating for me and I wasn’t doing real well. In fact, I don’t recall even calling a bet after the flop of the cards for the first twenty hands. It was a combination of bad cards and bad internet. When I had decent cards the internet would drop out and it seemed when I had junk cards it would stay on and I would sit and watch the hands play out.

I even apologized...

I even apologized to the other people at my table for my internet trouble, it is very frustrating when you have to sit there waiting on folks to run out their time bank trying to reconnect. In other games where I have had troubles I just ended up sitting out or even go “all in” on bet with bad cards and let the table know what I was doing and even the cards so they would know what I had.

Most of the games...

Most of the games I don’t have issues and most of the games don’t have over a couple thousand in prize pool currency so I was reluctant to give up so easily. It was a good thing I didn’t. I switched off the home internet and used the hot spot internet from my phone and man how things changed.

I went on and...

I went on and finished the game. I was in it until the final hand; unfortunately I lost that hand and ended up finishing in second place. The prize winning’s for second place was $433.00 SCR. (SCR are Scorum tokens). First place was over $700 and while I was sure hoping to win, I am happy to have finished second. Nineteen players ended up getting a piece of the prize pool in that tournament.

Later that evening...

Later that evening I jumped back in and played the “Nightly 30” game there at Scorum and I was in until the final hand again; this time with better results as I won that hand and the first place prize of $15 SCR. So all in all, the New Year started off good for me as far as the poker games are concerned.

Am I bragging...

Am I bragging? You damn right I am. I don’t do that often but I am allowed to that every once in awhile.

Did I ever mention...

Did I ever mention I work with some idiots? I do; and thankfully that will be changing soon. I trying to write this Daily Dose while I am at work and I keep getting interrupted by the email notifications on my work phone.
It seems that the new lady in charge of the company vehicles has to know,( like “right now”) if the toll road tag on every truck corresponds to list she has with the numbers on it. So she sent an email out to around 15 of us with an attachment of the list. So, I am pretty sure you know where I am going with this but I will say it anyway.

I hate strongly...

I hate strongly dislike people who don’t have enough brains to just reply to her. I really could not care any less Jim, Chad, Chuck, Bill, and John that your numbers match her guzbucking list. Quit hitting the REPLY ALL button and just hit the guzbucking REPLY. I am not Susan and I really don’t care about your toll tags.

Even more...

Even more, my guzbucking tag didn’t match so I sent her a picture of the current tag that is on the truck. I didn’t send it out to all of you idiots because it really doesn’t matter to you (or shouldn’t) so I am considerate of your time so that you don’t have to stop what you are doing to know that mine doesn’t match.

Folks, if you are...

Folks, if you are in on an email with multiple people as the recipients from the sender please, ( I said please) only respond to the person or persons who need to know. I am sure I am not the only person who gets aggravated by this kind of stuff. It doesn’t take any more or any less effort to select the REPLY button over the REPLY ALL button.

The current count is now up to eight as Mark, Charles and Blake just hit REPLY ALL. That leaves six more potential idiots to respond with the REPLY ALL button.

The clock is showing 12:20PM, I am running out for lunch so I will end it right here for the day.
Do Not use REPLY ALL if you don’t need too.

Well, I thought...

Well, I thought I was done but after lunch I needed to post number 10 over on WeKu to continue with my experiment and for some reason it won’t let me post anything, hmmmmmmmmmm. I wonder if they might be upset with me?

The problem...

The problem with doing these things early in the day for me is stuff changes, and so I did get home in time to play the 4:35PM poker game over at the Steem Poker League and ended up winning the tournament and $4.50 SBD that went along with that first place finish. That makes 2 first place and one second place finish in my last three games, and yes, that is bragging.

I swear this is...

I swear this is it, there was one last poker game for the evening at 7:00 PM and when you are on a roll , well you try and keep it going. The key word was ‘try” I did try and I did make the final table of 9 but I ended up in sixth place and out of the prize money.

I guess that is what I get for bragging; so that sort of reminded why I don’t brag much to begin with. At some point the cards, chips and luck will run out and then you have to fess up about it. So now the day is complete, time to post this dose.

Until next time,

Note: Thanks for reading the Daily Dose. Be sure to check out this post by a guy who normally has great stuff and he is honest his name is @mikepm74 , here is his post : https://steemit.com/shitpost/@mikepm74/shitpost-wednesday
Photo Credits : All photos are the property of @sultnpapper.


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A little bragging is quite ok in my books especially when you're elated about something, why not share good news with your friends not so ;);)
And I totally agree with you about the irritation of receiving emails that are not relevant! Why do people do that? Another irritation is when people set up their out of office notifications wrongly so when it's a large organisation and admin sends an email to a list of over 12 000 employees, all those people would get an automated out of office notice. Ok, so the person is away and does not know what's happening BUT then some idiots or mischief makers perhaps, would respond in irritation by replying to all, believe it or not! And guess what, the out of office email would appear again in all 12 000 plus email boxes!!

Well thank you Lizelle, if I have your blessings on bragging a little that is all I need.
I can't stress enough on how people don't think, I am not much on memes but I do get a chuckle out of the ones the show some idiot doing something idiotic and has the caption, "what was he thinking?"
The answer in most cases he was either trying out for that program "Jackass" or he just wasn't thinking.

Congratulations. Like you, when I get a roll going I'll stay with it until it's over. It's a LOT of fun getting going like that and in the words of Pete Rose "It ain't bragging if you can DO it."

People like that just piss me off. I'll bet I haven't hit 'reply all' more than 20 times in my life with two exceptions. When I was the secretary of a fantasy football league where 'reply all' was appropriate to hit all the members at one time.

I do not like pissing away time at work. I once went to work in a Cat shop (always a good place to light) that had a policy of 'cleaning up' when you didn't have a billable item in your bay. As the newest guy I was seriously tired of sweeping up at the end of the first week. I went to the shop foreman and suggested that instead of having me push a broom 'at union scale' they just send me home. I always had plenty to do there, and felt like I was stealing from the shop.

I didn't last long at that shop. Insubordination was the term on my termination papers. The guys at the union hall gave me a pretty bad time about that... They couldn't wrap their minds around the fact that I didn't like getting paid for guzbucking off.

Fortunately, there was always somebody that liked my skill set and would put up with me otherwise. Generally a 'Mom and Pop' shop that was happy with my speed and accuracy of my work.

Thanks Tom. Old Pete Rose and that quote was one I had heard before and I couldn't remember it at the time or I would have used it.
I think I have used the reply all button incorrectly maybe 3 times in my life, for sure no more then five.
I am not a fan of pissing away time at work either but I am doing right now as I reply. So far today the only thing I have done company related was open the two blinds on the window so I can watch it rain.
I will have to make another pot of coffee since I am about to take the last cup, but that will probably be the extent of what I do today if today ends up being like yesterday.
Now I just got an email from the guy I am "training under" and he is taking the day off, so I might just consider going home myself.
I have never been one to do just nothing but having been that I was screwed out of 8 days vacation last year I am not about to do a damn thing on my own motivation for this outfit but I know where you are coming from on being productive and not just pissing away time.

You? Insubordinate? I'd never have guessed.

Well done on the poker! (Remind me never to play poker with you though... I'm bad enough with money as it is!)
I never, ever click "reply all" and I rarely answer anything that's obviously been sent to everyone's email/Messenger/Whatsapp contacts. I'm fed up with the number of distractions I get from my online technology, and I'm seriously thinking about ways to turn it all off while I work.
As for WeKu, they deserve to get gamed. Correct me if I'm wrong, but seems to me that they've basically produced a carbon copy of Steemit's blockchain without any innovations and then just waited for the cash to roll in!

Well, may the better part of your luck stay with you and you can dispose of the other.

Happy New Year, @sultnpapper

Thanks. I appreciate that wish from you. Happy New Year as well.

Well... I could not find a "REPLY ALL" button below this post, so all I could do was "REPLY" 😜

CONGRATS on the winnings! That is really awesome and I am happy for you! 😃

Thanks Tiffany. I'll see if I can get the Dev's to add a REPLY ALL button so I can point you to it.

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❤ MWAH!!! ❤

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Congrats on the poker tournament . That scorum one was big. I’m a bit mixed up between chips , bits and scorum over there . Can you actually transfer your scorum for steem do you know? I must enter a few more lucky sacks tournys but in Europe they always start too late for me. The boys are hitting reply to all to let everyone knows their ones match. Ur one is looking for ones that don’t match to make sure you are not up to anything dodgy. That’s the way I see it anyway. The reply to all happens a lot in unionised environments . especially . I hate it myself .

Thanks Blanchy. That Scorum one was the biggest they have held thus far and I was happy with second. I had the winner "all in" a couple hands before and had him beaten until the river card, the board flopped three diamonds and then added two more on the turn and the river, so we ended up both with a flush. Neither of us had a diamond in our hands.
I am not exactly clear on the breakdown over there at Scorum, I know the "bits" are a fraction of the chips but I don't know the ratio but I have been told that the chips are equal to one SCR.
The boys are idiots because it doesn't matter to any of us who's matches the list or not since the company pays the toll authority, the girl just needs to know what toll tag goes with what truck so they can see who is racking up the highest amount of tolls and that they don't have a toll tag on the list the had been replaced and recorded, which is what happened in my situation. My old tag quit working 2 months ago and the guy in charge of the fleet sent me a new one from a different toll authority and evidently he never recorded it on the records. So this lady just took over and was getting a bill from an "unknown" tag I am sure. So she was the only one who needed to know and that is the fact of the matter.
I don't know that I could ever work in a union environment, I did that over 40 years ago and 2 years of that was more than I could take. Somewhere I do have my withdrawal card that showed I was in good standing and eligible to reinstate but I never have needed to use it.

Congrats on the winnings and why not brag once in a while? ;)

Thanks. It just isn't me on the bragging part, because I have plenty of times when I don't do all that well and I would feel guilty not letting all those out. But that was a good little hot streak and some substantial prize for second place and I just couldn't keep from sharing that success.

Haha! howdy sir sultnpapper! you never brag so when you do you get slapped for it! lol. How do you know the new company won't have idiots?

The only one at the company I don't know is the secretary and she the wife of one of the owners. With me on board, there will be a total of people working for the company. I have known the one owner over 25 years and the other 18, so I know them pretty well.

Howdy again sir sutlnpapper! Oh well hey, that's a whole different ball game, that's going to be wonderful! What took you so long to switch? lol.

I have been trying to get some back commissions that I have coming to me. The HR lady says that the company should have me squared up on this next check on the 15th so I plan on giving them my two weeks notice on the 16th.

ha! good plan sir, good plan. Let us know how it goes in a post! hopefully it will all be smooth.

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