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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 09/04/18 > Peanuts, peanuts, get your… baby Jade.

in #dailydose6 years ago

I find it alarming that so many people have food allergies nowadays, for sure the pesticides must have something to do with it!
I'm allergic to many medicines, also dare not use Elastoplast. Fortunately I don't often get ill, try and use natural medicine as far as I can.
As for vaccinations, I'm not a medical expert but I do believe some are necessary and life saving - Tuberculosis for one is vital here in South Africa as it's still quite rife. Polio also vital as it's incurable, although we're polio free it does crop up at times and can be fatal.
Hubby & I have the flu vaccine annually and it really works, Mom will not have it on the other hand! Well she's 87 so perhaps she's right, although that's only in respect of flu vaccines.
I know some people are dead against vaccines so expect a big debate here!


I am not looking for a debate to break out here, if it does I hope it will be at least a civil one, and none of the childish name calling for sure, and that is directed at others, not you for God's sake.

I do agree that some vaccines are necessary and work. My thing is, have we gone to far and for what reason? I know for a fact all these vaccines are not for the good of the person getting the shots, and I will share a story in the next daily dose about that.

I didn't intend this to be a two part story but I guess now it will be and you are the first to know it.

I stay pretty healthy myself and it might be because I don't eat vegetables, I can't prove that but in the back of my mind it makes me wonder. I haven't eaten veggies in over 4o years and I have a lot less health problems in my life than most of my friends who eat them.

I also have a book on natural medicine that I probably need to start reading as my years are starting to add up.

So we may have a hot topic here and I just hope cooler heads will prevail as we discuss things on this subject. I hope people read all the comments before commenting, hope for sure.

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