The Daily Dose - Feb 1st, 2018 by @chelsea88

in #dailydose6 years ago

This post is to raise awareness of what "they" are doing to our skies on a daily basis and is a response to @inthenow initiative as outlined in this post:

The first picture shows some chemtrail "art" I saw just yesterday. Below are three other shots. The first one is a trail that looks like it's been there for a bit kind of dissipating.... into poison for us to inhale. ☠
Delicious!! Thanks government. Here's a couple more....
These "delights" were all seen recently (since 1/22) in Maryland skies. My personal belief & has been for like 15 years is that these chemtrails ARE poisonous. Hence the sky high (no pun intended) rates of cancer and asthma, etc. "Normal" ejections should dissipate quickly these linger and are not good, period. Pull the wool off your eyes you'll see this "sky art" everywhere.


I've never seen any in Vancouver that were not​ jet plumes, but I've no doubt that they are geoengineering the skies.
I stay inside a lot though as I'm carbon sensitive and have been since being a teenager. I believe the Rockeffer legacy is partially about intentional pollution and these hypocrites that run Vancouver have damn well made the air unbreathable while making the local oligarchs unimaginatively wealthy. It's a sickening and disgusting situation, but they control everything here so there's nothing anyone can do to stop them. Yes, I could leave but it isn't as simple when one is older.
Hey, when I was young I used to be a runner! Man, ​I could run forever:) I feel I should share this with you since you run a lot. Please try and run at​ low altitudes and preferably​ close to water sources like rivers, lakes, oceans.
Please protect your​ lungs under the current conditions.

Yeah the situation there sounds like everywhere. I appreciate the concern I didn't think about running at low altitudes. Interesting...

Next time you see these, do a bit of due diligence and figure out which planes were in your area. Flight plans are typically public. The vast majority of chem trail articles have veen debunked by showing commercial flight paths.

Next time, try to be more tactful in your replies. You think every flight is going to show up on flightradar? Ummm.... not. We could argue back and forth all day about chemtrails, and you are entitled to your beliefs, and so are others. Have a pleasant day. :-)

What exactly are the putting in the skies exactly? And to what end?
Paying for pilots, jet fuel, chemicals, etc.... it seems a bit far fetched to think that the investment in constant aerial seeding would be worth it long term. Someone's got to be paying the bills.

Not only that, but isn't there a pilot shortage? Hard to believe a nationwide aerial seeding program could compete with a commercial airline industry in terms of jobs and salaries, especially if you think that the aerial seeding is happening constantly.....

Just answer one question for me. Do you think these are "natural" clouds?

Wether it’s chemtrails or contrails, we’re fucked!

@digitaldruid I think @inthenow has raised some great counterpoints. The idea here is to raise awareness. The formations aren't natural & shouldn't linger that long in the sky

How can people look at the sick trees and not see them?

And the SICK ill mother earth in general??

Im fortunate that I live in remote rural Georgia and don't see these anymore here. I guess we that live here are too Poor to poison.

Whereabouts in GA? I saw them frequently in the area I was in

Thanks for the post @chelsea88 :-) Resteemed and Upvoted. Have a great day. :-D

Yay thank you =)

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