The Daily Dose | April 20th 2018 | @anouk.nox | Entry No.2

Last week they are constantly making some beautiful pieces of art in the sky here in Budapest, Hungary..
So after I posted my first entry for this months Daily Dose contest, I decided it is now time for my second entry for this month's The Daily Dose contest.
The following pictures are made by me with my smartphone, unfortunately.. I hope to be able to make better detailed pictures in het future with a decent camera. Lots of details I often don't see back in the picture.. But let's have a look what they have been spraying above us here in Budapest, Hungary at the 20th of April 2018

Look our sky is 50 shades of grey! It almost looks like it fluorescent...

Fresh trail and especially at the right you can see how greyish the sky is

A closer look at how the poison is sprayed above us

Some more greyish and a fresh trail to create more 50 shades of grey in our sky

No words needed I guess

The last one is a close up of the previous picture
You decide if chemtrails are nonsense.. I recently heard from a direct source that a friend of his is a pilot, and gets the order sometimes to spray this in the sky. He confirmed that this is no conspiracy but actually happening... I will not reveal my source here, but wanted to let you guys know anyway... Even though I was convinced long before I heard this..

Finally the truth comes out more and more about the health effects. Chemtrail lung. If you notice your health declining, like me, watch this:
When we lived in Spain before we moved here.. my boyfriend has serious health issues, since we came here they are gone.. Weird thing is that Budapest is noted as one of the cities with most unhealthy air (due to what's in it) he told me a few weeks ago. So that's weird right? I will have a look later .. What kind of health problems do you have? Thanks for sharing!
Is it possible that they spray less in Hungary than in Spain? Air quality probably refers to regular pollution, not the shit they spray on us. They don't report the aluminium, strontium and barium and definitely not the nano particles...
My health problems are mostly pain flare ups in muscles and joints which appear to wander around. But since I take about 6 capsules of Turmeric I can manage the pain, it is just mild right now. I still have enormous fatigue and brain fog, occasional nose bleeding and a screwed up lung. But it changes daily. Just weird.
I am (after watching this video) absolutely positive that my boyfriend was coughing due to the chemtrail lung.. I never heard of it before, but we of course knew there were lots of health issues possibly caused by that horrible spraying.. He also had extra restless legs.. never a long night sleep because of it.. it was horrible to see him struggle there..
I am surprised a doctor is willing to tell it on camera.. because later in the video they say a doctor got missing (not the same one I believe right?) and that was the first thing I thought: this doctor will be targetted soon by the government.. :(
They usually only attack people who get a large enough audience to become a threat. The hope could be that more and more speak up, but it will be too little, too late. The shit is already inside us. 10 years of spraying must have an effect on our environment. It's not only in the air but also in the water and food. Insects, birds are getting fewer and fewer. And as a remedy against the "Flu" people get vaccinated with toxins. A nightmare...
We did not leave Holland for no reason ;) We were about to blow the whistle and we told them we would. After that we were gang stalked for months.. even our baby was targeted (she was a newborn) So I always have that fear left, that it will happen again..
Hope you can live a peaceful life in Hungary. They seem to be a bit better than other European countries.
If I was younger, I'd move to Paraguay...
Well I don't know anything about Paraguay.. what's so good there?
On the other hand, I didn't know anything about Hungary either lol.. but there came a job opportunity for my boyfriend and he took it.
Once you have left your country like we did, the next time leaving the country you live in is not that big of a deal anymore ;)
It's adventurous too.. and it seems like in this country we may live a happier life than we would ever have in Holland.. I would not go back if they would give me a fortune..
good noon
I see that you're one of those annoying people that never upvote a post, but comment on it and then only vote your own comment.
I doubt that you will be successful or make a lot of friends on Steemit. Maybe you should invest your time on actually reading the post and leave a valuable comment a few times a day, instead of spamming many posts without reading a word probably.
I would like to point out the fact that your behavior is spamming! I will not flag you now, but if I see it again under my post, I will!
Hello again. :-) Your submission was added to the new update post. If you can give us a resteem, much appreciated! Have a great evening. :-D
Hi @inthenow I wanted to say: "but I already did that" lol.. but of course that was the previous update :) So yes, I will resteem it of course.. Have a great evening too!
Thanks for the entry! Sorry they give you so much to work with over there :/
Lol, it has been much worse I think.. When we were in Spain 14 months before we came here, I saw much more of this.. but maybe I paid more attention to it than I do now.. that is possible too ;)