Dad Tip of the Day: Debunk the Dark

in #dad6 years ago

Dad Tip of the Day: Teach your kids to enjoy the dark through different adventures instead of fear the dark.

I know many people have a fear of the dark, formally known as Nyctophobia.

As a side note, I think many people have developed Cyrptophobia – a fear of opening their cryptocurrency wallets in fear of more losses!

Back to the post – darkness is a natural fear for kids as it relates to unknowns and lack of visibility. Nightlights can help calm kids fears, but a better idea is to help kids not be afraid of the dark. I have done this in a few different ways – playing outside at night with flashlights as well as using fun glow-in-dark toys/glow sticks. Jacob has recently received a glow in the dark train, as well as a glow in the dark puzzle. Here is a picture of the two of us hanging out in his room in the dark working on the puzzle:



Getting kids comfortable with the unknown takes many different shapes and forms for many different things. When it comes to the dark, help them understand there is nothing to fear, and the dark can be a lot of fun!

Thank you for stopping by!



Thank you for posting @brian.rrr.

What a lovely is a great Dad tip of the Day.

Wishing you and yours all the best. Greetings to your good lady. ^__^


Thank you for the kind words and best wishes @bleujay ... it is always a treat when you stop by! Have a fantastic day!

People will fear to the thing which is uncertain, just like me,myself scare of the future of Crypto.

Will Steemit ten years later?Will what you have is just a digital digits rather than a fiat money?

You are right that the dark can be a lot of fun! Kids can enjoy in the dark with his dad. I think staying alone is the real darkness of life but night dark not harmful for us. It's important for us having a good sleep. Your tips for your kids always highly appreciable.

One of my daughters, when she was around six years old, was afraid of monsters under her sister's bed. I gave her a small device that, when pressed, would make a low noise in my bedroom. If she thought that the monster was there,she would press it and I would enter the only door of their bedroom with a lantern. We would search for the monster, of course we wouldn't find anything and she would sleep in peace. After a few days searching and not finding anything, she dismissed the idea of monsters and gave me back the device...

I love when you write articles related to children, because as I always tell you their experiences are perfect, for parents' schools, I laugh about "Cyrptophobia" 😁😁 The subject of darkness begins since we left lights on, and we make the child notice that it is out of fear or caution, last night my granddaughters were at home doing a pajamas and it turns out that they are all afraid of the darkness that was created by the parents, saying "if you misbehave I lock you in the room dark "or" in the dark the monster is going to come out "I do not agree, it must be done as you advise. making the darkness something friendly and that idea is very effective to put together the bright puzzle or play with flashlights, I congratulate you for your advice so educators for parents who are just released in this wonderful role of dad or mom greetings @ brian.rrr

A great advice I think that many children teach us is to fear the dark, they scare us with it and it is there when that fear starts and do not want to do anything in the dark and you are right this is not bad you have to enjoy it I have given account that in darkness many things are enjoyed, for example you can see the sky with many more stars if everything is dark and that is beautiful

Happy night @brian.rrr

How are you my friend? these techniques are very good that you use to teach your children that darkness is good and they should enjoy it

I think that many of us here did not enjoy it, they always wanted to scare us with the darkness and it should not be like that. The darkness is beautiful. If you want it you can shine many things like the puzzle or a flashlight. The important thing is to have fun and always see the good side of things

what,s good idea alltime sharing dad tip of the day.its very different thung for child. i am fully agree with yout opinion. darkness is a natural fear for kids and its related unknowns and lack of visibility. its helps doing for child unknown thing knowing and not to be afraid to dark.its obviously right help to understand there is nothing to fear,creating alots of fun of kids. The important thing is to have fun and always see the good side of things.thanks to sharing for your great thought post.very well best wishes for you and your happy family.thank you.. my dear friend.. @brian.rrr

I use to be afraid when I was little but my parents told me I had a guardian spider outside my window protecting me

You know what @brian.rrr , i am sure that this is a wonderful idea, and i swear that i will try with my son to.
I am a new father, and i think to start writing a couple story, by Steemit, about this intersting work than we have!

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