[Blog #10] Cycling Saturday | I Guess I Don't Like Cyclists | Beautiful Day

in #cycling6 years ago

Hooooooah Readers! How are you? Beautiful day with strong headwinds.

lagoa dos patos
Click image to enlarge!

Oh yeah! It feels like winter is slowly coming our way in shouthern Brazil. The winds are slowly changing; from the predominant NE during the summer to the predominant SW during the winter. The SW, commonly called 'Minuano', brings cold air from the polar regions. *Brrrrrrrrr*. That means headwinds while coming back from the trainings and freezing air. I'll have to find some proper cycing clothes for winter.

My last training had been on Monday, a full week without cycling, only rides to work. Week has been quite, Ammmm, strange I'd say. Sometimes hot, very windy and humid. Every day I would wake up, open the window and it was raining. Sad.

Today though! What a day! I woke up at around 8 AM, opened my window as usual and there it was, the blue sky. I jumped out of bed, took a breakfast and within minutes I was ready to hit the road. Another insane training against myself into headwinds. I'm starting to get used to it, it'll be like that for the most part of winter anyway.

Temperature had dropped hard during the night and it was quite chilly, winds were blowing from SW with around 12 knots and wind gusts of around 20 knots. Let's go, less complaining more brutality!

Day's been spent with friends eating barbecue and playing pool. The bastarts still can't believe that I don't drink anymore, "Are you ok?" they ask. Can't one have healthy life? Come on!

Besides going through my daily dose of masochism, fighting those cold SW headwinds I've also though about my fellow cyclists. I've been asked by friends why I always cycle alone, and why don't I join some groups to train together. And my answear is: Because I don't like cyclists.. Sorry guys!

Isn it insane? A cyclist that doesn't like cyclists. Let me explain.

I've been a driver and now I am a cyclist, on both situations I've followed the traffic rules giving me the opportunity to learn about the two sides. However, I've been observing that most cyclists don't freaking care about the rules! It got to a point where I've had a serious discussion with a fellow about passing the red signal. Because it's safer, he defended.

Is it a world trend or it's just the brazilians? Here I see it a lot. They defend that, by going before the cars you'll provide a better visibility, thus being safer. But no! You are against the law, invading the pedestrian space (the crosswalk), invading the on going traffic space and putting yourself into risk. Isn't that enough? Isn't that arrogant of their part to think only for themselves? That's why I don't like cyclists, most of them are arrogant, vitimists and selfish.

We are cyclists, we have to take care of the pedestrians and the cars have to take care of us. Through the law and the common sense. Stop on the damn red signals, you bastards!

I'm sorry if this post sounded like harsh critic, but I'm fed up with our class playing the victim, when they so often break the law. When I have my camera you'll be able to see what I mean.

To make this post a little bit more positive here's a beeeeeeeautiful picture of this amazing day.

lagoa dos patos
Click image to enlarge!

Click image to enlarge!


How are the cyclists in your country? Are you a fellow cyclist? Do you follow the law or you pass the red light? Would love to hear from you.

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~Love ya all,

Disclaimer:  The author of this post is a convict broken backpacker, who has travelled more than 10.000 km hitchhiking. Following him may cause severe problems of wanderlust and inquietud. You've been warned.

I'm Arthur. I blog about Adventure Stories, Brazil, Travel, Camping & Life Experiences.

Follow me to stay tuned for more craziness and tips.

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I go through the red light if it's clear because I would rather be ahead of the cars when they try to get through the intersection. I have been hit twice while following the law as cars turned right into me despite my having the right of way and a green light. They see green and just turn. They don't look for bikes. I would rather go through when the coast is clear, even if red, rather than worry about cars turning into me when we both have a green light.

Hey @robmolecule, thanks for your comment. Sure it's a reason, and it's sad that you got hit.

I always check over my shoulder to see if the car behind me has its turn signal on. If yes I take the front instead of following by the sidewalk. One thing though, that I avoid, is to cycle near to the sidewalk. Many times distracted pedestrians step outside of the sidewalk into my space and It'll be harder for the cars to notice me.
It's been working great and no complaints from the drivers for taking a bit of their space so far.

All this I think goes into the common sense law, if you double, triple checked and it's safe for you to run that red light, do it.
What makes me mad however, is that in my city, most cyclists in order to check if there are cars coming, invade the crosswalk, where the pedestrians are passing. That's rude.

And another thing that makes me mad is that, if they for some reason get hit by a car, while doing something wrong, the fault is always the car, and they always want to bash on the poor driver. Just this past week I saw cyclists wanting to cycle against a one way street, and they were mad because the cars were honking hahahahahaa

I don't disagree on your reasons, it must feel terrible to get hit when you are right! But we do have to be aware of the traffic laws and common sense.

Hahaha. I feel ya pain. Lol

I am with Rob on this one. Do whatever is safest, make the decision as per the situation in front of you. Motor vehicle laws don't apply to cyclists. At least not in India! So the question of breaking the law doesn't arise.

I have been rear ended by a car while sitting on my motorcycle at a red light! And by a bus when on my bicycle! Now i look over my shoulder more often than an escaped convict!

I also don't like cyclists. At least those who care more about the cost of the bike, jersey, kit, and accessories. I like those who shut up and ride :D

Sup @twowheeledmonkey, thanks for the comment!

Take a look at my comment there.
I do think we (cyclists) have ours reasons to do some things, but sometimes some os us abuse. In that case, if I see an accident where the cyclist was abusing, I'll defend the driver.

How is traffic in India? Here in Brazil we have incidents, mostly caused by distraction. My experience with the bike on the streets has been great so far, but I'm always cautious and I avoid streets that I know may represent danger. I even stop for pedestrians on crosswalks hahahaha

The closest I got to an accident was incredibly when I was inside the bike lane. The cars are not used to it yet, and many of them step their nose into the bike lane on intersections to check on going traffic. If you are distracted cycling you may visit a car's hood hahahahaha

How is traffic in India?

You need to experience it to understand it. There is beauty in the absolute chaos here! If you are an atheist, you will become a believer. There is no other way that people can ride and drive around with the intelligence of cattle and still live to tell the tale! There is a reason why India has 10 million gods :D

HAHAAHH and I though Brazil was kinda chaotic.
I've seen a video of guy traveling by motorcycle through India, and he was complaining that people drove like mad men, then he is filming and a truck rolls over. And hes like .....I told you.....

Since I have been born and brought up here, everything appears 'normal'!

So here's a quick article from an outsider's perspective of cycling in India, he used to ride in Delhi:


Hahh curious to read, I'll do it today when I have a break at work.

So the friendship ends here, cause you gonna hate me...
In my country breaking traffic rules when you're sure there will be no punishment, is common. So cars stop by the red light, mostly because the car has a license and there are cameras in intersections.

So many bikers (bicycle and motorcycle) don't care about traffic rules, specially in less crowded streets. Me, i use my common sense when biking, law doesn't care about me, so i don't care about it neither. I try not to bring chaos to the streets, but because bikes are more flexible, you can (in some occasion) manage to cross a red line without risking your life or making a mess in the intersection. Sometimes that there's a traffic jam, i use sidewalks but not like i'm cycling in a street, surely with lower speed so i can handle people, and if it's a crowded side walk, i'll stick to the street.
in most cases it's all the same here, young bikers don't care much about the rules (and also rules don't care about them) also people tend to not care about the cyclist... . People mostly like a cyclist, but not when he/she is on the street.

Final word, in my opinion, that common sense is much more important than the rules. Those rules are meant to manage cars, not bikes.

ahahahahahah thank you @sina-adventure! Let's stay friends, but if you ever come do Brazil you'll follow the rules, ya bastard! hhahahahahaha

You know, it's super cool to know from other countries, I thought only brazilians were the ones to break rules and f** everything up ahahahaha

Like I commented for the guys, common sense always, but without abusing! Here I don't cycle on sidewalks because I respect the pedestrians a lot, they are below me in the traffic hierarchy. If I ever need to, I dismount and walk with the bike by my side.

While on traffic I use a looooot hand signals, to show the drivers my moving intentions. I also avoid streets that are known to be problematic.

Maybe i rethink cycling on side walks. (I don't do it regularly, just when there's a heavy traffic and also a wide and uncrowded sidewalk available.) But But stoping for the red light "just" for the sake of obaying the rules... THAT IS "SLAVERY" 😂, i'm a free man, and i will die as a free man. When they started caring about those who travel by bike, i might rethink that too.

AHHAHAHA YES, I'll slowly bring you to the right side of the force..

But I understand why you guys stop for the red signal, I just think that in some situations cyclists abuse it. We have no right to stop on top of a crosswalk blocking the pedestrians, that's the only way we can check the ongoing traffic.


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