
HAHAHA, that's how it is, then they complain that their life is boring. Gotta move that butt!

Next one is a 1600 km cycletour, accept the challenge?

I definitely would! The life itself is an adventure, so if I don't live it now, then when? 😃

That's what I keep on saying, it's the old story "money vs time vs health" we'll never have them all..

So, book a ticket to Brazil, preparations begin in 2 weeks, plans to leave in mid August. All you'll need is a bike and camping gear, and some money for food ahhaa

Haha that sounds so cool, but remember when I said that I'm not that brave to travel by my own? 😔

ahahahhah that's good actually! Once you discover how amazing it is to travel alone, there's no going back, it's very adcting.

Have you ever seen that movie about a 14 year old girl who sailed around the world alone? Maiden trip is the name.

Nope, I will add it on my list and watch it as soon as I get some free time :D

I'm sure it's very cool and addicting but the first steps are always the hardest, especially when you make a change :)

Absolutely agree, the classic empty feeling in the guts hahaha. You are a cool person, hop on Discord more often to chat.

I will. As soon as I make some order in my life.. :)

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