Special Dedication to @curie

in #curie7 years ago (edited)

Good night my-friends, by chance today I am a lot of empty time and not much activity that I do so that on this day I have 1 chance and time to make logo design.

It looks like you're going to accuse me, that it would actually expect an upvote from #curie, waw! That is very true and i expect it all the time. It has been a lot of time has passed, but in vain there is always an important rule so that experience and science are often found.

I have tried to be a good writer and it always fails, sometimes to get a problem in writing like the hope of plucking the moon, but always missing even there is no way to it.

On this day I have completed a simple job, a logo I dedicate to #curie. I did not ask them to take this logo for them, but if accepted then I'm very happy. On the other hand it is very unlikely, because this is not a frofesional logo so it becomes worthy of being used by Tim #curie.

Keep watching and reading my writing, if you do not understand with this article you may be less fortunate. Hahaha, I'm sorry that weak in English so that in this paper I have to ask for help Google Translator. But I think that's not a problem, right?

Here's the process:

This is a very simple way, and I think everyone can do this. At the basic stage I have to understand the basic character #curie, What is Curie? I need to know it so the inspiration I get for this.

Why do I choose "O" circle?

I think it's in a hug or embrace or built symbol. Because to my knowledge, the #curie team chooses among many people to be certainty and inseparable from their desires (ie in terms of embracing good writers).

Then what is the meaning of "C" symbol?

The symbol "C" is the basic name owned by this team "CURIE" then I present it in this logo. I think it will be deduced from the meaning of the #curie itself.

And what is my explanation about the symbol "Λ"?

The symbol "Λ" has the overall meaning of upvote, since it has been used by the curie itself on the logo. I understand for this - is the result of surveys and eyewitness selection for writing and quality content will ultimately be found an award that is "Upvote".

And that's a glimpse of the logo design that I'm working on today.

If there is any doubt and error in the explanation I beg your opinion. And I really appreciate it.

And here I have done some design for it, and that is the workmanship. For that I expect a friend who sees and reads this post so as to provide an assessment, in that sense you have to vote to provide an appropriate logo assessment. And here I have completed 5 design results but have different colors. Please choose!

And this is the cover design on the weekly post curie!

And this is when I work, Friends can also see directly, I also use the simple software "CorelDraw X7" when doing this.

And this is the end of my writing, may I get rewarded for this, HAHA! And most importantly this can be useful, at least for the theme-inspiration of friends.

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Akan ta ikuti
God post, dont forget support me


Heheh always we do about that mabro

i don't know this things.. haha

Hahaha!!! Ithing u so

grond kali ya bang.. LOL

Hahahhaa groen na dih? Nyoe meunan si neu bapoe siat keu awak meudasat bak jipoet

Hahaha, thanks bang!!!!

Small scapes between lines will merge together in small size. I would try to make them at least 1px wide in smallest possible version.

You are right, i will try it on another occasion. Thanks for that

Have a nice day

i like your post my friend

thank brade!!!

hana payah kaboh tag aceh le muyoe ka kaboeh tang indonesia bak post

Koen meunan bang!!!

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