[Contest by @averageoutsider] : My Fears

in #curie6 years ago

Hello all my friends on Steemit, I'm attending a contest organized by @averageoutsider.
The contest has many good topics, you can choose one of the following topics:

Writing this article made me feel more comfortable saying things I feared. For many years, my student life was almost just waking up, going to school, going to school, going home, and repeating. Over the years, my passion for learning has gradually disappeared. I became exhausted, depressed and desperate to hear the word 'learn'
The time I go to school more than the time I was sleeping. For me, the higher the learning, the more meaningless the knowledge.

I know this is ungrateful. To get the knowledge today, my parents had to work hard to give me the money to study.
Why do teachers teach only one subject, but students must study 12 subjects well?

Not only that, I am under heavy pressure from teachers, parents and the whole society. A class must have 40 students who are good students, good and not have the average student. At school, the year-end courses must be 8 points or more, even higher. The school graduation rate must be 90% or higher after one year, and the school must keep the target at 100%.

I have been thinking about what I am learning. The more I felt, the more I felt discouraged, the more I recognized myself unable to absorb the knowledge that the school taught.

I'm scared! I was afraid every time he sun came up signaling another day to school again. I was scared when the first thing I did when I was in class was examining a mountain of exercises they gave us. I was afraid that the drumming was not going to mean that we were going home for the rest of the day, but it was just the time to play in the middle of class and more time.

"It's a fun day to go to school every day." - That was the first thing I learned when I was in grade 1. And until now, when I was 19, I hated this saying.
hate the feeling of going through the school gate, opening the book, copying each page. I feel lost direction ... Every day in school, I spin with learning, exam. The years have passed meaninglessly under the pressure of learning, of the teacher, of the family.

The current curriculum does not allow me the right to be creative. All are bound to certain rules and I - the student must follow, not change.

I still remember, it was a test day for the semester.My theme is to express my feelings about a historical figure that I like. I am very confident that this article I have prepared very thoughtful,i confident will impress the teacher. But finally, I received a score of 3. The teacher said: "I did not read the teacher's instructions written in the notebook."

I told her that my article was right for the question. But she said that I did not follow the pattern, I did not study her writing. I think, I am me, she is her, me and her different. Why does she love A, I must love A / ??? I do not like stereotypes, ..

Finally after more than 20 years of hard work, we have to live a very long life and by that time, we will have to apply the knowledge learned in life. But many times I wonder, how can I use "Vecto, trigonometric, pitago,..." in real life?

I went to school and then forgot, teachers are just assign homework but they never told me the application of this knowledge in life.

From time to time, people evaluate each other through exams. Because of the worthless scores that pushed the fate of the students to the brink, has made the relationship to parents - children and teachers - students become tense.

The lives of students now almost revolve around LEARNING. We do not know the concept of rest, relaxation. We almost no longer understand the value of the family meal because almost a week we were just learning more until it was dark.

My friend .. she started school from 5:30 am until 11 pm. She was exhausted, I know that. Her face was pale, her eyes were tired, her lack of sleep and stomach pain,,..

We live indifferent, indifferent, emotionless and have no life skills. We do not know what to do if there is an earthquake, a tsunami or a stroke in the middle of the road. Adults are disappointed by the behavior of the younger generation when we are disappointed that we are being educated without direction.

When I got a low score, my parents scolded me.. I feel I am a useless child .. I do not know when I can get out of this bad situation.


rất hay và hữu ích

hay lắm b .. để mình thử dự thi xem sao

Hi @anfood ... I'm one of the curators for this contest, and it seems that you got your entry in a little 'late' but it was a very nice effort. I up-voted you because you deserved it. Perhaps you will get some more rewards from others as well.

Thank you for entering.

Because I was a bit busy so I entered the competition late. thank you very much. Wish you always happy and successful ^^@angryman

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