Community Curator Application for October


A brief summary of your history on Steem
I have been a member of STEEMIT since July 2018 and I believe that the Social Network model proposed by Steemit is more interesting than the traditional ones that conquered the market between 2010 and 2022.

Details of any positions of responsibility you have held on Steem
I don't hold any positions of responsibility at Steemit, but I feel part of the Italian community called "Italy" led by @girolamomarotta
Below is a photo of me wearing the @italygame t-shirt


Details of specialist or professional skills or expertise you have in "real life ".
I have team building skills and enjoy interacting with people.

What country do you live in and what languages you can read fluently
I live in Italy and in addition to Italian I read and speak English.

Your key stats - own SP, CSI, Reputation, Delegations
Own SP: 10,983.61
Voting CSI: 7.3 ( 0.00 % self, 145 upvotes, 64 accounts, last 7d )
Reputation: 68,489
Delegations: none

Any subjects you particularly enjoy curating
I like curating topics on travel, art, guides for how to perform various tasks in the blockchain world. I like curating topics on news and economics.

The minimum team size you would be willing to serve in (1 - 7)
I would like to be part of a team of 5 people, a number I consider quite manageable. However, I can also adapt to a team with more or less people.


A brief summary of your history on Steem
Sono iscritto a STEEMIT da Luglio 2018 e ritengo che il modello di Social Network proposto da Steemit sia più interessante di quelli tradizionali che hanno conquistato il mercato tra il 2010 ed il 2022.

Details of any positions of responsibility you have held on Steem
Non ho posizioni di rilievo in Steemit, ma mi sento parte della cominità italiana chiamata "Italy" guidata da @girolamomarotta
Qui di seguito un foto in cui indosso la maglietta di @italygame


Details of specialist or professional skills or expertise you have in "real life"
Ho capacità di team building e mi piace interagire con le persone.

What country do you live in and what languages you can read fluently
Vivo in Italia ed oltre all'italiano leggo e parlo inglese.

Your key stats - own SP, CSI, Reputation, Delegations
Own SP: 10,983.61
Voting CSI: 7.3 ( 0.00 % self, 145 upvotes, 64 accounts, last 7d )
Reputation: 68.489
Delegations: none

Any subjects you particularly enjoy curating
Mi piace curare temi dedicati ai viaggi, all'arte, alle guide per come si devono eseguire operazioni varie nel mondo della blockchain. Mi piace curare argomenti di cronaca e di economia.

The minimum team size you would be willing to serve in (1 - 7)
Mi piacerebbe far parte di un team di 5 persone, un numero che ritengo piuttosto gestibile. Comunque mi posso adattare anche ad un team con più o meno persone.

I look forward to your kind reply and send my best regards


Hi stefano, I wish you good luck and success.

thanks for your good wishes

@tipu curate

;) Holisss...

This is a manual curation from the @tipU Curation Project.

Hi Stefano, that is nice to see your application and I am glad that you decided to try yourself. I remember you from the time when the Steemit was disintegrated from Hive and you were a part of team Italy.

It was your active attitude to be present in different tags and communities. You are very positive personality and what I like you always read a post and do a thoughtful comment.

I am wishing you good luck!

Thanks for your kind words. Your words are still a source of pride for me and give me energy to continue interacting and comparing myself with other Steemit users

Il tuo profilo in questo pannello, penso che troverai le persone che cerchi per lavorare con loro, un team composto da 1 .........7 persone, mi sembra buono

Grazie per l’augurio. Vedremo come andrà a finire. Io mi sono candidato, ma ci sono tante persone probabilmente più brave di me

This post has been upvoted by @italygame witness curation trail

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Come and visit Italy Community

Hi @stefano.massari,
my name is @ilnegro and I voted your post using

Come and visit Italy Community

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 64252.58
ETH 3398.15
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.50