Oct 5 - Steemit Ramble - Notes on My Favourite Reads

in #curation8 years ago (edited)

Meetings, meetings, meetings. This morning I had to attend a meeting, then away from there to the branch to cover a shift on the bar. Thankfully, some people know how to catch up to me. A friend found me and picked up my vehicle to take it for a repair job. Really great to get the job done though and for a very reasonable price.

Onward to today’s rambling

Winning... but not in the way you think.

@hartleigh writes a positive post about what makes her happy. It’s winning but not just in a competitive way. Interesting read.

Education Over Force: Dealing With Criminality

@doitvoluntarily looks in particular at the war on drugs and questions if the get tough punitive approach is worth the money spent or if we shouldn’t be trying ways that don’t leave drug users with criminal records making it even harder for them to take part in society.

Curation: It should not be a money game.

@knircky writes a post on curation. It seems to be a topic of discussion around the site the last week or so. Some are realizing that curation as it is done on Steemit can create a money stream, a small one but one nonetheless.

A Day in the Life Of....Ned Scott

Interesting post about @blockchainblonde’s visit to Steemit’s offices in Blacksburg, VA and her experiences with Ned & the staff.

Will AI and Robotics Create a New Form of Slavery?

An extensive post exploring what could be in the future as artificial intelligence becomes more and more sophisticated. @thecryptofiend explores the possible future issues we could be wrestling with in relation to the beings we could potentially create.

Nothing is Original - Plagiarism is not steemits greatest enemy

@beanz takes a hard look at the way ‘plagiarism’ is tackled on Steemit. While the people in the steemitabuse channels do a great job on finding and exposing people who straight take material from others and post it on Steemit claiming it to be theirs the introduction of incentives for those finding the posts raises a legitimate concern that some may go too far.

His concerns are not without validity. I watch the channel a lot, mainly to try to avoid sharing links that are copyright abuse. There are some individuals in there which really do seem to adopt an attitude of infallibility even on subjective issues of derivative works. Add monetary incentives and you have a recipe for trouble.

Greenhouses Are One of The Most Important Aspects To a 365 Day a Year Grow Operation. This Article Explains How They Work, Why They Are Important and What Kind You Will Need.

@quinneaker writes a post on the value of greenhouses in sustainable living. They enable year round growing cycles when used correctly. I remember my grandfather had a huge greenhouse where he would raise box plants for sale in the spring of the year. My mother had a small one in the backyard where she started seedlings before replanting them in the garden.

I’m not a gardener. Truth is, I really dislike the whole concept but that is because I don’t want to do it. Those who do garden and raise their own food really do contribute to the planet’s sustainability.

Why You Should Take Your Kids Hiking

@jasonstaggers writes a piece about the value of hiking with the family. Some beautiful pictures included. I used to hike when I was kid but haven’t done so as an adult. I don’t do near the walking I should as an adult.

Steemit Tips : 5 Reasons Why You Should Fill Out The Comments Section

Comments are the Steemit discussion area. Some posts generate very animated discussion and others languish with nary a comment. @positivesteem gives us five reasons we should all strive to participate in the comment section .

LSCOTTPHOTOS Happiness is: My Favorite Things – Project Positivity Challenge #2

@lscottphotos post on what makes him happy as part of the Positivity Challenge #2.

Wrap-up on Day 28

Another busy day, and I’m almost done the 30 day challenge. It has taken me a few days more than 30 but I will not call it done until the 30th post is completed. As I have said before, I will continue doing the rambles once the 30 days is done. I will likely post less frequently to allow me to focus on trying my hand at posts on other topics.

Supporting and Upvoting

Let’s not forget folks. I’m sharing these posts not only because I like them. I’d really like to see them get support and upvoting. I know some of the posts have done okay by the time I post my ramble, but some really could use the support and upvoting.

Subscribing to My Posts

In addition to following me on Steemit, which I really appreciate. If you want to be sure to know about every post, you can subscribe at my other blog. I’ll send you an email when I post.

Until Tomorrow — Just Steem on

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A great selection. Thank you for including my post

you're welcome.. glad you liked the selection

Excellent posts here! Thank you for including mine among them :)

you're welcome beanz... it seemed to be a post that needed sharing : )

Great article!
I always like posts like this that have choice posts chosen among the masses as there is always one I have not heard of but glad I did!
I appreciate you including my posts as I also feel it is of real value and sharing to contribute to this community!
I will follow you. UPVoted~
Steem ON!

thank you @quinneaker .. it's amazing how many posts can hide in plain sight.

Keep up the great work. This gives me a nice list to go through because it is so easy to miss good posts:)

it is .. there is a lot of wheat to find beneath the chaff :)

Thank you so much for including me in your list! Following!

you're welcome @knircky... .. keep on writing well and interesting

Thanks for the shout out :)

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