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RE: Steemit Poets United : Daily Dose of Poetry and Prose #52 ( @madevi edition )

in #curation6 years ago

@madevi & @poetsunit,

As always, your words are as generous as they are articulate. Thank you for all the great work you do for this group. You've curated some great poetry. I'm in the process of commenting.

If only we got paid by the word. :-)


I wrote only the truth my friend... I dread to think of what this brings in monetary wise, not for me obviously since we post from @poetsunit. With all the work we do for the community there isn't much time left to write some poetry of my own, let alone comment. I hope this will change soon when some others volunteer to write the Daily Dose.


This place is frustrating. I'm getting 2-4 hours per sleep per night to try to fit it all in, which is unsustainable ... and yet I'm lucky, on average, to make $2 per post. If there's a way to make higher-quality posts, it is beyond me. Yet look at so much of the "stuff" getting 3-figures everyday on Trending.

And, obviously, I'm not alone. There's a huge systemic problem on Steemit which undoubtedly accounts for the huge number of people who come ... see ... and then leave. I hope somebody upstairs is working on a fix.

Thanks for everything you're doing for the community. I'm working on something that, if it comes through, may make writing poetry a bit more lucrative for everybody ... and perhaps, increase the incentive to volunteer. If that doesn't pan out, I have some other ideas as well. I'm not happy with the status quo.

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