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RE: The truth and lies about 25% curation, why what you know is FAKE NEWS.

in #curation6 years ago

That's really interesting.
Thanks for doing it.
I know some people are reluctant to re-embrace the 50/50 author/curator split, but it looks like it would be closer to a 65/45 split in practice, which I think many would find more palatable.


I wonder how this would work for folks leasing to bid-bots? Do you think they would be more inclined to pull SP back out to curate with?

I went into detail here although I didn't touch on bidbots at the time.
We can't stop self upvoting, so we have to offer a better use for that voting power.
Curation is and always has been the answer. It's no surprise, based on Markymark's observations here, that careful, considered curation isn't a priority.
I can see a real shift of appetite here, which is fantastic to see :)

Cheers Matt, just read that post, a fine effort (so take my reward here retrospectively)

I can see a real shift of appetite here, which is fantastic to see :)

Yes indeed, if only the ones with the appetite held the SP to feed the hungry. It's happening though, slowly..

but it looks like it would be closer to a 65/45 split in practice

This is an extremely important point. @blocktrades, take note of this

well, 65/35 @mattclarke ;)

Lol. I meant 65/35.

Derp! I read it as 65/35 anyway, so we good ;)

65/45 would be 110 percent - Sounds good but would lead to more inflation.

Ah yes down here others have noticed as well ;)

I can't edit either, as he's screen grabbed it :p

You can edit it and should, just add a little note saying you edited it, that's what I always do.

It's all good :) we're all friends here.
Besides, I noticed before anyone else.
That's gotta count for something.

That totally counts!

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