"Autumn pastoral" in the Russian tradition.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #culturevulture7 years ago

Approaching autumn. There comes a time of harvest. According to the tradition in Russia is a holiday dedicated to collect the harvest, fertility and family well-being. This is a good reason to enjoy the last warm days of summer. This is a great opportunity to try ripe and delicious vegetables, berries and fruit.


Today we were invited to the annual Art-a feast of vegetables, fruits and berries in one of the Palace-Park ensembles in St. Petersburg.


"Autumn pastoral" is a long-standing tradition originates from the late 18th century. Educated society and the Imperial personages of that time had a peculiar fascination with botany, crop production and agronomy. Was a popular "vegetable gardens" and "ornamental gardens" .


With great pleasure we accepted the invitation. This is a great opportunity to tell you about our traditions and to share interesting photographs.

Vegetable song "cornucopia"

The festival program is large and varied. Firstly we as city dwellers it was interesting to see how to grow many vegetables in the beds. We were able to see many varieties represented here vegetable crops.


Exhibition of fruit and vegetable art-basket is striking in its diversity and abundance of the harvests. All works are made by artists and decorators of the gathered fruits and vegetables. Look at these beautiful compositions.







On this wonderful occasion each of us at some time could become Arcimboldo. And create a picture of greens, fruits, vegetables and berries.

Italian painter and decorator 16th century, Giuseppe Arcimboldo created allegorical portraits of the fruits and vegetables.

Set designer helped to create compositions from different fruits in the style of an eccentric Italian painter.



We received a lot of advice on the art of making a bouquet . We learned a lot of original recipes of various salads from a creative chef. Some of the dishes we tasted. We learned about vegetable carving. This creation of jewelry to dishes of the holiday table.


We visited the tasting herbal tea. The experts told us about the benefits of various herbs. And of course for all guests of this holiday traditionally served tea with homemade jams and fresh cakes.


No event is complete without musical accompaniment. And today, according to the established tradition, we heard the sound of beautiful flute pieces from composers of the 18th and 19th century.


We bid farewell to summer. We meet autumn. We are having fun at the harvest festival.

Приближается осень. Наступает время сбора урожая. По традиции в России проходит праздник, посвященный собранному урожаю, плодородию и семейному благополучию. Это хороший повод, чтобы насладиться последними тёплыми днями уходящего лета. Это прекрасная возможность попробовать спелые и вкусные овощи, ягоды и фрукты. Сегодня мы были приглашены на ежегодный Арт-праздник овощей, фруктов и ягод в одном из дворцово-парковых ансамблей в Санкт-Петербурге. "Осенняя пастораль" является давней традицией и берёт своё начало с конца 18 века. Образованному обществу и императорским особам того времени было свойственно увлечение ботаникой, растениеводством и агрономией. Были популярны "овощные сады" и " декоративные огороды" . С большим удовольствием мы приняли это приглашение. Это прекрасная возможность рассказать вам о нашей традиции и поделиться интересными фотографиями. Программа фестиваля обширна разнообразна. Во-первых нам как городским жителям было интересно увидеть как растут многие овощи на грядках. Мы смогли увидеть много сортов различных представленных здесь огородных культур. Выставка фруктово-овощных арт-корзин поражает своим разнообразием и изобилием собранных плодов. Все работы выполнены художниками-декораторами из собранных здесь овощей и фруктов. Смотрите на эти прекрасные композиции. На таком замечательном празднике каждый из нас на некоторое время мог стать Арчимбольдо. И создать картину из зелени, фруктов, овощей и ягод. Итальянский живописец и декоратор 16 века Джузеппе Арчимбольдо создавал аллегорические портреты из плодов и фруктов. Художник-декоратор помогал создать композиции из различных плодов в стиле эксцентричного итальянского живописца. Мы получили много советов по искусству составления букета . Мы узнали множество авторских рецептов различных салатов от креативного шеф-повара. Некоторые блюда мы дегустировали. Мы узнали об овощном карвинге. Это создание украшений для блюд праздничного стола. Мы посетили дегустацию фиточая. Специалисты рассказывали нам о пользе различных трав. И конечно же для всех гостей этого праздника по традиции угощают чаем с домашним вареньем и свежими пирогами. Ни одно мероприятие не обходится без музыкального сопровождения. Вот и сегодня, по установленной традиции, для нас звучали звуки прекрасной флейты из произведений композиторов 18-19 века. Мы провожаем лето. Мы встречаем осень. Мы веселимся на празднике урожая.


Hi @madlenfox

I am from the Culture Vulture for CNers, a cross-culture translation project in collaboration with @ eroche and carried out by @ deanliu and me. We'll pick at least one article every week and translate it into Chinese, aiming to bring cultural diversity to the #CN community.

I am here to ask for your permission, to allow us to translate your work into Chinese.

Author's liquid reward (SBD) from the translated post will be used for supporting the Culture Vulture Challenge project (60%) and returning to the original author (40%). (This portion might need to be shared among authors if more than one English posts are merged in one Chinese post.)

Please feel free to ask us anything regarding this project. And please notify us if you do not wish your work to be translated. Thanks.

Hello @ygern ! I'm very flattered that my story about visiting this cultural event has caused You concern. Of course I agree that my article will be translated into Chinese. I am pleased that it will be able to see the Chinese users Steemians. I wish You great success!

Thank you @ygern . It's a great job! With impatience I shall wait for the next stories of others Steemians. I follow my voice and resteem . :)

Nice information and photos. I am happy to know about the "Autumn pastoral".

Thanks , looked at our holiday @shirish5

wow awesome culture... lovely festival
i love the photos..

Thank you @dinsha ! I'm glad I could share this with my friends. Have a nice day!

This is such an unusual event. It really is a unique mix of agrarian values with a touch of class all rolled into one festival in a palace garden. Loved it.

Thank you @eroche ! Your words are a great incentive for my work. We write in order to read it. I'm happy to share moments of life of my country and city.

Thank you for taking part in this months #culturevulture competition. Good Luck

Thank You for this contest. A great opportunity to share with others and learn a lot of interesting information about other countries.

Wow. You have outdone yourself with this work and post.
Such tradition and outstanding art work of the craftsmen.
Or craftswoman as the case may be.
Such great colors. You photography skills is way above par
with this one.
Thank you for this excellent post.


Thank you, Francis , for Your praise for me. I am pleased that so appreciated my story. Today we visited this holiday and just came home, I immediately sat down to write about it. A lot of impressions. A lot of pictures still left from today's trip. I will share them on other days. It really is our Russian tradition. It is bright, colorful, delicious and fun. Thank You, my friend!!!

Excellent post dear friend @madlenfox, the images are beautiful, the history is amazing, I love your work, congratulations.
Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful work.
I wish you a great day.

Oh! This is also the "horn of plenty" . Great! A good start for a new week!!! :)

Никогда не знала о такой традиции, тем более что Осень празднуют в Августе.
Хорошо что возрождаются старые традиции.
У нас - в Крыму - чем-то подобным является ноябрьская ярмарка

In this way we say goodbye to summer. Unfortunately they have very short. This kind of milestone . The last days of August. In the Crimea for a long time the weather is warm. This is a great place! Several times I've been You.

I guess, we in Crimea start to celebrate Autumn in October with chrysanthemums ball in Nikita's botanical garden

Oh! Yes! It looks that way! A very similar festival. Stunning gorgeous chrysanthemums. They don't wilt as quickly as other colors. And wonderful aroma. Thank you for showing me this garden.

он ежегодный числа с 20-го октября и до 10 ноября, так что можете запланировать выходные в Крыму в это время и посетить его

You gave me a good idea! It really can be done. Thank you @allfabeta . :)

A wonderful publication worth more
He continued

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