The Net Dragger : Usual Sight at Coastal Teritory

in #culture7 years ago (edited)

Forget about Sabang for while. I would like to take you take another side of coastal people job. This sight is used to find along the shore. What kind of job should be called? Yes, net draggers. They usually do this job in the morning and in evening time. Mostly, this activity is always crowded by the people who want to buy the fresh fishes as well as to witness the style of the net dragger while dragging the net. It has been long preserved tradition where they rely the living on this activity.


They tie the rope at their waist in order make the net dragable and it is done by a group of people. This activity has been included as Acheneness culture that is preserved from generation to generation, especially for the people who live at coastal teritory. For the net dragging, it usually need ten until sixteen persons, each of them hold designated position.


In Aceh is called "Tarek Pukat" has been becoming a popular activity and it has inspired to create an art of dance. Not only that, this activity also means the teamwork between the sailors, togetherness, and help one another. Interestedly, this activity must correlate with the same movement while dragging the net. The visitors who help them, they will get the share.


I used to spend time seeing this fishermen activity while waiting for their job done. It took hours to collect the fish that stuck in the net. When all set, people came to approach the net to see the little fishs are trying to release themselve from the trap. The dragger will then pick those fishes and put in the containers


As you all can see, they are lucky this day, they get a lot of fishes to be sold and the rest will be shared to other draggers. Many believe that these fishes are fresh and have no any contamination with the chemical subtance. No wonder, why most people are willing to wait until their job done.



Teringat zaman masih kecil, saat profesi Bapak seorang nelayan. selalu was2 saat beliau melaut. Alhamdulilah sekarang sdh bisa rehat dimasa tua beliau.

Good post Bang,

Teringat zaman dahulu dilancok, mata pencaharian kami sehari-hari tarek pukat darat.

Sepertinya ini di pantai cinta hehehhe

salam kepada kurator indonesia @levycore

waaaah ... ini ni bang @levycore
tradisi yang sampai sekarang belum hilang, sangat baik untuk olah raga pinggang bang.

ikannya pun masih sangat segar - segar bila dimasak ni bang @levycore
sangat baik juga untuk kesehatan kita semua.

salam @sultan-aceh

Gambar yang bagus bang. Tarik pukat adalah salah satu kegiatan gotong royong yang tidak akan pernah bilang selagi masih menggunakan cara tradisional untuk menangkap ikan. Postingan yang menarik @levycore

Good post

Para nelayan, yang sangat semangat dalam bekerja, mantap kawan.

This is so beautiful photo@levycore.

Lupakan sabang sementara aja bg ya ,saya belum puas menikmati sabang ,hahahhaa
Saya baru memposting tentang sabang ,mohon kunjungan nya bg

The third picture looks quite interesting.
I made a post, of a lady. I would like you to go see it.

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