May YOU ALL Have A Prosperous, Oinky 2019

in #culture6 years ago (edited)


I admit I've been gone for so long but hey we all need a holiday once in a while yeah? So, how did you spend your Christmas?

Me? It was just like a normal weekend just that - extended. Stress free though because it wasn't like how we do it in the Philippines. .

Well, the Dutch don't really do it over the top here and neither the whole Europe. I guess it's cause we're confused about the date. Who knows whose birthday that 25th and 26th really is could be someone else's who decided it should be the date. Okay, I admit that's one of the reasons I don't observe all that buzz the many of you do in this season but I have to admit, I enjoy the lights, the markets associated to it and the rest days.

Having said that I have to admit that I don't feel sad like the many Pinoys probably do while spending Christmas in the West. It's just so different in the Philippines and yes, it's going to be a different New Year's Eve as well.

No, here, they don't prepare a huge feast for the whole city on their tables nor make their kids wear polka dots with pockets which they fill up with pennies and nickels for the belief that it would attract money. They neither make them jump their highest to grow taller.

Wives don't go gaga over buying twelve pieces of twelve sorts of round fruits to ensure that they are financially secured every month next year. They don't do all that yet, compared to the countries who do Holland is world power. They just get themselves financial education which you don't really get in schools but elsewhere.

Oh, some do those here but you could already guess who, definitely not the Dutch or maybe .. some of those who are married to those who observe such New Year's Eve's rituals.

I have to admit, it's still a colorful tradition to watch but I'd rather be free and stress free so while the neighbors burn their money tonight flying beautiful fireworks in the air and shrieking all the other neighbors' pets to a risk of a heart attack, my husband and I shall share a glass of champagne while we enjoy the free fireworks show behind our closed windows hoping no one loses a finger or two, anywhere in the world.

How about you? What's New Year's Eve like to you? What's with the "oinky" on the card thumbnail? Make a wild guess!

Anyway, which ever part of the earth you are or whether you are somewhere else in outer space ...


This content's 100% mine . I made that card up there with Paint.

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Greetings @englishtchrivy,

Enjoyed reading your missive and pondering these things. The ending was glad to hear you enjoyed a leisurely evening....yes stress free is best.

No, I do not know what 'Oinky' is .....have not a clue.

Apologies for the lag in reply..... ^__^

All the's wishing you and yours a Happy and Prosperous 2019.


Sorry for the late reply as well, I kind'a forgot about the replies last night lol.

Have a great 2019 mon ami

What was the year like? What will be the year?
There would be a thousand answers ...
I'm sad about a lot, I'm glad about a lot.
One nice event is to have met you and your blog :-)
Just have a pretty good 2019 - the future is ours though we are not able to foresee it!

Happy 2019 Chriddi!
Am sorry for the late reply but I've been busy exploring something else just checking things out.

Life is just like that I can't imagine it being monotonous.
I sure am glad I've bumped into you here, too and the many cyber friends we've made!

Cheers to looking forward to a bright future !

I send you the warmest cyber hugs it must have already snowed in there.

  • Ivy

I hope that this year will be much better then 2018. I wish you all the best @englishtchrivy!

Happy 2019 !
Am sure glad to see you @cynetyc!

Keep the faith it might even be sooner than you know !
Hang on in there it may even just take two times of ten days watch your wallets!

I'll stay calm and I won't shoot.
Good luck next year!

Happy 2019 Werner!
I wish you a prosperous New Year!

Hopefully we all get a greaaaaaat fortune this yyear... Steem price rising up higher and higher LOL.

Happy 2019 to you and your beautiful family!

I wish us the same !
Fingers crossed it shall!

Happy golden piggy year!

Thank you! Oink, oink!
I didn't know it's actually the golden pig's turn!
Oh wow! Cheers to that! Promising !
May we have a great year!

Happy 2019!

Boar and swine all are actually not good for my zodiac but let's see.
Happy New Year.

Happy 2019!

Hmm.. I wish you much luck then!
Cheer up! Anyway, the many wise people say life is what we make it !

Thank you.

happy New Year. i am watching your video now!

Happy 2019 amigo!

Thank you for always being there!
I appreciate your support and I hope you get the same Karma or even more!
I wish you grow sooner!

best wiches my dear ivy

dank je wel man~!
jij ook beste wenzen!

We do not know what the future holds but I wish you more happiness and prosperity @englishtchrivy

thank you!
I wish you a more relaxed and blessed 2019!

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