Cryptokitties- This May Become My New Obsession

in #cryptokitties7 years ago (edited)

Hello! I am writing today to tell you how happy I am, my friends on Steemit have introduced me to Cryptokitties. They are cute, and they are already addicting, and I only have 2!


Since money burns a hole in my pocket, and I am still waiting to be verified, before I can put my virtual money, into my physical pocket, I’ve found a way to spend the money…. On Cryptokitties!!

For those who have not been introduced to Cryptokitties, let me be the one to start your collection addiction. Cryptokitties are virtual pets, you can buy for ETH (A crypto currency worth like $450), and then breed, sire, and sell on the Cryptokitties site.

These kitties are worth ETH, and provide fuel for the ETH blockchain. They are all unique, and the site produces a new kitty every 15 minutes, until they reach 50,000 kitties in total.

From there the number of kitties on the market, will be determined on the breeding of people like us, who have bought, and then bred them.

Since I am not good at math, I got a currency calculator, to figure out how much I was spending on each kitty. I didn’t know what I was doing, so I bought a $10 kitty, to figure out the process.

I needed the Metamask first. You can install a Metamask from the Chrome browser. This will give you a virtual wallet on the ETH Blockchain.

From there, you can copy the wallet address (… icon), and send money, from whatever the account may be, to the Metamask.

In my case, my currency is on Bittrex, and in bitcoin.

Using the calculator, I figured out how much ETH to buy, how much bitcoin I needed to buy the ETH, and how much USD, I was sending to my Metamask wallet.

Once the conversions were done, I sent my ETH to Metamask, and I could start searching for kitties to buy.


I was very impressed with the format of the Cryptokitties site, and the auction search. It was very user-friendly, and they give you the option to look for the cheapest. Which is what I was trying to find. You can also look for Kitties with certain key words, and the 0 generation, which are worth a lot more.

Once I bought my kitty, it took less than 5 minutes to complete the sale.

On my second try, I was outbid, so if you want the newest, or the cheapest for sale, you must be quick. This is where the game part starts, because there is some competition involved.

The highest selling Krypto Kitty was for $100,000 USD. So, if that doesn’t get you interested in breeding Cryptokitties, then nothing will.


Since this is still new to the world, and there is some chance that this may not catch on for a while, being the first people to take advantage of this form of crypto trading, may prove to be lucrative. :D

It didn’t take long before I was sending another $50.00 worth of ETH to my Metamask, so I could buy another kitty.
Now I need to breed!

I bought the cheapest kitty from the kitten cream tag, and then tried the breeding process. This too was very easy step to take, although it cost almost $10.00 in USD to breed. This will deter people from breeding too much, and I can already tell this is going to be an expensive game to play.


The kitties also have a cool down after they breed. My kitty is expecting now. The bun is in the oven, and it will take 2 hours before another kitty is born.

What will I do while I wait? Browse the kitties to see which one I will buy next!!! I can already see this becoming an addiction of mine. If you have Kitties to breed, let me know, so we can keep the money in the Steemit platform!!!

Cryptokitties Guide


Here are some other Steemit Links I found, to learn about the Cryptokitties:

Simgirlbanner Made by @son-of-satire







You. ARE. Crazy! :D

This game has you written all over it! :D

It also has scam writen all over it, so I guess we will wait and see!

well, yes but you are smart! You will watch and see!

Looks fun! I could prob def get into this. My wallet can't right now probably though.
This post has been deemed resteem & upvote worthy by your friendly @eastcoaststeem ran by @chelsea88 (not a bot)

Great article!

Thanks to @ecoinstant, this post was resteemed and highlighted in today's edition of The Daily Sneak.

Thank you for your efforts to create quality content.

oh yay. Thank you and @ecoinstant for considering me! I love my Cryptokitties

You're welcome!

I can already tell this is going to be an expensive game to play.

110 dollars in, thank you for this wonderful guide - I can live this one vicariously through you ;p

Well be sure to live vicariously through me when I sell one for big bucks!!! :D I put my first kitty on sale for over a thousand dollars. I didn't realize it was that much money, so will have to use my currency converter calculator from now on.

I will indeed! Keep us updated!

$LTC is setting a new precedent for alts. Set the standard.

I got to use the site for 24 hrs now everything is frozen for the last 6 days for me.
Cant breed sell sire anything.

increase the gas

yeah but when i paying 12x the price just in transfers it kinda sux let alone the fact that nothing can be done till the stuff still frozen from a week ago at this point.
hook me up some gass, grass or ass yo!

Hahaha ha ha

no one rides for free.

Oh my gosh!!!! Did you get a hold of them?

Trouble signing in can usually be fixed by:

Using either Chrome or Firefox from a desktop.
Sign in and out of MetaMask before attempting to log in.
If you’re using a different computer than the one you originally registered on, you need to copy your MetaMask seed phrase from the old computer to the new computer to ensure you have the same secure keys.
These steps solve login problems for most people, but if you still have problems, you can help us debug the issue by turning “background logs” on in Chrome. Learn how here.

We’ve seen intermittent login problems for some of our users, but the problem usually solves itself before we can reproduce it. Your CryptoKitties account is linked to MetaMask, so logs can help us solve the problem.

Yeah im on chrome on my desktop. i have even tried uninstalling and reinstalling metamask and stuff. Metamask seems to be done but when i go to the page that shows whats going on it still says taking longer then usual. been like that for 6 days and till they fix it my account is frozen.
When my account is done i will just be doing contests to give them away.
im over it already.

im trying.
Alot of people are having problems i guess so kinda just waiting it out.

That's a bummer. My cat has a bun in the oven, and the timer is done. I'm glad I didn't spend too much money to start. I can see this becoming congested though, with so many people learning about it, and the tag being in trending. I keep reading both good and bad reviews, so I hope they get it figured out soon. I wouldn't give them away. No matter what they are still your assets, and they are from the beginning; which would make them valuable, once they get into the generations of thousands. :)

congrats on the new kitten.
i am giving the babie to my friend for sure. ima talk to my nieice soon and get her into crypto by giving her one of the parent kitties i have. shes 10 so might as well invest in the future. lol
idk, im sure they will be worth something in the future but im annoyed with my account being frozen and till i can actually do something with it i will prolly have bad feelings for it.
im sure its fun but for that 60 bucks i could have prolly paid for the sim and been playing that.

I feel for you. A Crypto kitty may be a great gift!

im hoping its an ok gift.
never know with people. might be an ehh, i wanted "insert weird stuff im considered to old to understand here" and you suck as santa.
great way to get people into crypto.
maybe when my nice is in her 20's the kitty will be worth like a mill or something. lol

So cutee.. Good post

I almost got into this, but it took so long to buy the ETH. I ended up getting into Steemit and just bought Steem with my cryptokitty money... Guess I may have to try again!

As always, I am late to the party. But there is always a chance to breed one with a rare combination, or find a new attribute!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 57883.59
ETH 3070.40
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.34