
increase the gas

yeah but when i paying 12x the price just in transfers it kinda sux let alone the fact that nothing can be done till the stuff still frozen from a week ago at this point.
hook me up some gass, grass or ass yo!

Hahaha ha ha

no one rides for free.

Oh my gosh!!!! Did you get a hold of them?

Trouble signing in can usually be fixed by:

Using either Chrome or Firefox from a desktop.
Sign in and out of MetaMask before attempting to log in.
If you’re using a different computer than the one you originally registered on, you need to copy your MetaMask seed phrase from the old computer to the new computer to ensure you have the same secure keys.
These steps solve login problems for most people, but if you still have problems, you can help us debug the issue by turning “background logs” on in Chrome. Learn how here.

We’ve seen intermittent login problems for some of our users, but the problem usually solves itself before we can reproduce it. Your CryptoKitties account is linked to MetaMask, so logs can help us solve the problem.

Yeah im on chrome on my desktop. i have even tried uninstalling and reinstalling metamask and stuff. Metamask seems to be done but when i go to the page that shows whats going on it still says taking longer then usual. been like that for 6 days and till they fix it my account is frozen.
When my account is done i will just be doing contests to give them away.
im over it already.

im trying.
Alot of people are having problems i guess so kinda just waiting it out.

That's a bummer. My cat has a bun in the oven, and the timer is done. I'm glad I didn't spend too much money to start. I can see this becoming congested though, with so many people learning about it, and the tag being in trending. I keep reading both good and bad reviews, so I hope they get it figured out soon. I wouldn't give them away. No matter what they are still your assets, and they are from the beginning; which would make them valuable, once they get into the generations of thousands. :)

congrats on the new kitten.
i am giving the babie to my friend for sure. ima talk to my nieice soon and get her into crypto by giving her one of the parent kitties i have. shes 10 so might as well invest in the future. lol
idk, im sure they will be worth something in the future but im annoyed with my account being frozen and till i can actually do something with it i will prolly have bad feelings for it.
im sure its fun but for that 60 bucks i could have prolly paid for the sim and been playing that.

I feel for you. A Crypto kitty may be a great gift!

im hoping its an ok gift.
never know with people. might be an ehh, i wanted "insert weird stuff im considered to old to understand here" and you suck as santa.
great way to get people into crypto.
maybe when my nice is in her 20's the kitty will be worth like a mill or something. lol

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