Meeooww, JanusKitty! What’s Up Ethereum?

in #cryptokitties7 years ago (edited)

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Of course, I had to try this Cryptokitty thing.

My modus operandi is to just jump right into things without reading much and fail fast and move on.
And I failed hard: Bought worthless cats for too much Ether.

I also found ‘the game’ extremely boring after the initial rush, and it managed to induce some sort of cognitive dissonance in me. I did not understand the point with it and got annoyed.

Is it a scam?
Is it a joke?
Is this some sort of Trojan to destroy Ethereum?
Is it a game?
Or is it something more?

More first epiphany was that Ethereum sucks. I paid way too much for Gas that did not get me far. I also find the Metamask process tedious. I have tried to avoid Ethereum so far for this reason. The ‘game’ would have much better on Steem (SteemKitties, anyone)!

I will not go into the technicalities about Cryptokitties.
I kind of dislike that you had to be so early on to enjoy most of the profits.
But, we see this all over the Cryptospace: Slow money doesn’t cut it anymore.
I guess this is some kind of evolution.

As you probably know the value of the cats are depended mostly on how scarce the cats are.
For example a DraculaKitty is pretty valuable, even though the parents are often mostly worthless cats (on paper). Please correct me Cryptokitty experts if I am wrong.

I have a PhD in neuroscience and have worked with genes, thus I see the ‘science’ behind more interesting.
The genetic code of each cat is decoded as 256 bits on the Ethereum network.
Thus, if you are smart(er) you can probably figure out how to breed any cat and earn loads of money.

Thus, I do not really see Cryptokitties as a game anymore.

I see it as a proof of concept about how selfish participants can work towards a common goal.
This epiphany really got me goosebumps.
Blockchain is going to be HUGE, much bigger than even the most optimistic Bitcoiner think.
It is going to change our life, in probably every domain possible.

I think many people will see the light and be cryptonized after Cryptokitties.

Thus, the reward incentive has the potential the revolutionize both how we learn (education) and how science is being made (in a decentralized manner).

Perhaps something for the techies at Steem to think about.
Creating a decentralised APP on Steem where you can solve real scientific puzzles for a reward: All in the name of human progress.

I have decided to not use more time on Cryptokitties, as I like to use my neuronal activity on something I find personal valuable. Figuring out to breed cat Draculas is not one of them. I guess the bots will take over Cryptokitties pretty fast. Bots are poor post writers.

Also, I prefer real world kitties.



I am not going to sell my cats ether, I will just HODL my cats.

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This is not me. Just thought it was a fun post

Thank you for your time and attention. Steem on!

Follow me: @janusface


The only reason I have a metamask wallet is to get EOS. It's funny though how a game like this can cause problems to the whole Ethereum network ^^ It shows how not ready it is for the future...

Could not agree more. The transactions cost real adds up (high GAS price). $5 x 60-7+ transactions and it get very frustrating. Of course you could try to lower the GAS/ Gwei, but then you risk that you transaction is not processed. Hopefully, EOS will hopefully solve all this and replace Ethereum.

Having so much faith in Steemit as you do (which I personally have a few doubts about), then surely u should be able to see what EOS is gonna be capable of. Bitshares and Steemit are both proof of that already.

Yay! Thanks for the Crypto Kitties post!

"Creating a decentralised APP on Steem where you can solve real scientific puzzles for a reward:" Isnt there a all ready a "coin" doing this sort of?

Agreed:) But I am invested in Steem (and like to promote Steem), and have no intention to by Gridcoin.

Maybe the Steem version can be about collecting pictures of the type of "kitties" you preferred :p

Good idea:) I see you like maincoons. Better buy some on Cryptokitties too:)

Hi. Fellow Norwegian over here :-) Yeah, blockchain is going to transform the world into a better place, methinks. I know it sounds extreme, but we're heading towards decentralized everything, including governments, which will in turn break down the boarders and unite the people of earth as the true earthlings that we are.

Brilliant suggestion regarding the scientific puzzle app btw. There actually is a mini-game in EVE Online called Project Discovery that does this.

Ps. I'm new to Steemit and would very much appreciate if you would follow me. I've got my first piece coming out in a couple of days, and it is about CBD oil and crypto security.

Welcome! I have followed you and looking forward to your posts:)

Yay! Thank you very much. Will post an introduction post today which apparently turns out to be a bit longer than I intended :p

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Hodl your cats brotha lolz I also hodl my crypto-kitty - no money can buy this one!

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I love the idea and finally some fun around it even tho it made probs. Other #blockchains want to adopt all the ETH kitties... Interesting:)

You are right, in certain cases, the Cryptokitties is very convenient and the service itself is simply interesting. Thank you @janusface and keep us informed with the Cryptokitties.

Thanks for giving a review @janusface.
It will surely help others like me to get information about those kitties.
So thanks for a informative post.

Crypt Kitties already eaten the ETH network. Hope STEEM can survive. Nice post & very informative.

~Followed & Upvoted

@janusface - Sir you got Crypto Kitties... Nice Sir.... Hodl them Sir.... They will make you a nice profit Sir.... meeooww

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

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