
thank you @trumanity for your support

like I mentioned before: bots are dividing steemit. ironic thing is that im being attacked by bot in topic related to bots.



You has been flaged for your wallet spam.

We don't care about the topic. Is it about pizza or icecream?

a flag is to be used when you disagree with reward or find something wrong illegal or otherwsie with the content. Your statement that you don't care about the topic* is an admission that you abused the flag to punish someone for doing something perfectly legal on this platform. It is your sort of action that is the real scam and abuse here. A memo can and should be used for anything. There is no rule to disallow the use of the memo for messaging. Whichever persons are behind the abuse of the flags will eventually be removed from here by sane and fair-minded people. have your day today, sir.

Until now is flaging the only way to stop wallet spammer.

Soon there will be a funtion to flag the memo spam direct in the wallet.

Until now is flaging the only way to stop wallet spammer.

Soon there will be a funtion to flag the memo spam direct in the wallet.

You're right trumanity

He is just another example of local bully

Great job

people like you only create more tension and enemies. Flagging me and reducing reward pool is not only an open attack at me but also all curators.

Why wouldnt you flag someone bigger than me and risk being downvoted to 0? the easiest way is to release on small hard working content builders.

how does it help anyone?

@trumanity thank you for your support.


What kind of people? That fight here every day for a better Steemit?

Who do you think you are, that you think you can speak for "all curators"?

The problem was your memo spam, not your content.


Im sorry for such a late reply. I've been away for couple of days.

Who do you think you are, that you think you can speak for "all curators"?

I do not speak for all curators. I speak for myself. And Im nobody. Just another community members trying to build his presence and being attacked by someone hiding behind the bot. Just sad.

Congratulations - you know you're doing something RIGHT when you get flagged and attacked ;-) It's ironic because you speak about them and they appear to prove your point. BibBots and these flag abusers are two different breeds though. Every thug has his muscle men. It's petty and obscene quite frankly. It's a good thing to happen that the players expose themselves in a thread like yours. It's time we name names and know who is who ;-)

Cheers my friend. You can count on the support of many good people here. Never fear, because you are a good person yourself.

Im sorry for such a late reply @trumanity

Im very grateful for all your support. It's obviously sad that things went this way and I was an victim of this abuser. such a life. and life must go on :)

all the best


Nobody's hiding here. Stop playing the poor victim that was attacked for no reason.

You've spammed a lot here and that won't be accepted in Steemit.

Why is my repo so low? Thanks to

Who is / flauschi / (many other accounts)..

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