Monero Scam... [Newbie in the world of cryptocurrencies] TRUE STORY.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago



These things happen, because I'm an inexperienced, bold and intrusive person.

I hope someone will learn from this example and avoid wanting to break his head against the wall.

I started to participate in the world of cryptocurrencies. With the prices of the last days, I obtained good profits, but yesterday happened something particular and historical, as far as I understood, in the market of the crypto.

Two days ago, the Monero team publishes this on twitter:


In some chat this tweet caused a revolution.

They were all like dogs with new bones. All joy, champagne and wallets dreaming of being robust. Apparently Monero had a big announcement to make and the price of this coin was going to go up to the clouds.

Since that day (23), I started to see all kinds of conjectures in discord, steemitchat, polo, twitter, etc. It was said that the price was going to explode, that we had to buy XMR (Monero), because the announcement was going to be epic!

As if this were not enough, the Monero team continued to add fuel to the fire and they published this tweet:


What did tincho do?... I bought! Obviously...

Lie to me if you wouldn't...

As this happened, the same day, Riccardo Spagni (@fluffypony), member of the core team of Monero. In the Consensus 2017, talking with other colleagues, he began to speak REALLY BAD of the new coins coming to market and the ICOs that appear constantly. I leave the video below, but most importantly, he says it at the end. I quote: "DON'T BUY MONERO". To this comment no one gave importance, everyone took it jokingly, laughed, applauded, bla bla.

At the same time, to all the chat room that I entered, I saw the same thing. Everyone spending, even Grandma's savings on buying Monero.

Imagine the madness, that I read in some chat, that the announcement of Monero was going to be that XMR would be added to Coinbase. And they not only took it for a rumor, but believed it as fact. Monero still did not announce anything at all, but how to dream is free... I even saw users posting links from github, where the agreement was closed.

What happened????

Monero fuck me like a scared virgin! Monumental way to take someone's virginity! Why?

The time comes for the announcement, I was stuck to the notebook waiting for the stream connection. Prepare the cigar, the glass of whiskey for the celebration. @fluffypony starts talking and shows this video:

Where in the end it says this:


At minutes he publishes this on twitter:


WTF??????????????????????? MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!

All right. You did not see the video? Well, at the end of the fucking video makes clear that the whole issue of the announcement was a scam.

What happened with this joke?

Monero crashed in 10 seconds. I didn't have time to make a click, it was already a sea of blood.

At first, I wanted to kill myself or take a plane to NY and kick @fluffypony's head until he apologized.

All the chat rooms where it was said that the announcement of Monero was going to be a success! They wanted to cut their veins with plastic spoons. They curse each other, curse Monero's team, curse Satoshi... They curse everyone.

When I was able to calm down, I tried to breathe deeply. And since I am a positive person, I started to think about what had happened...

Beyond the announcement, which was what gave me the final push, towards long ago I wanted to buy XMR, because I like the project and I believe it is one of the cryptocurrencies that has more potential. And as I read somewhere, that:

You don't lose money until the moment you sell...

Respecting that phrase and as I don't plan to sell, basically I wouldn't be losing money. I'm losing opportunity cost, but I'm not really worried about this... Let me comfort myself with that idea at least...

Conclusion my friends:

I learned from a slap what a good scam is. If I invest from now on, I invest in a project and not in a cryptocurrencies. Never putting money that I don't have and always hold the position betting on future.

Nice welcome they give me to this new world!

Have a great Thursday!


dunno what to say,...this is not my takeaway from all this. Monero is doing monero :) What else do you expect?:))
Look, when EVERYONE sells grandma's bonds to buy something, you need to wonder if the tip is THAT good. Imho, monero might have a bright future anyway. Monero is ACTUALLY a project...
That being said, losing money SUCKS! I'm sorry this happened :(

I know, my friend, I did not put that much money. I really like the monero project and I see that it has a lot of future, I hope that with time, this is just a memory.
Have a great friday!

Also never buy hype. I am bagholding a lot of DGB aswell because I fell for it , so yeah... We all learn these lessons the hard way

The truth that I learned this time, the next time I study well before investing. Thanks for comment

It is called a pump and dump. Monero will most likely regain its value to what it was as it is an anonymous currency like Dash and ZCash. Do not sell it as it has been rising for the longest time! Monero is owned by Poloniex and for the longest time they were the only exchange that cared about Monero and did not allow it on any other exchange.

Pumps and dumps are common just hang in there bud!

Thanks my friend for all the information. And I agree with you, I do not intend to sell in a long time, for me it is a future investment. We'll have to wait and see what happens. I hope you have a great Friday. Big hug!

Damn... And I was waiting for the fiction disclaimer, too. This is one of the worst experiences in crypto trading, and I'm sorry that you had to go through it. I hope you didn't spend money you didn't afford to lose, my friend. I'm on the same boat, but with a different currency. Let's hold out hope until we get back what we put in so that we won't suffer any loss.

Nothing important friend, I do not put money that I need in my daily life. I take it only as an investment. I'm not angry, I really learned from this. What other currencies are you investing in?

PIVX is my main concern. Others are on the up and up, so that's still okay. PIVX is a real lesson for me. Much like Monero is to you. Let's not buy into the hype next type. Cool heads.. Cool heads..

Ouch mate, tough lesson. I much prefer my variant of the quote above

You ain't lost money until the moment you buy...


Hahaha nice quote...

The truth is that I didn't lose so much, but I learned the lesson. And this also shows a certain firmness in Monero. They have balls to do this, they really trust what they do. I will not sell anyway...

I sold my monero ages ago. Hope it comes back for ya!!

sorry to hear that bro. A good friend of mine like 1k on it.

Thank you my friend! I didn't really lose much money, I also learned the lesson!

sad! sometimes we buy the experience with too expensive price.

We always learn my friend.... Always.

Enjoyable thread Good to see I'm not the only one that is thinking about this. Scams are gonna kill the blockchain ecosystem. People really need to research what they invest in. An interesting website I found: I don't know any other site that gives such good inisghts in the team, the product, advisors, community, the business and the business model, etc. Check for example: For the Monero Research report.

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