The Slaughter Continues


It's another gloomy morning for crypto investors. Things are down, pretty much across the board. You have to scroll all the way down to the #81 spot to find something that is green for the last 24 hours.


On the bright side, that means a lot of cryptos are 5-15% off the prices they were yesterday. If you still have fiat left and are looking to invest, you can realize those savings by buying today.



Those of you looking to add more Steem to your portfolio, it has dropped from $1.00 and is now at a 6% discount from yesterday's prices.

Silver and Gold

Silver and Gold markets are closed for the weekend and won't open again for another 36 hours. The way the crypto markets are going, I wouldn't be surprised to see precious metals pushed down more as well.

It's a tough time to be an investor if you're looking to cash out, but if you're taking the long-term approach and holding assets that have value behind them, then (theoretically) they'll bounce back eventually.

Don't get discouraged. Keep posting. Continue to make those small, good decisions repeatedly and you'll see positive results.

Note: Not investment advice. Do your own research. Never invest more than you can afford to lose.

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Prices will change, steemit will still be here, August last year about the same price, so no problem holding and powering up here for me. maybe we get another turkey surprise in november and get to watch our steem grow fat again.

oh well howdy there sir bashadow! I read your excellent comments everywhere! But anyway I wasn't here last year, this same scenario took place last year at this time and then the price took off?

I'm not sure what it was price wise before August last year, but yes very similar prices as today, then a nice first run-up in mid november til well I guess the end of Jan. It was nice to see a big dollar value in my wallet, but I was not getting as much steem as when I first joined, so it was a two edged sword. I think people just need to look at the cycles, and wait. Steem has not been around long enough to find a deep cycle yet, but long enough for small cycles to show. Like 2016 drop in August, August seems to be the pivotal month for steem, will it continue to be, not sure.

howdy again bashadow! well sir, I agree that people should just stay calm and keep cruisin along, I kinda like these patterns that are developing so we can have an idea of what's coming. Hopefully it will take off like last year. thank you sir!

"Prices will rise, and prices will fall. Those who buy high and sell low will lose a lot more than those who don't invest at all."

Yes the beauty of the steem/steemit system. A no loss win situation.

I'm waiting a little longer to buy back in. Under $1 steem is tasty though.

I haven't bought any Steem yet. There have been a few times that I've been tempted, but so far all of my Steem has been through posting. It is a very tempting price though. :)

I bought some at 83 this morning and got rid of it at 88. Probably made $2 but yeah I'm getting alittle curious about how far it's going.

Good for you! Way to cash in. :)

I also have some loose steem I'm not going to use for SP just yet. This is a coin with a project that's working behind it. Why is it acting the same as all the others that aren't bringing in any $

I don't really know what's going on. It's very strange to see the price drop so much. Then again, there have to be buyers for the sellers to sell to, and if people are discouraged by the lack of progress and the mess that is Steemit, they might not be inclined to spend their money on something they view as risky.

After a long time, opportunity has come to encash the SBDs :)

Yes, for a while SBD was getting beaten down, but now it's bouncing back. It looks like those who held onto their SBD are going to get a chance to cash in a bit.

bloodbath continues... :( but yes that just means things are on sale! haha

A chance to get it cheap!

That is for sure!

Keeping that trigger finger warm loose.

Keep that purse stocked so that when it's time to pull the trigger, there's something in there you can use to make the deal. :D

I have been slowly buying steem and powering up. I have no hurry.

how do you do that?

Slow and steady wins a lot of races. It's important not to give up on long-term goals/plans because of short-term setbacks.

Always a good message @themanwithnoname! MY voting power is abysmal at the moment, so I sending virtual upvotes on this one :)

My voting power is normally in the tank too, so no worries. I appreciate the comment. Stay positive out there! :D

Thanks buddy! It's even worse today haha my vp that is, not my positive attitude 😎

This accidentally double-posted, so I edited to say, "SMILE!"

hahaha even better :)

Yep, still taking the bath here. STEEM at $0.94 and SBD under a $1. Bitcoin though seems to be fighting off the downturn a little because it was back up over $6,200 when I wrote this. So, anyway. Sometimes things happen over the weekend, but it doesn't seem to be a big push down from here yet. I think the STEEM 24 hour low before it changed was $0.92. So, it fell through the $1, but didn't necessarily crash through it.

I was kinda thinking that if Steem dropped below $1 that it was going to start free-falling, but it seems that it's just dropped a bit, but trying to hold this level. I'm not sure if it's going to drop more or if it's going to pull up. Hard to tell.

It is, and I'm not an expert, and I don't even feel like a novice. It stands to reason, though, that there would be some upward pressure at some point, the place where you just can't really expect it to fall anymore, and maybe we've finally reached that. But each time I've thought that, it's broken through a new ten cent range. So, who knows.

STEEM is at $0.96 and SBD is back over the $1.00, so things are still more or less holding rather than freefalling. Still a lot of daylight, though.

I have no clue where it's going at this point. I'm just watching it and trying to make sense of it all. Still wishing that I had some extra cash lying around that I could put into getting a bigger stake. I'll just keep making posts and see what happens.

Seems like your extra cash has been going to a silver stack instead. Which means you would need extra, extra cash to get where you want to be with STEEM. Extra extra cash or extra cash 2 is harder to come by, and may not be worth the time and effort needed it to acquire it.

Consult your physician if you believe extra cash 2 is right for you.

Okay, you probably don't need to consult your doctor on this one.

You are correct! I would need extra, extra cash. Although, I would probably just upgrade to buying the silver that I've been wanting, but haven't quite reached those levels yet (the 10 ounce bars). So really I would need extra, extra, extra cash. I just need a lot of money to buy all the (literally) shiny things that I want. :D

whew! I'm dizzy over this thread, @themanwithnoname & @glenalbrethsen!
So does that mean that the extra extra extra cash is extra cash 3 or extra cash 2x2? It's so confusing... ;-)

Hey, @bananamemos.

What I'm getting out of all of this is the more extra cash @themanwithnoname has, the more silver he's stacking. :) That said, STEEM is now at $0.78, so maybe the quarters (non-silver, of course) in this couch would be enough for some STEEM.

I was envisioning it as 3xCash, but that's just me. I don't want to be greedy. Although, "extra cash 2x2" sounds good!

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 64294.06
ETH 3427.66
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.59