Crypto Talk - Daily News, Facts & Investment Opportunities (16/10/2017)

📰 Todays Crypto News:

While Bitcoin remains around it´s current value of $5600 we are able to see a general rise in value of many coins, just like Ripple, Ethereum and as well Bitshares, which just recently got delisted from Bittrex. Besides that the most interesting news for me have been the following:

  • Russia Might issue a State CryptoCurrency
    < Source - >
    Apparently Putin made the Decision to issue a cryptoruble, which shall be introduced as an official Russian CryptoCurrency. At least that´s the information that reached the public from a closed-door meeting...

  • Byzantium Hard Fork locked in!
    < Source - >
    The Byzantium Hard Fork got locked in on the Ethereum Network, which brings along major improvements in regards to all different aspects, just like anonymity as well as smart contracts, etc. The Price surged accordingly after the news reached the public.

💰 Todays Investment Opportunity?!

Just like you might have read in many Posts over the last days Steem is at a real low right now and definitely to be considered as an Investment Opportunity at a Price of only $1.02 or 0.00017951 BTC.

So considering the SMT´s going live next year and the regular Spikes up to about $1.50 it could almost be called a save deal already. In case you believe in Steem, then your time has come to throw in some more money and maybe even to buy some for your family, just like @Exyle is doing it.

Please note that everything within this Post only reflects my personal opinion and Investments I did, well knowing the huge risks of the CryptoCurrency Market. It´s definitely not meant as an investment advise, so in case you plan to align your investments on any of the above provided information it´ll be fully on your own risk!

steemit logo.png Steemfact of the Day

One of my favorite statistics is the Daily Votes & Flags Chart from @steemreports (, which nicely shows you the accounts receiving as well as casting the most votes and/or flags at the moment.

I especially like to see, which accounts are flagging the most as they keep Steemit clean from Plagiarism as well as Spam and other stuff we don´t want anyone to be rewarded for. E.g. you might like to vote for Witnesses being active in this aspect to support their work and keep them motivated the longterm.

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Nice report :) Steem is staying at a low for some time already, that's why I am wondering when will it go up?

Well it´s a free market, so we´ll never know whenever it might rise again. But it definitely will do so ;)

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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.12
JST 0.028
BTC 61436.95
ETH 3388.33
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.49