Rizubot Info For Crypto Analysis (bilingual)

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)



Per 1 April 2018 tidak berlaku lagi skema trading Harian di Rizubot. Analisa harian tetap ada oleh Admin dengan dasar pembacaan HIstori Beli + Prediksi dan Histori Jual + Prediksi

Analisa Rizubot mulai sekarang difokuskan pada data terakhir Hostori Beli untuk mengambil posisi jaring dan setelah masuk berfokus pada Histori Jual untuk posisi jual tertinggi dengan potensi prosentase profit yang lebih besar. Keputusan ini diambil berdasar akurasi tabel Histori beli dan jual selama ini.


Tidak ada paksaan untuk join. Jika anda tertarik silahkan join. Jika setelah anda join anda merasa tidak manfaat maka tidak perlu diperpanjang. Tapi asal anda tahu banyak member yang memperpanjang karena melihat akurasi rizubot selama ini.



As of April 1st, 2018 is no longer a Daily trading scheme in Rizubot. Daily analysis persists by Admin on the basis of HIstori reading + Prediction and Selling History + Prediction

The Rizubot analysis from now on focused on Hostori Beli's latest data to retrieve the net position and after signing in focusing on Historical Sell for the highest selling position with a potentially larger percentage of profit. This decision was taken based on the accuracy of the table Buy and sell history so far.


There is no compulsion to join. If you are interested please join. If after you join you feel no benefit then no need to be extended. But as long as you know many members who extend because of the accuracy of rizubot seen so far.


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