Drink escampur yughort(f00d)

in #food6 years ago (edited)


Sufficient agar2, diced
Sufficient jelly
Sufficient fruit, ptg dice (papaya, melon, grape, strawberry)
Adequate young coconut
To taste chia seed / basil, soak the warm water first
Yoghurt Sauce:
1 bottle of yoghurt cimory 250 ml mango flavor
250 ml boiled water
5 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk / to taste
10 tbsp of squash / mango syrup according to taste
To taste ice cubes

QUAH YOGHURT: Prepare the container, mix all yoghurt juice, taste correction. Klo less sweet can be added syrup & skm. Klo sweetness added water. Simple 😅

Solution: put the contents into the container and then pour the yoghurt sauce. Finally add ice cubes.

Note: after I added the ice cubes buanyaakk it was less sweet jd sauce 😂😵 so I added 3 tbsp skm & 5 tbsp mango syrup heheheheee

The contents may apaaaaa ajaaaa at will ... klo I make pke material there is dikulkas aja a

Adjust the taste of yoghurt with syrup yaa 😀


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