How I Cashed Out Steem for the First Time and Nearly Doubled It in 17 Days with Proof

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago (edited)

Steemit’s Crypto Currency Advice writers taught this rookie what to do and it worked!

Like many others here I knew almost nothing about Bitcoin and Crypto Currency at the beginning but I listened and learned. Many authors here write about the Crypto markets and after all this time I started paying attention, in part that I was now able to cash out a little Steem.

Here is my path. I am still learning how to read charts, graphs, paying percentages and everything else one needs to know about trading. Sure is fun learning about it. What the heck are all those different lines on Poloniex charts? I see a lot of posts with screen shots but I have little idea what it all means. I know green is up and red is down. Buy low, sell high; Got it!

After writing countless posts, many earning less than a buck and a few that I put extra effort into that earned me rewards beyond my wildest expectations. I never stopped writing what was on my mind.

I had one goal since the very first day I joined. Never cash out until I have at least 3,000 Steem Power. Not all my posts were 100% power up but many were. The posts that gave me liquid rewards I spent on promotions and contest rewards. I put it all back in the platform one way or another.

Until the day I realized I was getting close to 4,000SP suddenly. I got pretty excited that I could start cashing out. So I decided to save up some liquid Steem and SBD and cash out. I had bookmarked some old Steemit posts to learn how to transfer Steem to Poloniex. I opened an account and bit the bullet. After all BTC was skyrocketing to $1000us+ and growing.

It felt like such a risk just to transfer it. Would I lose it? Did I typo the address? I remembered hearing stories of noob mistakes. I didn’t want to be another after 5 months of hard work blogging.

Low and behold it went through. Everything worked out perfectly as it should.

My Poloniex balance had 177.231 Steem and 10.00 SBD after 2 deposits.

I sold it right away for whatever I could get. I just wanted to own my first BTC.

0.06808552 BTC Total or $63.00US Value.

After all this whole Steem to Crypto currency is an experiment. Next was to start trading and try to make it worth more. Some dumb luck and good bets and it’s nearly doubled. I will give credit to the rising BTC. With that going up and then switching to another crypto as it fell, the luck mentioned it was not planned.

Following some advice I had heard from @craig-grant I bought ETH (Etherum) since it was also rising. I bought low and a few hours later sold high. He more than anything else got me motivated and interested in crypto.

There is no particular post but he is very motivational so I will drop this link. You should watch it.

Profit. It’s small because I’m trading very small amounts, tiny on the grand scale of things. Since it was all a learning experience I was fully prepared to lose everything. It wasn’t going to ruin my life to lose it, it actually wouldn’t change a thing.

I also got greedy and went and made some bad trades so I got out ETH the last time it was up. However I did end up with positive results. I waited 3 days for that sale. I trusted it would go up.

Unlike my faith in Monero which I dumped as soon as I got it for a loss. I dabbled with Monero from an article I read somewhere. Lost, so I stopped with that. Too rich for me at the moment anyways.

I deposited a little more Steem 9.7260 but kept the SBD so I could promote, or tip or host a little contest.

I bought some Steem, 180, the amount I originally cashed out. As long as I have that no matter what I lose I will always have my initial investment. I will add to it too with trade wins. I’m buying Steem based on some advice I picked up here on Steemit as well.

I read a post by someone about LiteCoin going up. I really can’t remember I think it was @matrixdweller but I’m not certain. (If you know the post I’m thinking of please link it in the comments so I can add to this post.) So I figured why not give it a shot. I bought it as it was rising and sonofa’ .. right after I bought it, it started going down. So I actually jacked up the price up to a little above the daily max and went to bed. It didn’t sell for a long time, days but I held strong. It hovered in that area until this morning I woke up and saw my sell was closed.

Woo Hoo. I win.

All in all I'm quite happy and enjoy learnign how to trade and all the different types of crypto currency which was one of the biggest surprises when I delved deeper. When i registered at was the first time I saw so many only to learn there are more on the Poloniex Exchange.

You get one free Dodge coin every time you log in and about 0.03 Steem after you enter a captcha. Free. So after logging in 33 times I have 1.12798236 STEEM

I’m sitting on an ETC sell order since I bought high and it hasn’t been back up since I bought I a few days ago.

So I’m in the green ever so slightly but I feel good.

Today my account value is $103US Almost doubled and growing.

I must say the advice given on Steemit about Crypto Currency is genuine and in the readers best interest.

If you want to see an author that made $2,890 from one post and cashed it out right away way. haha

He made these really cool Steem symbols and no one ever uses them. They were meant for the community to use so give em a try. Don’t worry the designer got paid. I think anyways. Those were the wild west days of Steemit.



Hello @solarguy,

Congratulations! Your post has been chosen by the communities of SteemTrail as one of our top picks today.

Also, as a selection for being a top pick today, you have been awarded a TRAIL token for your participation on our innovative platform...STEEM.
Please visit SteemTrail to get instructions on how to claim your TRAIL token today.

If you wish to learn more about receiving additional TRAIL tokens and SteemTrail, stop by and chat with us.

Happy TRAIL!

Woo Hoo thank you SteemTrail

NEXT POST TITLE: How I cashed out Steem and quartered it in 3 hours.

Just kidding. But I always like to advise people to be VERY cautious when trading crypto. It's not such a big deal with small amounts, but worth keeping in mind.

Good luck!

Absolutely, this was just a test for me to see how the Exchanges function and what to click.
That is solid advice, never bet the house.

Thanks man.

And i will vote for that post but hope its not true. lol

That is a great post.

You used such noob language on purpose like I would lol, this really is nice to see

...good for you man.

it was on purpose by default. lol

and thanks

Thanks. This is one interesting lessons for us minnows but I guess cashing out bit means step back from the dolphin line somewhat.

it does. ><

There's always opportunity cost in life.

Once you have a system down for accurately(51% minimum win rate) trading crypto currencies, it is worth using the margin trading account as it can boost your earnings. It works almost identically to Forex trading that any books or posts you read about it will translate over and help. Just make sure not to over-use the leverage as a drop on your trade is multiplied by the leverage as well and it can cause your account to get wiped out. Stop losses are necessary for it to work right.

I looked into Forex a few years ago so I do know a very tiny bit about that. If my trades keep improving I suppose I need to read a book about all this stuff. haha.
Thanks for reading.

Your post gave me great encouragement and I may do this one day. I give you a vote up and I think I re steem your content.

Thanks man. Someday I will pay back the good karma. ^^

cools thanks. I tweeted it too.

Great post. It's definitely worth watching a few big currencies that are taking a hit and sliding down. If you can try to catch them at their lowest it as they turn around you can make a good profit.

Great post and very informative

thanks. hope it was useful

That's awesome! I'm hoping I can do the same! Here is to the most rewarding social media platform on the web! Thanks for posting! :)

Hang in there. It took me almost 6 months. but i loved almost every minute of it. There was a very a dark week there where my faith wavered. But i bounced back stronger.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63834.78
ETH 2627.38
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.78